
Rejected by my True love

Taylor is the oldest daughter of Alpha Wills and she has 2 other siblings both younger than her. There is Luca and Caitlin. Caitlin is a slut and Luca is a player they both hate Taylor for she is the oldest and gets the Alpha position but they also hate her because Taylor has more power than both of them. Taylors bestfriend Theo has always been there for her but what happens when he finds out she is his mate but he is dating Caitlin and falls in love with Caitlin as Caitlin falls for him ? What happens when the only person she can turn to is her other bestfriend Ace but he also leaves so he can find his mate and comes back almost 2 and 1/2 years later but alone..... ? Is Ace Taylor's second chance mate ? Or will Ace reject her for Lillian who he has been with for only about a week?

H_and_T_Daniels · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

Ace's Pov

*Day he came back*

As I pulled into the drive way I grew more nervous its been almost 2 an 1/2 years since I have left. I am scared to see Taylor, last time I saw her she was broken because of that dumbass Theo. Once I pulled in and got out of the car I was greeted my my father and I guess he took over as beta till I got back but what happened to Taylor's dad ?

Soon I was greeted by my father again saying I could go see Alpha but once I got there I knew there was something different. Taylor didn't like being called Alpha unless it was pack business but now everyone calls her alpha even if its just around the pack house, talking about her or seeing her. What all happened when I was away for the about the 2 an 1/2 years and but most importantly where is Taylor's dad ? He wouldn't like this at all.

Soon we made it to Taylor's office and my dad knocked on the door and she responded saying we could come in, man she looks different her hair is longer and she dont have that positive attitude she does when I come home. Does she not know my scent ?

"Nice to see you too Taylor" I said as I stood in front of her desk. She slowly looked up at me from the papers on her desk.

"Ace is that you" she asked but its sounded different not how her voice normally sounds

"Yes Tay now come here" I said as I opened my arms up to her and soon she was in then but still something didn't seem right.

I pulled away and looked into her eyes and they looked.. Empty, dull, it looked like she had no sign of life in her. Then i asked her where the old her was but the answer I got broke my heart.

"She's gone and I have no clue when she is coming back." She said still no sign of emotion or life in her eyes.

*Time skip*

After me and Tay went to the cells and the whole rogue thing I went back into the pack house and was walking through the living room when I saw Lillian. Yeah she was a Slut but hey she was cute and I heard she settled down so I asked her out and she said yes soon her lips met mine but thats when I smelt Tay's smell that strange Cherry blossom smell. But when I pulled away to see her she wasn't there ... But her scent was.

I walked up to Tay's office only to hear

"guardian I stopped being it once you and Theo got engaged so DONT INVOLVE ME IN YOUR SHIT THAT IS ONLY BETWEEN YOU TWO BECAUSE FRANKLY I DONT GIVE A DAMN" I knew that was Tay's voice but I never heard her get pissed before. I walked in her office with Lillian behind me only to see Theo and Caitlin.. And Caitlin tried to apologize for being a bitch to her for years but Taylor's response was

"Its to late for "sorry" now Caitlin. You should have said that the week before dad died. I lost Almost everyone Caitlin so your sorry means nothing" but as she said it there was no sign of emotion which made it scary. Taylor has changed so much it scares me where did my best friend go. She finally noticed I was in the room

" yes Ace "

"Um Taylor meet my girlfriend Lillian"

"I know who she is Ace"

"Right um well me and my friends at my old pack are having a party"

"Have fun but dont get to drunk i dont need a drunk or hung over beta" Taylor said but it didn't sound like she was trying to be funny it sounded like a order. What has happened to my Taylor ?

Once I was in my car and heading to my old pack I felt like something bad happened so I went into Tay's thoughts and the only 4 thoughts going through her head are...

Stay away from Ace he is mine

You cant be friends with him, he is Okay with it he said as long as im happy thats all that matters

I lost everyone, I have no one

What did I do wrong ? Am I that ugly that my mate would reject me ? Am I that bad of a person to cause my best friend to leave me ?  

The last thought she had broke me , it broke me more than anything. How could my best friend think so little about herself ? But then I remembered I told Lillian I would stop being friends with Taylor if it made her happy and she said yes. GOD I feel so guilty now.

I made it to my old pack house and hung out with my buddies for a little while. Then after a few hour's I finally made my way back to our pack house. And I could sense Taylors uneasyness and the sadness, anger, helplessness, hopelessness, emptiness she felt. If she felt all this why didn't she show it ?

I looked at Theo after I made my way to the living room in the pack house and I saw that he felt it all to. So we made our way upstairs when we walked and saw Taylor with her face in her hands.

"Tay is everything Okay ?" I asked

she slowly lifted her head and thats when I saw one emotion flowing through her eyes and that was brokenness. But she quickly hid it behind a emotionless face. 

"Yeah everything thing is fine. You two should get back to your lovers"

"They left they went to have a girls night out" Theo said

"Ah and left their boy-toys here for the night I see"

"Tay what has gotten into you."  I said

"Well you see Ace I lost everyone I care about so now I have no one. And to top it off My so called siblings left me when shifted for the first time years ago. So the only actual family I had is dead. So tell me would you be the same after that. After losing everyone you cared about and being left alone with no one to have your back when you had theirs every step of the way and for them to leave you like you meant nothing ." She said still showing no sign of emotion

"Tay we -"

"No dont give me that we are sorry shit you guys have your girls and I have my duty that I need to fulfill." She said looking back at the papers stacked on her desk.

"Okay well we are truly sorry Alpha I just want you to know that - "

"Dont even say that you are there for me when your girls wont let you be and you both know damn well you are not gonna go behind their backs to help me now go back to what your doing I have work to do and Lillian and Caitlin will be back soon." She said sounding annoyed so me and Theo left her office and soon after Caitlin and Lillian came back home but Lillian got pissed because she could smell Taylor on me and I heard what was happening but I couldn't do anything I was with Lillian and Taylor wasn't my friend anymore since I left our friendship for Lillian.

"I thought I told you to stay away from Ace" Lillian said 

"I did you bitch, it was pack work their dumbass selves came and started asking questions and shit. So fuck off and leave me the fuck alone before I command you to" Taylor said

She really thought lowly of me and Theo now God what have I done....

The next morning wasn't easy either my wolf was pissed off at me because our best friend wanted nothing to do with us and we hurt her just like Theo did. I got dressed and headed down stairs to the kitchen were everyone was and sat down next to Theo. Soon the Caitlin and Lillian came into the room they both looked nice, im guessing its because we have a pack alpha and his 2nd and 3rd in command visiting. Caitlin sat on Theo's lap and Lillian sat on mine, im not gonna lie it was a little weird but I didn't say anything. Everyone was happy, talking and laughing but then it all stopped when we felt one presence in the room and it was Taylor. The power leaking off of her was enough to make us all uncomfortable, I never knew how powerful she was. I slightly looked over and there she was standing in all of her glory talking to one of the maids we have and DAMMNN she looked .... Ughh snap out of it Ace you have a girlfriend. I quickly looked away and I knew she was sitting down once I heard the chair move that was at the head of the table for the Alpha. All the girls had looks of jealousy on their faces while the unmated males had looks of lust on their faces, just them looking at Tay like that makes me want to rip their faces off... Wait a second why am I jealous of unmated males looking at Taylor ?

"You will find out soon Ace" my wolf Jake told me

"Jake what are you talking about"

"Nothing Ace just go back to kissing and being with that slut" he said before going to the back of my mind.

Soon me, Theo and Taylor were standing out in front of the pack house waiting for the other Alpha and his beta and Gamma to get here. About 5 minutes later a black Lamborghini pulled up and out came 5 people they must be the Alpha, beta, gamma, and the 2 girls must be 2 of the 3s  mates.

After the introductions and everything I showed the beta and his mate to their room and Theo showed the gamma and the gamma's mate to their room as well. Then I had to show their Alpha to his room, once I was done I saw Lillian in my room in bed and I knew what was going to happen that night....

Theo's Pov

What did I do ? Im really starting to regret rejecting Taylor. God why did I have to be so stupid.. Why couldn't I just give her a chance ? Most importantly why did I have to break her ?

Luke's Pov

Seeing my ex-mate hurts but her sister is one beautiful lady. But there is this one girl In Taylor's pack who is just begging me to be with her so after being shown my room I took the girl to my room and we talked she is beautiful but I could smell all sorts of males on her but I got over it after we talked and I found out her name is Rebecca, well also me and her had a little fun that night.