
Rejected by my True love

Taylor is the oldest daughter of Alpha Wills and she has 2 other siblings both younger than her. There is Luca and Caitlin. Caitlin is a slut and Luca is a player they both hate Taylor for she is the oldest and gets the Alpha position but they also hate her because Taylor has more power than both of them. Taylors bestfriend Theo has always been there for her but what happens when he finds out she is his mate but he is dating Caitlin and falls in love with Caitlin as Caitlin falls for him ? What happens when the only person she can turn to is her other bestfriend Ace but he also leaves so he can find his mate and comes back almost 2 and 1/2 years later but alone..... ? Is Ace Taylor's second chance mate ? Or will Ace reject her for Lillian who he has been with for only about a week?

H_and_T_Daniels · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Chapter 5

After Luke and Ace left I leaned back in my chair thinking back to the old times when I had my 2 best friends in my life and how great my life was, how happy I was. But all that came crashing down when I shifted when I was 13, Caitlin and Luca didn't shift until they were 16. When I shifted .. I shifted into a tall gold wolf with silver eyes with gold speckles, I also had a moon and crown on my left ear and once Caitlin and Luca saw that they started to give me hateful stares and say rude things.. When they were 16 and they shifted their wolfs were the color of their hair.. Caitlin's was brown and Luca's was light brown while mine wasn't anything like theirs.

They treated me like shit because my wolf was better, faster, stronger, smarter, powerful, and unstoppable. And none of those had anything to do with being the first born of a Alpha, yes being the first born of a Alpha gives you strength and power over the pack but what I am is more than a Alpha, Im the daughter of the moon goddess and I got her power... Only difference is only the first born of the moon goddess gets her power while the others dont.

I had no Idea anyone came in untill I heard someone clear their throat I looked over and saw Ace, Lillian, Luke, Caitlin, and lastly Theo.

"How may I help the 5 of you ?"

"Alpha me and Theo are getting married and I was hoping to have you be my maid of honour" Caitlin said,

"I'll think about it, now you two can go" and after I said that they left.

Dont get me wrong I hate them both but Theo is still well was my mate so I can't fully hate him.

"Ace Lillian how may I help you ?"

"Alpha Tay, I was wanting to know if you're okay with me and Lillian getting engaged ?" As soon as Ace said that my heart broke even more...

"I.... Uhhh... I ....." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "yes Ace Im absolutely Fine with it". I said, no i wasn't okay with it but he wants to be happy and have a family then so be it im not gonna stand in his way.

"Lillian go out for a second I need to talk to Alpha alone" Ace said... Here we go again, another heartbreak

"Okay Ace" she said as she walked out

"Tay I'm sorry but I have to, I fell in love with her and you were my best friend... Im so sorry. But I Ace McWright reject you Taylor Wills as my Alpha and mate "

It hurt worse than Theo's rejection but I didn't let anything show, I couldn't it hurt to much.

"I Taylor Wills accept your rejection. Now Leave My Office"

"Tay i'm so sorry" he said as he left and shut the office door behind him.

I look at Luke who held nothing but pity, I knew he felt bad but I didn't want anyone showing me pity.

"Don't look at me like that"

"Taylor Im so sorry he did that, your a great person, a beautiful and wonderful woman"

"Thanks but its not like I didn't see it coming, im not what people want, Im stubborn, rude, ruthless, cruel, cold hearted."

I told him looking away from him, as I slowly looked down placing my head in my hands. And that's when I just let everything hit me, the emotions, the pain all came flowing in after I let my wall down, the room was full of  sadness, brokenness, loneliness, emptiness and hopelessness. Those are all emotions I felt and as soon as those feelings made a presence so did the tears I tried so hard to not let out.

I heard the office door open and close, so I look up and Luke is gone. I brush it off and go back to letting everything sink in, honestly the only thoughts running through my mind were..

Why am I not good enough ?

Am I really a horrible person to have both mates reject me ?

What did I do so wrong ?

Why does everyone leave me ?

I couldn't stop those thoughts running through my mind, the more i tried to stop them the more it hurt so I just gave up. I let my wolf howl in pain as the rejection broke her and broke me. 

Ace's Pov

I was in love with Lillian, but then I realized Taylor was my mate but I fell in love with someone else.

Dont do it you dick, please dont do it Ace. I love her, dont, dont break her please. Jake said

"Im sorry Jake, I dont love her. I love Lillian not Tay." I said but then he got pissed

You fucking dick, your going to break her, maybe even fucking ruin her. I finally get to see her and have her and Amber back and all your gonna do is break them all over again. Your just like the dumb fuck Theo. You fucking asshole, you fell for the one who isn't mine, ours even, you fell for a fucking slut. Now my mate will be broken even more, she will most likely die of a broken heart. And I swear if she dies from a broken heart because of you Ace.... Im going to destroy both you and myself since you would have been the reason.

"Jake you dont mean that."

Yes I fucking do Ace. He said as he went to the back of my mind. He can't ruin me or himself can he ? I brushed off the question and proposed to Lillian she said yes of course but now I have to tell Tay.

I walked up to her of office only to meet Theo,Caitlin, and Alpha Warsaw in front of her door. We all walked in only to see her staring off into space not noticing any of us untill Theo cleared his throat. Then Caitlin brought up the whole maid of honour thing for her and Theo's wedding as Tay said she will think about it and then they left.

I then asked her if she was okay with me and Lillian getting married/engaged. Something flashed in her eyes before she answered...

"I...Uhhh....I" she closed her eyes taking a deep breath before opening them again and thats when I saw them hold a little pain in them as she said "yes Ace im absolutely fine with it". As she said those words I knew she knew she was my mate, and she knew what was coming so she quickly hid behind the mask she always wore. I asked Lillian to leave and she did.

Then once she did, I did a horrible thing... I broke my mates heart for another wolf. I heard her wolf whining in pain after my rejection but she didn't show any pain. But once she accepted my rejection Jake let out his howl of pain, then started yelling at me as I walked of of the office. Soon Luke came out of the office giving me a look full of hate, shit what did I do.

You fuck head, you just rejected our mate, who was mine. Now go fuck that ugly bitch you fell in love with. I don't give a damn anymore. And he went to the back of my mind.

As I stood outside of the door to her office I felt what she felt and he was right she will die of a broken heart and I will be the cause of it. Her heart is slowly falling off beat, then her thoughts came rolling in...

Why am I not good enough ?

Am I really a horrible person to have both mates reject me ?

What did I do so wrong ?

Why does everyone leave me ?

As soon as those thoughts reached my mind I knew I fucked up. I broke her even more than Theo, I broke my old best friend, my Alpha, my ex-mate, God what have I just done.

Luke's Pov

"Thanks but its not like I didn't see it coming, im not what people want, Im stubborn, rude, ruthless, cruel, cold hearted." As soon as those words left her mouth I was even more pissed off, how can the two people who were supposed to love her break her this much. She is so beautiful and amazing. I am going to fucking kill both of them, my wolf growls in response to that.

How the fuck could they break her, she is so much prettier than Lillian or Caitlin.

"I dont know Jack honestly I don't know"

And he went to the back of my mind. I walked out of her office and saw the fuck head named Ace, I glared at him but i knew my eyes were full of hate since he submitted. I sensed what she felt and what was going to happen if she didn't find someone who loved her for her. Her heart is slowly stopping, she's going to die of a broken heart. I can't let that happen and I won't, the most powerful pack is going to fall apart if they lose their alpha.