

everyday when maliah went home after school hours, she would always see a man who seemed to be stalking her and say nothing while following her til she reaches the doorstep of her house, until one day she had enough and decided to confront him, little did she know that what she sees in him is more than what meet the eye......... @alishawalker2022

AlishaWalker2022 · Fantasía
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25 Chs


the water parted where Maliah and Troy were as her eyes shone bright blue, a large bubble was formed around them which was enough for them to move, then without considering what happened, Maliah bent down and called out

"Troy!! troy!!! wake up!!"

she yelled but he didn't wake up

"no you can't die, I still need you troy you can't die now"

she tried to pump his heart with her hands but nothing worked, and so she tried the only option she could think of left.

Maliah bent closer to his face and placed her mouth on his, and then she exhaled air to him so that she could help him out, she done this for quite sometime when suddenly, troy sat and coughed out water,

when she saw him like that, Maliah got relieved. Troy coughed a lot and when he calm down, he lay on the ground.

"Are you okay?"

troy nodded as his eyes were shut while taking deep breaths, mina let out a relief and then, she also lay on the ground. both of them tired, tired of digging, tired of running, tired of swimming, but both of them knew this was only the beginning, and more dangers were approaching them.

"Thank you"

Maliah turned and looked at Troy as his eyes were still closed.

"you're welcome"

Maliah replied

"where are we?"

"we're still in the maze"

Troy opened his eyes and sat,

"What?!! how is this..."

he looked around and found himself in the bubble space. he was shocked. he looked at Maliah and ask

"How is this....?"

"Even I have no idea"

"But you did this"

"seems so"

Troy smiled in amusement as he looked at the water around them

"You always amuse me Maliah"

Maliah looked at him as he looked at her and both of them smiled at one another.

then, Maliah sat and asked

"So? should we be heading to the Atlantis or?"

"no, let's rest for a while, my body is killing me"

Troy lay down next to Maliah and closed his eyes. Maliah also shut his eyes to rest. then, when Maliah was fast asleep, Troy opened his eyes and looked at the girl next to him, her breathing were strong, her body was wet, and she looked tired... very tired. he went closer to her, put his arm underneath her and slowly pulled her close to him, he hugged her tightly providing her heat to feel warm again. Troy listened to her breath as they were slowly calming down, it was like a lullaby to him, her body slowly warmed up and then she slept peacefully.

"am sorry I put you through all this Maliah, as soon as all of this is over, I'll take you back, and you'll forget about all of this. just hang in there for a little longer, and this all will be over soon"

he tightened his hug around her and then, he kissed her crown on her head and then he shut his eyes and fell asleep.

after a while, Troy felt something while he was in his sleep. he felt something wet, wet....

Troy opened his eyes and quickly sat.

the bubble, the bubble was cracking

"Maliah wake up, wake up!!"

Maliah woke up

"What's going on?"

"it's cracking... come on"

Troy stood as well as Maliah. then out of nowhere, the bubble collapsed and quickly Troy inhaled air and held on the sailfish's tail. and it went through the maze again. this time, Maliah saw some shrimps, she had an idea and started chasing them. the shrimps ran across the maze and led Maliah to the exit of the maze. both were delighted and felt relief, as soon as they were out, Maliah transformed to a whale and swallow Troy again

"Thanks Maliah..... and that was an amazing idea as well"

the whale moved forward and head to the north, after a while, they met the golden gates of Atlantis. Maliah entered the city and passed through the golden gates, as soon as she passed, she looked around the city, there were broken buildings and pillars everywhere, the whole city was destroyed and nothing was left. Maliah felt like she was swimming through the den of the danger, especially with the feeling that something, or someone was watching her, as soon as she could, she spit out Troy and transformed to her original self. as soon as she transformed, her eyes glow again and the bubble was formed again. Maliah and Troy looked around, they went to the throne hall. each path they took, they saw no living creatures, not even their bones were there, Maliah was horrified by what she saw,

"this place?"

"the warlock was here, he destroyed this place"

"he ruined it and that with no doubt"

Troy sigh and said

"let's look for the stone"

"I don't think it'll be that easy to find the stone in this place"

"yeah you're right, we need to recall the riddle"

"to find the blue stone, we need to pass the ocean which we already did..... and it said that...... only..... the eye of a true king can lead the way and be our guide."

"Eye of a true king?"

they looked around, and found themselves surrounded with statues.

"all these statues are the king's of Atlantis"

Troy said.

"Gadeiros, ampheres, euaimon, mneseous, azaes..... all these are the king's of Atlantis"

"but it said only the eye of a true king?"

"yes.... eye of a true king..... eye of a true king...."

Maliah asked

"wasn't there was a king named atlan?"

"ofcourse!!! Atlan!!! the first king of Atlantis "

" but his statue is not here"

Troy looked around and didn't found it

" yes you're right, so what now Maliah? "

" I don't know... akh, why is this so hard? "

Troy looked around closely, in the north, Troy saw an empty seat with broken pieces of a statue scattered around it.

he went to the seat and observed it, it had marks on it,

" Mal come look at this"

Maliah went to him and asked

" what is it? "

Troy showed her the marks,

" look, I think there was once something sitting here"

" or someone"

Maliah looked down and saw the broken pieces. she knelt and picked one of rhe broken pieces

" this .. this is the chest"

" What? "

Troy took it and looked closely, she was right, it was a chest,

" pick the other one"

Maliah picked it

"it's a leg"

"so it's like a puzzle, listen help me reset them on the seat"


"don't worry, I think I know what am doing"

the two of them started resetting the broken pieces on the seat. when they were done, they stood back and looked at it

"king Atlan..... sitting on the throne as the true king of Atlantis"

"He's the true king, Troy we found him"

the two of them smiled.

troy looked at the statue and said

" only the eye of a true king can lead the way and be our guide "

the king had two eyes

" just when I thought things were getting easier "

" don't be like that Troy..... wait"

Maliah looked closely to the king's eyes.

" one has pupil, one doesn't.... Troy I figure it out!!!!!!! "