

everyday when maliah went home after school hours, she would always see a man who seemed to be stalking her and say nothing while following her til she reaches the doorstep of her house, until one day she had enough and decided to confront him, little did she know that what she sees in him is more than what meet the eye......... @alishawalker2022

AlishaWalker2022 · Fantasía
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25 Chs


it was 10pm when everyone went back to their respective rooms. Maliah sat on her bed and was lost in her thoughts. Troy noticed that she was scared and terrified, she went to her and kneel before her,

"Maliah... don't be scared, I promised that I'd protect you so I won't let any harm come to you ok?"

"Cerberus, it's a three headed dog, killer one as well, how can they allow a dangerous thing like a Cerberus take part in this fun games, this is not just a fun game this isa suicide mission.what if one of us gets hurt because of this game? "

though she talked in fear, her voice was low but her heart was pounding..... she started shaking,

Maliah never met a Cerberus, but the myths she had about it, she knew it was dangerous, and tomorrow, she's gonna play a game in which it'll be part of.... she Shaked in fear.

troy held her arms and told her

"Maliah, I don't think they are that careless to let the contestants play around with an untrained Cerberus, am sure it must be under control of the owners of this game..... please don't worry so much okay?"

"but the Cerberus is a beast!!! how can it be controlled by just mere creatures?"

"Some of the creatures in my realm are well trained on how to handle a Cerberus. and one of them are one of the owners of this place, Maliah, I know you're scared but,you are the light fae....the one who's supposed to defeat one of the most unstoppable warlocks ever existed. and I don't think that the Cerberus is more dangerous than that warlock because if that's the case then, I would abandon this whole mission right now and get that Cerberus and head to Cazelle right now just to kill that warlock....."

Maliah chuckled when Troy told her that, troy also smiled, then he continued

" so Maliah, please, just believe in us, we can do this, to save our realms, we can even go beyond our abilities than why fear a three headed dog... and beside, am sure it's just a puppy, it can't be that big"

Maliah laughed, she hit him and told him

" stop messing around "

" am not! "

both of them laughed. then, he held her shoulders and told her

" You can do it, I know you can Mal"

upon saying that, Maliah smiled while Troy saddened,but before Maliah could notice...he quickly put a smile on his face and looked at Maliah.

after all of that, Maliah went to bed and quickly fell asleep.

late in the night, Troy stood beside the window staring at the 3 moons in the sky, his heart ached and said

"Mal .... I miss you love, I promise, I won't make that same mistake I made then..."

he turned and looked at Maliah and said

"I promise"

Troy looked at Maliah as she was asleep and sigh...

On the next day, everyone were at the large stadium, shouting and cheering. the stadium was large and the moment Maliah saw the stadium, she knew it wouldn't be that easy to reach the finish line. her heart started pounding again. she put her right arm to her chest to calm herself down. Zamil was near Maliah, he noticed how worried she was, he looked around in search of Troy but he wasn't there. he went to her and told her


Maliah got startled when she heard that

"Oh it's you"

"sorry I startled you, I saw you were unease and that's why I decided to come by"

"oh is it that obvious?"

"a little bit"

"oh good lord"

"what are you do worried about? Am sure it's just a little puppy"

"yeah, Troy said the same and here am I"

"So his name is Troy, he's a possessive one, I can see he doesn't want anyone to come near you"

"He's just protective that's all"

"that's nice of him. but Maliah, if you have a man like that then what are you so worried about? am sure he wouldn't let even a scratch fall on you"

"we're supposed to be at least 5 meters apart remember... how will he protect me then?"

"Am sure he'll figure it out"

" Hope so"

" Maliah"

Troy came..... Maliah went to him and asked him

" where were you? "

" I was just getting ready? "

Troy looked at Zamil and greeted him, Zamil bowed his head to him and raised.

then Zamil pat Maliah's shoulder and told her

"Good luck"

"thank you Zamil"

Zamil smiled at her and left.

Troy looked at him and looked away.

then, the players were called to get on the field in pairs as the game was about to start.

the competitors entered and lined up. Maliah's heart was pounding and she inhaled and exhaled huge amount of air to calm herself down.

she looked at the other players, all of them were confident and some were even excited about what's about to happen.

was Maliah the only one in terror tight now?

Maliah's hands shaken and Troy held her left arm, Maliah looked at him as he looked straight

"Don't fear, am here with you"

seeing how brave Troy was Infront of her , it encouraged her to be brave and calm herself down....

then, the bell was rang and the game begin.