
Reincarnating in highschool dxd with cheat

a game programmer die and reincarnated in high school dxd as hyoudo issei with cheat system and other thing. He will be the harem king i do not own any anime manga or light novel that i quote any work are the author credits

akeno01 · Cómic
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33 Chs

Chapter 008 inside the dungeon.

Before the battle i check my mp to see the decrease 65/75Mp. So it is true i have already lost 10Mp just being here without doing anything particular, in one hour i will lose again 10Mp

« Miriam what will happen if i don't have enough Mp to pay the price for staying here »

« …..Ding ….you 'll be throw outside the dimension and you will not be allowed to go inside for 24hours countdown so pay attention to your Mp consuption while inside the dungeon your mana will be filling over time too at your level and floor there is no chance to use all your mp unless you use your magic on every one. »

« Thank you Mirian let's begin just to be sure tell me if i have less than 20Mp »

I can see a green monster like 1meter tall skinny, with a knive right ahead of me, i check is statut

Green Goblin

level 1

Age 2 years

Hp : 15/15

Mp : 0/0

Strength :10

Vitality :15

Dexterity :6

Agility :9

Magic : 0

Xp : 10

Money 5 yen

It is weak but it is really good for me if it was slightly stronger if there is more than 2 i would be in trouble

i walk to him my sword in hand ready to attack, the goblin look at me and run at me with is knive in front of him ready to pierce me on the belly it is slow not as much as i would like it mean that even with a avantage over 4 time is number of stat point (he has 9 and me 44 in agility ) i thought i would move like lightning fast and it would be slow like slow motion step but no, it is still fast to threaten me, i rise my sword and slash right in front of me the goblin try to evade the attack on the left side but i have already make a second slash horizontaly at is neck succesfully removing is head,

nothing like a big fight but still it was my first and i have to say the zanpakuto is really heavy i have to rise my strength

« …..Ding …. Green Goblin killed …. 10Xp....5yen.. 1 fang... received»

« ..Ding … First kill .. achievement unlocked and quest unlocked, receiving title,

[Beginner Monster Killer] : +1 to all stat

« ….Ding … Quest activate kill 1000 Goblins (0001/1000) recompense +10 stat point in vitality »

« ….Ding.... reach floor 20 before 17years old (01/20) recompense skill [Lightning Afinity] [Dragon Zap] »

the corpse start to decay in front of me some second later nothing is left behind, now that i know i can fight a goblin head on i will attack first, i walk through the corridor and see another goblin i start to use for the time my skill [ Earth Arrow] , i put 10Mp on the arrow, it appear over my head it 's a little arrow as big as a normal arrow, well what did i expect i have never use the skill, i thought to kill the monster by making go strike the head, the projectile whistle and flew steaight through the head a little hole appared on the head in the middle of it just above the nose

« …..Ding …. Green Goblin killed …. 10Xp....5yen.. 1 fang....received »

« Miriam could you make a display for my Hp and Mp on a corner of my vision sight like this i will know at any time, it is more usefull for me, could you also stop the notification for the monster kill just tell me when i have done the quest or when it is a new monster for the first time kill thank you »

« ....Ding.....change done »

i see the number 55/75 for MP, i continue my killing spree i start running on the floor and kill Green Goblins one by one or two per two i try to avoid the pack 3 Goblins for now worse case i kill one with magic but i can do it 3 more time as i want to have always 20mp, killing all the goblins in the floor 1 took me 5 hours of constant killing i'm really tired but i don't want to lose time so i will calm myself and think about all the battle i had also i have to take my breath i only need to meditate like 5minute to be full mana when i will enter the second floor i will lost 20 mp by hour, now that i think about the lost of Mana is not a big problem with my skill [Meditation], but for the higher floor it will still sting a little. I will have to farm on the 4 first floor to be on the safe side i have 1000Xp but i will keep it until i am trouble by a fight it is not a lot of Stat point but it is better than nothing.

After some minute i see the stairs leading to the 2nd floor carefully walking i do'n really want to be ambush by a monsteri see 2 Green Goblins they seens taler that the forst floor i use my Skill [Appraisal].

Green Goblin Soldier

level 2

Age 3 years

Hp : 25/25

Mp : 0/0

Strength :15

Vitality :25

Dexterity :15

Agility :12

Magic : 0

Xp 20

Money 10 yen

one of them have in his hand a short sword almost broken i'm sure that if i blow on the sword it will break it, it is funny, the Goblin is stronger but the weapon make me laugh,

i start running to him and try to kill it at the same time i use my skill [Earth Arrow ] on the second one but to be sure i use two arrow one pierce is right eye and the second, the right part of the chest he die instantly, now that it is a one on one i have nothing to worry i don't think i can lose to the goblin soldier, i see his word going for my torso i parry his slash and cut is arms, blood is gushing out the wound, the monster try to fight again but it has already lost i cut his head while is was distracted.

« …..Ding.... Green Goblin Soldier killed..... Xp20...Money....10yen... 2 fang.. received »

this is the chapter of 24/08/2019 i have to do something for a day or two so just in case here is another chapter

akeno01creators' thoughts