

everyday when maliah went home after school hours, she would always see a man who seemed to be stalking her and say nothing while following her til she reaches the doorstep of her house, until one day she had enough and decided to confront him, little did she know that what she sees in him is more than what meet the eye......... @alishawalker2022

AlishaWalker2022 · Fantasía
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25 Chs

Feeling of love

blood spread everywhere after the final blow, fleshes were thrown apart and Troy's face was drenched in blood.

Troy was puzzled to what happened, one second the crook was aiming at him, the next, blood and flesh were thrown in air as the crook roared in pain, fell and died. to whom was Infront of him, he was shocked. what appeared Infront of him was a large black puma who teared the crook apart with it's mouth and claws, he slowly sat down while starring at the puma,he knew.how.dangerous they were,the puma raised and looked at Troy. Troy stared at it,then,it started going towards him,when it did,Troy took out his swords and aimed them towards the puma.when the puma saw that, it stopped moving and looked,then it shut its eyes and transform.back to it's original form, when he saw who the puma was, he went to her and called out


Maliah ran to him and hug him. Troy catched her and held her tight into his arms.


Maliah held him close as well, years fell beneath her eyes as she asked

"Are you alright?"

Troy nodded his head as he hugged her tightly.

"Yeah, am alright, Maliah am sorry..."

"shhhh it's okay, I already forgiven you since the time I realized that these tunnel's are playing tricks with us"

Troy smiled and held her close,

"Do you have some water?"

"No why?"

"My mouth tastes like blood, and I kinda don't like it as it feels gross"

Troy let go of her and told her

" I don't have any water with me, I thought since there's no rule of eating or drinking in my realm I thought that it wasn't important to carry water. "

" oh... ok it's fine"

Maliah smiled at him, but Troy could still feel the disgust that she feels, she's new to this things, never once in her life did it ever come in her mind that one day she'd have to bite and rip apart an unknown creature just to save someone else's life, and now that she did, the scent, taste and even the feel of the slimy thing in her mouth felt..... Yuck.

Maliah spit some saliva, Troy could see the red stuff in there.

"Can I.... do something that can clean your mouth?"

"Like what?"

Troy took a deep breath as he didn't know exactly what to say to her. then, he went close to her and attach his lips to her and started sucking her tongue.

Maliah was shocked when Troy's lips touched hers, and when his tongue intertwined with hers, she was dumbstruck, she felt her knees weaken and she felt weak in the legs, and when Troy held her face and waist and started moving inside her mouth, that's when she almost fell due to the weakening of her legs, but Troy held her in balance, then, he started cleaning her up, first, he started sucking her tongue, now that his tongue was inside her, he felt it as well, the blood, the scent of it and the slimy taste of it. and so he started by cleaning her tongue with his own, he intertwined their tongues and started sucking it, Maliah didn't know what to do, she just stood still, her eyes opened looking at Troy who's eyes were shut.

Troy strengthen the hold of the tight around her and pulled her close as his other hand held her head in position, Maliah felt her tongue being sucked, and it felt....

ravishing, it felt good, she actually never kissed anyone before and so technically, this is her first kiss. Troy sucked her tongue with his own til he felt all the slimy stuff in her tongue gone, and then, he started moving somewhere else, her inner cheeks. Troy moved his tongue and licked her inner cheeks, this was the limit, that tingling feeling she felt in her stomach was blown away and it struck her to her body, that when she started responding back to his kisses. she didn't know how to kiss but today, today she'll kiss him, out of passion, and out of love.

Troy felt her, she felt her tongue responding back to him, he was shocked actually because at first, all he wanted was to clean her up with his mouth since he had no water for her to rinse her mouth. but now, he too felt it, he felt that long forgotten feeling, that tingling feeling that someone gets when he was kissing someone. that feeling which made the knees weak and the legs wobbly, that feeling which would make someone's heart beat first....

the feeling of love.

but Troy didn't stop, he didn't stop, he was gonna finish what he started, then, he moved his tongue to her cheek and licked it through.

then, Maliah's tongue pulled his back to her and now they started sucking each other's tongue, filled with passion and possibly.....


Troy responded back to her and their tongue intertwined one another, then, he let go of her tongue and started sucking her lips one by one, Maliah now held his face close to him as he was sucking her, his arm around her waist held her close to him for support and balance. then, Maliah pulled his tongue back and enroll with it, she started doing the same, she started sucking him, worshipping their kiss, and what Troy felt, was love, pure love for him coming from Maliah. and this, this frightened him, he slowly removed his lips from her even though Maliah wanted more.

he looked at her in her eyes as they both were trying to catch their breaths, then, he asked her

"Is.... blood still in..... your mouth?"

Maliah shook her head and said

"... No"

Troy slowly smiled and said


then, he held their foreheads together,

" Am sorry"

" what for? "

" I... did that without your permission "

Maliah smiled as she was catching her breath and answered him

" It's okay"

Troy's arm was still around her waist. his other on her cheek as their foreheads touched.