

everyday when maliah went home after school hours, she would always see a man who seemed to be stalking her and say nothing while following her til she reaches the doorstep of her house, until one day she had enough and decided to confront him, little did she know that what she sees in him is more than what meet the eye......... @alishawalker2022

AlishaWalker2022 · Fantasía
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25 Chs

His realm

It was now evening when Maliah's parents came back home, they quickly went to Maliah's room to check on her as soon as they saw the news about what happened at the park, thankfully,they found her asleep on her bed.

they both let out a deep breath as they saw there daughter safe and sound.

"an so glad that she's safe love, after what I saw in the news about the incident at the park I was just...."

"she's fine wife why are you worried.. she's sleeping peacefully isn't she?"

" yes, thank God"

Maliah's mom went to her and kiss her forehead. then her dad told her mom

" let's go.. she need to rest"

" ok"

the two of them left as they closed the door behind them. Maliah opened her eyes as soon as they shut the door, her face was red as tears fell under her eyes .... she knew she wouldn't be able to let anything bad happen to her parents, and in order for this to happen, she had to believe Troy's words and that's what she did. she chose to believe him.... to believe each word he said to her and now she was willing to help him.... Maliah stood up and looked at the closed door as tears fell underneath her eyes, Troy went to her and told her

"I promise you Maliah, we'll save your world and your parents as well and bring you back here safe and sound. back to your realm."

Troy told her as he looked at her. then Maliah nodded her head and looked at him. "am ready.... "

a little while ago.....

"what should I do to save the realms?"

Maliah asked Troy as soon as she agreed to help him. troy looked at her and told her

"you must come with me to my realm"

"What! are you out of your mind? am supposed to save my realm so how can I go to your realm?"

"because all the answers lies in my realm Maliah.... we can't do anything here... the root source of all these problems is in Cazelle, in my realm, we need to destroy him there before he comes to your world"

"..... FFINE!!!!! so how are we gonna get there, I can take you there, we can even go now if you want"

" No, I need to see my parents one last time before I leave, God knows how they'll react once they see am gone"

" Don't worry, my time there is a lot slower than your time here in your realm, if we don't take long enough, they wont even notice"

" still... I need to see them one last time"

" Alright, as you wish"....

Maliah held his hand, upon holding her hand, Maliah started feeling as if the ground was moving backwards, at first, it started with a low speed and then it started moving faster,she wanted to open her eyes when Troy told her

"Don't open your eyes no matter what Maliah,shut them as tight as you can"

then Maliah did as she was told,she shut her eyes as she felt the ground moving backwards and suddenly she could feel she's floating in air... then... she started to hear weird eerie sounds, they were sounds of Crows, wolves and ghastly screams which scared Maliah, she wanted to open her eyes when Troy pulled her close to his chest and told her

"Don't worry, am here, don't open your eyes, that's all you need to do and we'll be there shortly."

the atmosphere around them was cold as well, it was cold and had a ghastly breeze which sent shivers into her spine..... but when Troy pulled her close to him, she felt warm and safe,,, and this made her trust him and hold on tight to him through out their journey to Troy's realm. Maliah heard the screams loud and clear through out there journey and the more they move closer, the louder it gets , and then suddenly..... it was silent, Maliah felt grass upon her feet and smooth warm breeze around her body.

"you can let go now Maliah"

Maliah opened her eyes and looked around her, Infront of her, large, very large mountains and tall ones were there surrounded with large ,tall, beautiful green trees. the light strike from the green leaves and brighten up the whole forest. beautiful birds flew over them, Maliah smiled and said

"I thought your world was destroyed"

"this is one of the places which were left untouched by the warlock....."


"this place is protected by the mother nature herself.... he can't get through here... "

" I see, but this place is amazing"

" I know.... come on"

Maliah looked at him closely as he was moving forward to lead.....

she never noticed his beautiful manly features til now ..... now she was here in his realm, she could see how different he looked from the other men in her realm.... by one look at him, one could notice that his different, his too different.... Troy had a beautiful well build body which had a well build X on his back. his hairs were now longer, they now reached just below his shoulders and were darker and shiner, his skin was light coloured brown which went great with the colour of his eyes, a pointy nose and rose coloured lips, and wait a minute


troy turned and looked at her

"I thought your eyes were dark coloured now..."

"my eyes are naturally emerald in colour..... they tend to change whenever I cross the boarder"

" ah, I see"

Troy smiled at her and told her

" Don't stare so much, you might end up falling for me"

" What! "

" is it not possible? "

" never! "

troy smiled at her again and told her

" Never say never"

Troy turned and moved forward, Maliah followed back and told him

" I'll never fall for you"

" we'll see about that"

he said softly that Maliah didn't hear what he said.... then he just smiled. they walked for an hour an Maliah kept on asking him questions about his realm and he answered her truthfully til Maliah got tired....

" by the way... where are we going? "

" we're going to Cazelle "

" so are we there yet? "

" not even close"

" what!! "

" no, I can't walk any longer am tired"

" well if that is the case then, let's transform"

" transform?! meaning? "

" let's transform"

" you are the shape shifter not me"

" you are a light fae, what I possess you can do more than that Maliah.... just believe in yourself"

" am tired of all of this believing in something... troy, I don't think I can do that now..... please... you can do it but I won't... I mean... am not even sure if am capable of such power"

" you'll need to transform Maliah, sooner or later, you'll have no choice but to do it... but for now..... I'll do the honors"

Troy shut his eyes and then he started to shape shift, he straighten his arm and raise his head above, a strong wind surrounded him and when the wind disappeared,he changed into a large eagle. Maliah was shocked and amused by what happened..... and then she went to it and touch it silvered colour feathers and she smiled.... she looked at it in the eye, the eagle also looked at her, then it slowly kneel down, Maliah understood, she held on to him and climbed him. the eagle stood and flapped his wings.... then flew to the air heading to Cazelle.

the realm of Troy was different from my own realm, it had green beautiful lands and tall larger mountains than everest, the animals were larger and brighter than of my realm, deers having dark and orange stripes, lions with wings, birds with long legs and large beaks, and even the clouded were different, they were brighter and more soft, one could see 5 moons here in this realm with different colours not just white like in my realm, 3 were in the East, purple, red and green. one in the west, green coloured and the other in the north east, light blue in colour with the rings on it just like Saturn, the stars were like diamonds in the night as they bright up the dark sky in the night, some formed the shape of the warm hole which wasn't, almost like a dream, I thought I saw the city of New York in Troy's realm, when I only came to realize that we arrived in Cazelle