

everyday when maliah went home after school hours, she would always see a man who seemed to be stalking her and say nothing while following her til she reaches the doorstep of her house, until one day she had enough and decided to confront him, little did she know that what she sees in him is more than what meet the eye......... @alishawalker2022

AlishaWalker2022 · Fantasía
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25 Chs


the sun rises in Cazelle, early as it could ever be, two birds were seen in the sky, one silvered coloured, the other white coloured. it was no doubt that it was Troy and Maliah. the two flew together in harmony heading to Evermoor. Troy looked at Maliah in amusement and asked himself "How could she fly like that when it's her first time?" he smiled with in and looked front, he speed up his pace and flew ahead, Maliah looked at him and speed up as well. after a few hours, they landed outside the gates and transformed back

"We're here."

the two of them entered inside. they were amused by what met their eyes, the city of Evermoor was blessed with laughter and joy, the people here were so enjoying their lives

wow" Maliah said

Troy smiled and held her hand and moved in and mixed with the crowd. at the Evermoor city, everyone seems to be busy with something, some were busy selling while others buying, children ran all over the place while others created entertainment for the people passing by, Maliah was fully entertained by all these things happening that she didn't concentrate on finding the red stone, rather she started looking around the city

"Maliah, hope you remember why we're here in the first place, we have to look for the red stone,"

"ND how do we find it in a city as big as this?"

"Truthfully I got no idea on how were planning to find that thing but all I pray is that we find it as soon as we can because our lives depend on it."

"By the way, you never told me what those stones are all about you know"

"there are 5 stones which control the lives of this realm, the red stones, blue stone ,yellow stone, green stone and the white stone. each of the stones has there own special work, the red stone represents fire, white wind, green nature, blue water and yellow the light of this realm. without the five stones, life will slowly fade away and darkness will take over, the darkness already took over Cazelle and is slowly spreading, if we won't make it in time, the next place to be swallowed by the darkness, is this city Maliah, once the darkness takes over this place, all the joy, happiness, and brightness of this place will be swallowed and only evil shall rule, that's why Maliah we have to find those five stones as quickly as possible so that we can save my realm and other realms as well."

Maliah now understood what's going on, she looked around and saw the brightness of this place, she couldn't imagine this place turning into darkness like Cazelle, no, we have to find the stones, to protect the beauty of this place, as well as the beauty of other places like this, like her home.

then, the two of them started wondering around looking for the red stone

"by the way, how does the red stone look like?"

"the red stone is in a hexagon shaped with red shimmering colour"

" that's gonna be hard finding it, have you seen how many jewelries containing red hexagon shaped gems are in this place? "

" yeah I know but trust me Maliah, the moment you get a glimpse of that stone, you'll know that that is the one"

" alright "

and so the two of them started looking for the red stone, they searched in the jewelry shops, looked at the jewelries the people wore and decorations of different ornaments but they still couldn't find it, to them, it felt like they were walking for hours looking for the red stone with no hope, they couldn't ask anyone because they didn't trust anyone, so all they had to do, was to keep their eyes open for the red stone

and just when they were about to lose hope, Troy saw a poster

"Maliah come!!"

Maliah went to him and saw the poster,

"it's a trophy"

"yes, and do you see what's in the middle of it, it's...."

"the red stone!!"


"a poster of a trophy, it must mean something"

"it does, there's a competition in Evermoor in which one gets this trophy when they win."

"we need to apply for the competition"

"no Malia, we have no time for silly things..."

"then do you want to steal it?"

"we're not stealing anything, we just take the red stone and leave"

"and how exactly are we gonna get the stone troy if not steal the trophy?"

Maliah looked at him as he looked at her, he knew she was right, there's only one way of getting the stone without causing a commotion in this calm city, winning the trophy

"Fine! let's win this silly game and move on"

"yes!!! that's a good boy"


"don't give me that face, come on, let's read"

Troy started reading the poster

"Compete in the games of Evermoor and win the priceless trophy with a bounty, all you gotta do is sign in, get an ID and get ready for the game"

" Come on, let's sign up"

" And where do we sign up? "

" here sir"

a girl with pointy ears, skin light red with dark red lips with a face which looked like a female wolf and eyes purple in colour said to Troy. she had long maroon shiny wavy hair falling to her back and a bright smile, though she had the face of a wolf, she was beautiful, a breathtaking creature.

the two of them went to the girl, she looked at troy and smiled

"am nix, sign up here and get your ID"


Troy bent and wrote his name as well as Maliah's name on the piece of paper

"Troy, a beautiful name you have there"

troy looked at nix and said nothing.

Maliah already knew what nix was all about, she rolled her eyes and looked at them

"You ain't a talkative one ain't you Troy? I like sexy men who don't like to talk like you... maybe we should meet up tonight and get to know each other..... what do you say Troy?"

Troy smiled as he continued signing up, then he stood

"I'll.... "

" He's taken for tonight, sorry nix"

Maliah blurted out which left Troy surprised

"Oh darn... I was gonna show you the beauty of Evermoor tonight but I guess that can't be done since you're taken.... here's your IDs"

Troy took the IDs

" thanks"

" Welcome, just go to that large building and finish up to sign and you'll be in "

she smiled at him. Maliah couldn't take this anymore and so she pulled Troy's hand and walked away towards the building away from nix. nix giggled as she looked at them

"I thought you said no fooling around"

"I wasn't Maliah"

" You were gonna say I'll think about it!"

" No, I was gonna say that I'll be busy tonight preparing for the game so I won't have time to see you tonight"

Maliah stopped walking and looked at Troy. Troy looked at her with a mischievous smile that Maliah's cheeks turned red with embarrassment.

" What's wrong?"

" Nothing"

Maliah turned and walked as Troy chuckled and follow her behind

" I told you, you might fall for me if you ain't too careful"

" in your dreams..... sexy man"

" oh my god that's pure jealousy"

" am not jealous"

" Yes you are"

" Am not!! "

" you're cheeks are red"

" What!!!! no they are not!!!! Akh, let's just go!! "

Maliah fastened her pace, Troy chuckled as he saw Maliah's cute reactions and then followed up heading to the large building

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love you all😘🥀💖