
Reincarnation of the Yujiro hanma in MURIM

Yujiro Hanma strongest creature on earth, died after 450 of living, the entire world was watching the last moments of Orge. Even though he's a godlike being but he still isn't able to break the limitations of the world. With sadness in his eye, he closed his eyes but at moments he woke up in the body of a baby, in the strongest cult the heavenly divine church ** *** *** patreon.com/Fanfictionstudios

Ancient675 · Cómic
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20 Chs

Chapter 12. The Abyssal Convergence

In the heart of the demonic sect, nestled deep within the shadows of the Murim worlds, the heavenly demon sensed a unique energy and expanded his senses to thousands of meters and he see a black portal materialized in the sky. Its ominous presence sent shivers down the spines of those who witnessed its emergence. From within its depths, a horde of monstrous creatures spilled forth, their malevolence palpable. When heavenly demon saw it he smirk. 

Among the vile creatures were goblins, their beady eyes gleaming with malice, and wyverns, their scaled bodies exuding an aura of danger. Towering above them all were ogres, their massive frames intimidating even the bravest of souls. But it was the high demons, led by a fearsome demon general, that struck the greatest fear into the hearts of those who beheld them. 

One man, a member of the demonic sect, was fortunate enough to witness this otherworldly phenomenon. His name was Kael, a skilled warrior and loyal disciple of the sect. As soon as he laid eyes upon the portal, he knew he had to warn his brethren. With a sense of urgency, he sprinted towards the cult's headquarters, his mind racing with thoughts of excitement rather than danger. As he knows it's a war hahaahhaahahahahahah

Kael burst into the demonic cult's training ground as he knows that there he will definitely meet higher level masters , as this is filled with rich spiritual energy many people train and live near of  , his breath ragged and his face etched with concern. The hall was filled with thousands of masters, ultimate demon masters, and wise elders, all engrossed in their own training and meditation. The atmosphere crackled with energy, a testament to the sect's formidable power.

Silence fell upon the hall as Kael's voice boomed, "A black portal has appeared in the sky! Monsters of unimaginable strength have emerged, led by a demon general! We must prepare for battle!"

The news sent shockwaves through the cult. The elders exchanged grave glances, their expressions mirroring the gravity of the situation. The demonic sect had faced countless challenges throughout its existence, but this was unlike anything they had encountered before.next the voice of demonic sect leader come to their ears, he said send yujiro with 10 elite squads of younger generation generation and for safety purpose send a elder.

Without hesitation,. They summoned their most elite soldiers, warriors who had honed their skills to perfection among new generation. Everyone below at age of 20 gathered and march toward the given location. 

As the young elite soldiers gathered, the squad  leaders devised a plan to counter the impending threat. They knew that the fate of their is life is depends of them however they were confidence also there was excitement in their eyes. After ten minutes they reached the location and when they see thousands of monsters and demons they faced an adversary that threatened to overwhelm them  The demonic cult had always been a force to be reckoned with, but to treat such a great army to treat as test for upcoming generation that's make it the divine and strongest cult. 

The Immersive Battle

The stage was set for an epic clash between the demonic sect and the invading forces. The air crackled with tension as the elite soldiers prepared for battle, their weapons gleaming in the dim light. The demonic squad leaders stood at the forefront, their eyes burning with determination. 

The battle commenced with a thunderous roar, the clash of steel against monstrous flesh reverberating through the air. The demonic sect's warriors fought with unparalleled skill and ferocity, their every move a testament to their years of training. The monsters, though formidable, were no match for the sect's unwavering resolve. Although they were young bit they had overcome 4 challenge out of 10 of demonic cult so they had powers close to high level sect

As the battle raged on, the demon general emerged from the chaos, his presence commanding and his power unmatched. He unleashed devastating attacks, but the demonic sect's warriors stood their ground, their unity and unwavering loyalty bolstering their strength. 

Throughout the battle yujiro was only using his physical strength to kill the enemies and just in one hours he killed more than thousands of demons and they were really weak and them he saw demon general who was coming toward yujiro at that yujiro used 5th stage of divine punch. Boom... 

he battle reached its climax as the demon general and the yujiro  engaged in a fierce duel. Their clash shook the very foundations of the ground , their powers colliding in a cataclysmic display of strength. It was a battle of wills, a test of the demonic sect's resolve.

In the end, it was the indomitable spirit of the demonic sect that prevailed. With a final, decisive strike of punch , the demon general was vanquished, his forces crumbling in his wake. There was disbelief in demon general eyes, he said such powers at such a young age. What is this world .

The demonic sect emerged victorious, their unity and unwavering determination proving to be their greatest weapons. They had faced the abyss and emerged stronger than ever, Next, demonic sect leader's voice heard in their ears, he said use demon absorbing technique to absorb their energy and purify it with dark circulation technique. They immediately follow the cult leaders orders and did as they ordered. They sensed a energy similar yet difference entered to their body, however, they were by shocked by seeing the boost in their spiritual qi by more than 40 years . 

The black portal was still in the sky but every monsters and demons were killed. Next, demonic cult leader said come back. We'll will march towards this unknown place.with our army. When the announcement heard by demonic people they were happy as they want war not peace and battlefield is their real home , especially for those who fought last war, they couldn't forget the pleasure of war. That's what demonic sect is strength which transcendence even the unknown. 

Behind the portal, 

There few lower level demons was waiting for the demon general who went to this newly opened gate, they knows the powers of high level demons but demon general is even beyond that so there was no doubt about victory. But after whole day passed they become restless. However, after few days the people in armor in black clothes entered their world. And when they saw them they immediately knnel down as their energy was someone different but similar to demons