

everyday when maliah went home after school hours, she would always see a man who seemed to be stalking her and say nothing while following her til she reaches the doorstep of her house, until one day she had enough and decided to confront him, little did she know that what she sees in him is more than what meet the eye......... @alishawalker2022

AlishaWalker2022 · Fantasía
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25 Chs

Getting out

Troy turned and looked to whom it was that called his name with that same voice, and when he turned, he couldn't believe who appeared right Infront of his eyes....


Troy was astonished to what he was seeing right Infront of his eyes, his past that he was trying so hard to get over it, the love that he kept and held on for hundreds of years is now sitting beside him, with the same cloth that she wore on that terrible day. Eira smiled at him and called out


upon hearing her calling that, he knew what these all were..... Illusions. illusions that would make someone looses their minds or do something which he never wanted to do through out his life. then he ask her

"Who are you?"

"Am Maliah"

Maliah? how could she be Maliah when she's wearing Eira's cloth, Eira's hair cut and even wearing her beautiful calm smile. Troy lost all strength and ended up landing his chick on the wall and leaned on it as he stared at her.


Maliah nodded. Troy smiled and asked her

"Then why, why in this form?"

"ain't I the one whom you longed to see for a very long time?"

Troy nodded. Maliah smiled and said

"Are you looking for me?"

Troy nodded

"then why can't I feel you coming?

you are probably still mad at me for what happened"

she said this as her face saddened, Troy went to her and told her

"No am not, am not mad at you Maliah I promise, am mad at myself, this is the third time that I lost you, if you disappear again this time as well then I'll lose my mind, I can't lose you again"

"and even if you lose me, you'll find me, because those things which tend to be lost can be found. but those which are gone. those who are gone, they are lost, lost forever."

Troy tears fell when she said that, because even though this illusion Infront of him told him that she's Maliah, she still looked like Eira, his Eira. and what she said right now killed him, it torn him apart realizing that Eira was gone, not lost, and that she could never be found

"but Troy, you're still blaming yourself for what happened, it was never your fault, everything happens for a reason, am not gone, nor is Eira, we are always with you, and that's why we keep on coming back to you.... "

" Troy!!!!!!! "

Troy heard Maliah calling out for him

he stood and said

" Maliah ..... "

he looked at the place where the illusion was sitting but she was gone. he looked and said

"I will find you"


he heard her again. then he also called out to her


Maliah heard him.



"Troy am here!!!!!"

Troy heard her when she said that

"Where are you?!"

based on how they could hear each other, Maliah guessed

"Am here!!! I think on the other side of the wall"

Troy went to the wall and called

" Mal... "

Maliah heard that. she went to the wa and called out

" Troy"

Troy smiled as he felt relief that she was safe, now they need to find each other, they need to meet up so they can be together again.

" we need to find away to meet each other without getting far from one another. "

"let's follow our tunnels and meet at the end"

" okay"

then, they started following the tunnels, after every 5 minutes, Troy would call out

" Maliah, are you there?"

"Yes, am still here"


then, they kept on moving forward.

it felt like they were moving forever as the tunnels didn't have an end.

"Troy I don't think these tunnels have an end"

"Don't lose hope we'll find each other soon, okay?"

".... okay"

Troy smiled and they kept on moving.

then suddenly, right Infront of him, was a one large black crook standin on Troy's way and staring at him. Troy stopped and looked at it.


"Maliah, crook, right Infront of me, there's a..."

the crook roared and started attacking him. when she heard the roar, Maliah panicked


then she turned to a cheater and started running towards the endless tunnels which she quietly hoped that she'll meet the end soon to help Troy.

Troy on the other hand, was fighting it. fighting it alone as the large thing was right Infront of him.

he pulled out his swords from his back and started fighting it. he attacked it on the front as the crook threw his clores at him. Troy was able to stop them from attacking him by using his swords as shield. then, the crook moved back and attack him again. Troy tried to fight it, every blow he threw the crook would throw another hit which would block Troy's blows.

he fought it, he threw everything that he got, but that thing was to strong for him, he quietly said to himself

"Maliah I hope your fine"

and then, he continued fighting the crook.

Maliah was running, she ran as fast as she could but the tunnels were endless, her tears started falling as she knew now that she could never find him, she could never reach in time to help him fight the crook. she wondered if she could transform to something else and dog that ground but just by the hardness she felt below her feet, she knew that the ground was hard like metal.

"Troy, please be alright, please"

Maliah kept on running, then, at the end, she met up with two tunnels, without thinking twice, she ran in the left one and left the right one.

Troy was getting tired now, the crook was still attacking him and he used the little energy he has to fight it, then, his swords were thrown away by the crook and Troy fell down. he was panting, he didn't have the strength to get up, and when he was in his mind, he heard the crook roar as the crook was coming to him to attack him and finally end him.