

everyday when maliah went home after school hours, she would always see a man who seemed to be stalking her and say nothing while following her til she reaches the doorstep of her house, until one day she had enough and decided to confront him, little did she know that what she sees in him is more than what meet the eye......... @alishawalker2022

AlishaWalker2022 · Fantasía
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25 Chs


Maliah came out of the bathroom when she saw Troy just finishing wearing his purple with one black stripe leather vest, Maliah swallowed a mouth full and called out

"Am done"

Troy turned and looked at her. Maliah wore a black leather jeans with a purple leather vest with one black stripe sorrounding the part of her neck.

even Troy swallowed a mouth full

"why did she have to look so gorgeous?"

he wondered when he took a glimpse of her pumped chest.

"well... how do I look?"

Troy smiled and said


Maliah smiled and said

"thanks.... we're wearing the same outfit, this must be the colour of our team, purple."

"yeah it must be, and I love it"

Maliah chuckled when she saw how Troy was looking at his exposed biceps. then she went to the sofa and sat there as she took her long black boots and wore them.

then she stood.

"I like this outfit"

"yeah, I like your outfit too"

Maliah looked at him as quickly looked away from her to avoid her glare, then he chuckled.

"Now where are my long black boots as well?"

Maliah shook her head and rolled her eyes as Troy sat down and started wearing his boots. he wore his boots while picking at Maliah, then he smiled. after all of that.... Maliah said

"I hope these games will be over as soon as possible, so we can get the other stones as well."

"well .... if we had stolen the trophy....."

"we are not stealing anything Troy ok?"

"just a suggestion"

Maliah rolled her eyes...

in the evening,, they went to the dining hall, and god the hall were huge, it consisted of thousands of people and only about a few tens of them were wearing the same outfit as Troy and Maliah but their colours were different. Troy and Maliah went to the dining table and sat

"this place is huge"

"I know but you don't have to stare at everything like that, you're literally embarrassing me"

Maliah slapped his arm and looked away.

then the food were served. Maliah hasn't eaten anything for the entire day but still, she wasn't hungry

"you know, I haven't eaten anything since morning but am not hungry"

"That's the one thing special about my world, we don't feel hungry in my world nor thirst, this food is only served for pleasure but it's not a necessary thing to do."

"that's awesome, if my world was like yours then there would be no problem what so ever of hunger nor thirst, that would just minimize half of the world's biggest problem"

Troy add food on Maliah's plate as well as his... what was Infront of her eyes was a type of food she never saw before... it looked like green tentacles with green soup....

"what am I eating Troy?"

"pentus.... a pentus tentacles"

"And what exactly is a pentus"

"One of the monsters in my realm that my people eat. it's not that bad try it"

Troy cut a piece and ate.

when Maliah wanted to do the same thing she just couldn't... this tentacle was huge and green..... yak!!!!

" I think I'll pass in this one "

" suit yourself "

Troy kept on eating as well as the others. Maliah on the other hand just sat there and did nothing. next to Maliah, was a good looking young man, his dark hairs dropped to his shoulders, his amber eyes covered with long dark lashes, he had a straight point nose, his lips were thin and pinkish with a marvelous body...

"hey, why ain't you having anything?"

the man asked, Maliah turned and told him

"oh.... I just don't feel like eating that's all"

"are you sure, or is this just isn't your type of food?"

"no no, I just don't feel like having anything"

"ok if you say so, by the way, am Zamil"

" Nice meeting you zamil, am Maliah"

" Nice meeting you too Maliah"

Maliah smiled.

" why are you here, I mean why are you competing in this tournaments? I mean am competing because am in need of the bounty to change e my life, I want to leave Evermoor and travel somewhere else, I think I'd rather be travelling than be trapped in Evermoor...

and so how about you? why are you here? "

" Am... "

" Maliah..... "

Troy called with a bright smile on her face, Maliah turned and looked at him, she saw his bright beautiful smile, and immediately got enchanted by his smile.

"I think that's enough"

he said that and looked at Zamil.

zamil smiled at him and said

"I didn't mean to talk to your lover like this..... I hope you don't mind"

Maliah got shocked upon hearing that...

" Lover?! no no no, you're mistaken he's ... "

" I don't mind you talking to her but please, she's my teammate, and since you're wearing a red and not purple that mean your our competitor, her telling you the reason why we're here it'll be a the same as telling you the reason why we're here, which is supposed to be our privacy... I hope you understand"

" I do understand..... am...... "

" Troy"

"Right, Troy, sorry for disturbing you and your teammate"

zamil looked at Maliah with a smile on his face, Maliah felt ark ward about the situation and so, Zamil turned away and continued eating, when Maliah looked at Troy, he also turned and continued having his meal.

Maliah couldn't believe what just happened.

then, the receptionist and nix stood in the front and announced

" Good evening competitors!! "

they all turned, and bow their heads to the two women as greeting them back, Maliah also did the same after seeing what everyone were doing, then they raised their heads.

the two girls continued

" Hope you're all enjoying your stay at our building, so far, everything went smoothly, thank God for that."

the receptionist said with a smile on her face then nix said in turn

" so here's the announcement for tomorrow's game... "

everyone went quiet and listened.

" The game is known as reciprocity"

all looked t each other as they didn't know what this game meant. then they listened.....

"This game will be played as follows: first, this game will be played in pairs. and I think that won't be a problem since each one of you has a partner. one will have to get the ball from the sleeping Cerberus and throw it to the his or her partner."

All were shocked upon hearing the name Cerberus.

"you'll have to pass each other the ball without the ball falling down and I guess this game involves quick reflexes."

the receptionist continued where nix left off

" But remember, the two pairs must be at least 5 meters apart to throw the ball to each other, the back player will throw the ball to the front player and run Infront of the player with the ball so he or she can be the front one, you'll play like this til you cross the finish line, the first one to finish will be the winner of the first game, the losers will be disqualified."

Maliah looked at Troy with fear filled in her eyes, Troy felt her, he held her hand and smiled. this made her feel at ease a little. then nix continued

" but remember about the Cerberus, I think we all agree that it best if it remains asleep because I don't think it'll be pleased if someone takes away his toy from him. "

" Right, and if the beast wakes up and catch the ball from your tem then you'll be disqualified. the only way to win this game is to reach the finish line in time before times up."

" the game will begin at 9:00,don't be late because if the game begins without you then you'll be disqualified for this game and play the next game instead. so don't be late guys"

" alright then, good night everyone and good luck!!!! "

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