

everyday when maliah went home after school hours, she would always see a man who seemed to be stalking her and say nothing while following her til she reaches the doorstep of her house, until one day she had enough and decided to confront him, little did she know that what she sees in him is more than what meet the eye......... @alishawalker2022

AlishaWalker2022 · Fantasía
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25 Chs

ground level

beneath the crust was hard to dig... digging the crust was like digging a hard metal, no crust have they ever dug that seemed to be easier than the other. maybe this was because this was another realm, maybe it was because this realm was different from earth, maybe that's why even the crust here is different from the one on planet earth..... but with their long clause and flexible body, they were able to dig the ground and move further below the ground....

they dug 5 miles for the past 4 hours and they were getting closer to the ocean, the inside of the crust was dark and they never crossed any hole or a hidden tunnel, only hard rock metal was Infront of them and they successfully dug it through... but for four hours....

"Troy... tired..... please... stop"

"no male..... the ground..... deep.. long way..... keep moving"

"4 hours"

"keep... strong"

they communicated through their minds, and so as tired as they were, they kept moving forward..... the insides was getting hot now, the temperature was rising, and Maliah started feeling the heat

"Troy... too hot"

"3 miles to go... be strong"

Maliah was really getting tired now, she couldn't move on any longer as she felt the heat piercing through her fur and heating her bare skin.

2 miles....

Maliah stopped, she stopped in the middle of no where and said

" Can't move"

" mali... "

" Troy. please.... let's rest.... 10 minutes at least"

troy went closer to maliah, he cuddle her and the two of them rested for the next half an hour.....

inside.... was dark, the heat was strong, they felt like as if they were inside a hot oven and they were the cooked meat... but they exchanged breathes to one another and this reduced the heat which made them at least rest for the next half an hour... then... Troy awoke

" Danger!!!!!!! approaching "

" What?! "

" Dig... now!!!! "

the two of them started digging the ground, with their long ears which were very sensitive to sudden changes in the atmosphere, they felt the danger and Maliah saw it in her naked mind....

a large creature, worm like creature, it was long, sharp teeth, skin as strong as a metal shield, with 4 eyes....and dug the ground as if it was digging a the waves of the ocean.....

Maliah got shocked, she looked at Troy

"keep moving..... approaching... us.... faster"

Maliah dug the ground as fast as she ever did..... now she was in fear, now she felt her heart beating exactly as it beat when they were at the tournament, the fear of danger approaching them killed her and made her nervous, she looked at troy and hoped nothing would harm him as he was the only one she knew in this realm, the only one capable to take her back to her home, to her mom and dad.. to her boarding life... she wanted him to stay alive... but this mission makes it hard for her to believe that they'll make it to the end.... she saw how determinant Troy was and this encouraged her to move forward... she looked to the front and dug the ground..... the large monster was approaching them

"faster..... quarter left"

the two of them dug faster and head forward, their strong sensitive ears sensed the monster as if it was just behind them... and Troy hard the waves on the other side hitting the wall of the hardened crust

"Maliah.... can't transform... sea animal... help"


the monster was nearer, the ocean was on the other side, and Troy wasn't able to transform into a sea animal......

"GOD!!!!!!!!!! "

she yelled inside, and then she had to figure it out

"can... I..... turn..."

"Yes... light fae.... you are"

" oh god"

" hurry"

then... the two of them dug the final layer and the two of them entered the deep oceans of the under world