
Reincarnation of the Yujiro hanma in MURIM

Yujiro Hanma strongest creature on earth, died after 450 of living, the entire world was watching the last moments of Orge. Even though he's a godlike being but he still isn't able to break the limitations of the world. With sadness in his eye, he closed his eyes but at moments he woke up in the body of a baby, in the strongest cult the heavenly divine church ** *** *** patreon.com/Fanfictionstudios

Ancient675 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 13. Strength of demonic sect

After the younger generation won the fight against, demon general and vile creatures without the involvement of the ultimate demon, they were rewarded by head elder with qi pill with 40 years' worth qi.

Next, the cult leader began to gather people to explore an unknown domain. After a long discussion, they selected one hundred unit ( each unit contain one hundred or more soldiers ) and one hundred divine realm masters and 3 beyond realm elders and cult leader himself, it is force which can destroyed the whole murim and many kingdoms in just one night. However, it was just 30% of heavenly sect's strength. As many highest realm master in indoor training either in dark forest or in caves.

No one knows the true power of divine cult in mainland or they would surrender without even fight.

After few days, cheon - ma lead the force toward the gate. There is excitement in the faces of warriors. When they reached the gate they witness dead bodies of vile creatures and they filled proud in the younger generation. At that moment elder come forward and said in loud voice without using any qi, soldiers behind this gate is the world of devils, the one who invade our sacred place and polluted it, they insulted our sect, for revenge we will kill them all. I will bring glory to the heavenly divine cult. Do you??

I will, thousands of loud voices shook the sky.

Then elder said last sentence, no army will be shown to these lowly creature , keep this in your mind.

Next demon cult leader, entered the gate and army followed them. The current army of demonic sect is of veterans as they fought many small and big conflict on other forces and won.

When yujiro entered the gate, he felt law of space around him and after 3 second of darkness he transported into the dark land with black moon.

Black energy is freely roaming in the world, divine soldiers bodies began to absorb the dark energy automatically and they circulate the purify techniques make it there.

Yujiro thought truly a magic world, the qi level is much more denser here

Next they heard a sound {ding}

{ system connecting to host { inspecting the level }


{ error } { error } { error } { error, inference of god level bloodline }

{ immediate.....eroor... Out }

{ c...chaos...line }}}}}}}}}

At this moments Yujiro felt the pure black energy from his dantian devoured something, but he didn't know what it is, the same thing happen to everyone who entered..

Next cult leader said so that's the power of this world, it is unique but just a trick to make mortal slave hunhhhhh what can you do in front of god's blood

Same things happen to everyone so they become curious about it and began to discuss about it.

At that elder said, don't make a fuss, it's a small trick of this devilish world to make human slaves. But you all protected by heavenly blood so it doesn't matter.

After that they saw few low-level demons kneeling in front of them which they killed immediately. After investigate the area the elder reported to cult leader that there's grand castle around 3 mile northern direction. So under the order of cult leader the whole army marched toward the castle. And used wind and sheath magic to cross the wall. Under the shadow of moon thousands of people crossed the wall and killed every demon except one who was living in the most luxurious throne, which was captured and put to sleep.

When the high level demon got up from his sleep due to a heavy slap he got angry and tried to use fire to burn that person, however he saw thousands of people who are emitting aura much stronger than him. Demon thought, it's a dream but it's weird one, let me sleep and began to close his eyes but a large hand shaped his and sent him flying like a bullet. At that he got up and was in disbelief, after sensing devil's power in the skin of human. So he said, how dare you weak..... He didn't able to finish his sentence and a hand slapped him it continued for several times. At the end he kneeled with disbelieving eyes, in thoughts how can there be a race who can imitate devil's. Are they celestial beings. A person in black clothes and jade skin said what is this world and what's the power struggle and ranking..?

Demon thought so they are not from this world but he immediately answers it's demon world, there's 10 kingdom, ruled by each chaos demon which are blessed by demon god. They each have around 20 demon kings under their command which conquer other world and help them become god's more favorite. Then cult leader said, truly fantastic... So how can we kill every demon in this planet.

At that demon taken a back and he said you worrier from another world is truly powerful but we had conquer 1000 worlds and won the last heaven war against angel so it's impossible to kill them. You maybe not even able to destroy one out of 10 kindoms. At that one hundred master revealed their aura's the demon said in urgent voice...de...demon kings... How many... No higher than that but below than chaos lord. Then heavenly demon asked do you still thing same. At that demon remained silent

Now yujiro witnessed the power of heavenly demon but he was also excited to fight with unknown creature with powerful abilities we