

everyday when maliah went home after school hours, she would always see a man who seemed to be stalking her and say nothing while following her til she reaches the doorstep of her house, until one day she had enough and decided to confront him, little did she know that what she sees in him is more than what meet the eye......... @alishawalker2022

AlishaWalker2022 · Fantasía
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25 Chs


Maliah ran towards the Troy as Troy has the ball, the beast already destroyed few of the players and now only six teams remained out of ten. Everyone went quiet as they saw the brutal attack of the beast,though it was chained, it could ran all over the stadium, and killed anyone who might come to it's way.

Troy through the ball to Maliah and ran as fast as he could 5 meters Infront of her,as she stood still as per the rules of the game.

she was shaking as she sàw the beast noticing the purple ball being thrown in the air. then, six eyes stared at Maliah

"Troy, hurry up!"

she yelled as the beast was now coming close to her. Troy looked at the beast and saw how it was approaching Maliah

"No, I can't lose you again Mal....not because of me again"

he thought as he looked at Maliah.


Troy fasten up, but before he could reach the 5 meters, Maliah threw the ball and the beast ran towards her... Troy catched the ball 5 meters after Maliah. and when he looked back, he saw the beast heading towards Maliah

"Maliah run!!!!"

Maliah snapped out of it and started running, she ran towards the finish line as there were only 10 meters left from where she was standing to the finishing line.

Zamil saw the beast as it was chasing Maliah. his partner had the ball and so, he ran towards Maliah

"Zamil where are you going?!"

Zamil didn't care and just ran towards Maliah. then when he reached between Maliah and the beast, he ran between them and went to. different direction which lured the 3 headed beast to chase Zamil instead of Maliah.

Maliah ran towards the finishing line without looking back and she succeeded, Troy threw the ball to her and she catched it, he too ran to the finishing line and won. Maliah looked at the beast as it was chasing the other 4 teams including Zamil

"He saved me"

Maliah looked at Troy and told him

"He saved me Troy and now he's the one in trouble.... please go help him out. we've already won this please, their lives are in danger save them Troy. "

Troy entered the field again without looking back and headed towards the three headed beast, Maliah watched him as he pulled out his silver arrows from his back coming out of nowhere and a bow in his hand..... then he took one arrow and aimed at the beast.

" Troy weapons are not allowed, you'll be disqualified if you use your weapons!! "

Nix yelled at Troy. Troy heard what she said and his weapons vanished in his arms

" Darn it!! "

he cursed to himself. then he had only one plan in mind, to do what Zamil did for Maliah. he went Infront if the beast

" Chase me!!! "

then the three headed beast turned his gaze to Troy and started chasing him instead. the 3 teams left the field and quickly ran to the finishing line leaving Troy alone in the field being chased by the beast.

Maliah was now panicking, she went to nix and told her

"stop that beast now nix"

"Am sorry but that thing is out of control! all we can do now is only pray for Troy's safety"

" F"" k!!! "

she cursed and looked at Troy

" Troy.... am the one who sent you there..... I... I need to help you but how?"

troy transformed into a cheater and ran through the stadium while the huge beast was throwing his sharp claws to him....

Maliah's tears were now falling and she felt her body cold...

" Troy..... "

she called out.

then, the beast hit him with his claw and Troy fell to the ground transforming back to normal... then the beast roared and went closer to him with the intentions of stepping on him.

when the beast was about to step on him, Maliah yelled.


everyone were shocked upon hearing that yell..... especially with what followed after the yell..... the beast stopped in mid air, even Troy was. shocked to what just happened.....

" did that beast just stop by a single yell from Maliah?"

everyone thought. but before Maliah herself could figure out what just happened, she quickly ran to Troy and started checking his body

"Are you hurt, broken anywhere? are you ok Troy ? am sorry this is all my fault I shouldn't have suggested us to take part in this stupid games... am sorry Troy..... please forgive me"

Maliah cried as she faced down kneeling before Troy with her palms hiding her face. Troy didn't k ow what you say especially with the beast just standing there looking at them without doing anything.

"Ma... Maliah... this....."

"Troy I know I made a mistake..."

"Maliah the beast....!"


she quickly turned and looked at the beast.

the beast slowly sat and put its' heads on the ground as if bowing to Maliah.

"What's happening? Troy....."

"I think the beast is..... responding to your commands Maliah"

"What?! this... this..."

"you're the light fae Maliah, and I think the beast recognize you now, that's why it's responding to your command."

Maliah looked at the beast as it lay it's head on the ground. Maliah couldn't believe it. he looked around and saw how the people were looking at her in amusement. then she said

"G..go back to your chambers"

the beast roared,, then it stood and went back to it's chambers and slept. the audiences cheered for Maliah as they couldn't believe what just happened.

Nix looked at Maliah and Troy... then she quickly left the stadium and went back to the main building

Maliah saw her leaving, she turned and told him

"let's go"

the two of them left the stadium and followed nix. nix quickly walked through the streets as

Maliah and Troy followed her behind... then, she didn't go to the main building, rather she entered in a small cottage which was away from the streets of Evermoor, Maliah saw that, and the two of them went to the cottage and entered inside as well