
Reincarnated to be warrior

Guy named Tsuji was ordinary boy but one night someone shoot at him and he died,but after a few moments he will find out that he is reincarnated in another world,but little does he know,he is reincarnated to be future warrior who will save that world.But only way to save the world is to defeat war.Will Tsuji save the world or,will he die?

Burhan_Selimovic · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Chapter 2:Training and meeting

"After Tsuji being reincarnated to another world he meets king who said to him that he will stay in kingdom,and he will train there"

"Tsuji came in his room where he will rest"

(Tsuji POV)

Tsuji:This room looks amazing!

(Ayaka POV)

Ayaka:Do you need something?

Tsuji:No thanks

"Tsuji put his arms behind his head and lay down on bed while he was thinking something"

Tsuji:It will be tough but i'm ready for tommorow

"Tsuji closed his eyes to sleep but he heard some mysterious voice"

Tsuji:Who is that?

(It's me)

"Tsuji open his eyes as he get up from his bed"

Tsuji:I know that voice.Esa,is that you?

"Esa body started to glow as he can see her clearly"

Esa:Yes,it's me!

"Tsuji looks at Esa in disbelief and put his finger toward Esa"

Tsuji:What are you doing here?

"Esa smiled and put her arms behind her head"

Esa:I got away from my realm to see how are you doing?

Tsuji:Can other see you?

Esa:Of course not,only you can see me!

"Tsuji smiled as he looks at Esa"

Tsuji:I was so worried that someone might be able to see you

"Esa closed her eyes and smiled as she put her finger at jaw"

Esa:Ohh,so you wish that only you can see me,hmmm?

"Tsuji started to moves his arms in panic as he was blushing"

Tsuji:That's.. not what i was...thinking...!

"Esa stopped to smile and started to get serious expression on her face"

Esa:So,did you started your training?

"Tsuji put his arms behind head as he let out his breath"

Tsuji:No,i will start my training tommorow

"Esa smiled once again as she started to disappear"

Esa:Well,i need to go now,we will talk tommorow once you finish your training

Tsuji:I need to sleep in order to be in shape for tommorow,see ya!

Esa:See you too!

"Esa was waving her hand as she slowly dissapeared"

Tsuji:I wonder what kind of training will be?

"Tsuji slept as next day came and it was 8:00 hours in the morning and miss Ayaka trying to wake him up"

Ayaka:Wake up Tsuji!

"Tsuji slowly opens his eyes as he look at Ayaka face"

Tsuji:It's morning already...

Ayaka:warrior academy class is about to start

"Tsuji get up so fast from the bad that he almost fall on the floor"

Tsuji:Really?I need to hurry up,excuse me

"Tsuji started to running from his room while Ayaka watch Tsuji and smile"

Ayaka:This boy is...weird

"Tsuji run down and opens the door while there were tables and in them were boys who wants to be warrior"

Tsuji:Did i...came in time...?

"Down there was Professor with black short hair and black beard"

Akira:Are you Tsuji?

Tsuji:Yes,nice to meet you,sir!

Akira:Take your seat!

"Tsuji was thinking what will he do as he started to walk slowly toward free seat"

"As he walk Tsuji sees girl next to his seat"

Tsuji:Who is that girl?

Tsuji:Hey...I'm Tsuji nice to meet you...

"Tsuji try to shake her hand but she just folded her arms and said nothing"


"She was just sitting while Tsuji looks at her in disbelief and then she started to speak"

Akane:I'm Akane,are you happy now?

"She was girl with crimson hair and have ribbon on her head and have red eyes while she wore red jackets with golden gloves and she have red pants and crimson boots"

Professor:Silence now,okay?All of you wants to be warrior and to prepare for war!But,if you want to be warrior you need to know magic


Professor:That's right,All of you will get magic sword but,every magic is different,you have fire,wind,water,stone and more.Every one of you will find out your magic when you train.That's it for now so go back to your room and we will do it tommorow.

"Tsuji goes to his room as he started to think about what professor said"

Tsuji:Magic sword?

Tsuji:I need to sleep right now

"As Tsuji started to sleep someone summoned in ghost form and it was Esa"

Esa:Hey Tsuji,how was your training?

Tsuji:We didn't have training


Tsuji:We will start training tomorrow

Esa:That's a shame,reason for that?

Tsuji:Professor said that if we want to train we will get magic swords and with that we need to awaken elements magic power

Esa:Element magic power?Magic sword?That sounds amazing!

Tsuji:Yea,maybe for you.I don't know if i can do it

Esa:I know you will do it,i believe in you!

Tsuji:Thank you Esa!

Esa:No problem

"She was waving her arms while she started to goes away"

Tsuji:I need to sleep for tomorrow

"Tsuji puts his arms behinh his head and closed his eyes"

"Next day comes and at the same time as yesterday Tsuji wakes up"

Tsuji:Day for my magic sword finally came!

"Tsuji changed his uniform and he started to run downstairs"

Tsuji:I wonder what will happen now?

"While he run he sees Akane"

Tsuji:That's Akane,Hey Akane!

"Akane turn around and just look at him and turn back and continue to walk"

Tsuji:What's with her,is she mad at me?

"Tsuji continues to walk and he get to his seat"

Tsuji:Good morning!

Professor:Tsuji,you came just in time!Ok,yesterday we were talking about magic swords and power elements magic!All of you will take swords we made for you and you will need to awaken power elements with magic in your swords in order to become warrior!

Tsuji:Oh ok,i get it

"He looked again at Akane and again she didn't speak with him"

Tsuji:Why won't she speak with me?

Professor:Okay guys hurry up and get your swords and just know that everyone will pick up sword which have your names

"All of pupils pick their sword and then Tsuji pick up sword which was sharp long sword with little bit of of black tip of sword"

Tsuji:It looks amazing,thank you sir

Professor:no problem!

"But,short after that Akane picks her sword which looked like normal swords but her sword transform which cause some sort of red light and after a few moments that sword transforms into flame like shape"

Akane:So my sword have flame magic power elements

"Tsuji looked in disbelief while Akane eyes started to glow with fire"

Tsuji:That looks powerful!

"Then Akane points her sword toward Tsuji face"

Akane:Tsuji was it?You and i will battle right now and i will destroy you!

Tsuji:Wha...t?She can't challenge me sir,right?

Professor:Actually Tsuji,she can,ok then we will have battle tonight and it will be Akane against Tsuji!

Akane:I'm ready to tear you apart!

*Few moments later*

Tsuji:I can't beat her,she already awaken her power and on top of that she have one of the most powerful power elements!

Professor:You need to try atleast!in fact, she didn't master her power so maybe you can win

Tsuji:Ok then,i will try!

"Both of them goes to the fighting arena"

Tsuji:Akane,i know i can't win because you have telent and i don't,but i won't give up,i will try atleast,so come at me whenever you're ready!

"Akane puts her flame like sword toward Tsuji and her sword started to glow with flame around"

Akane:I will destroy you know so no talking just fighting!

"Tsuji try to point her sword toward her but his arms started to shake"


Akane:Here i come!

"Akane started to run while Tsuji just stay in the same place and he sees that he can't follow her"

Tsuji:I will try to win this!

"Tsuji swing his sword but Akane blocks it with her sword"

Tsuji:What a defence!

Akane:You actually try to hit me,but that won't happen

"Akane kicks him with the leg and he get down on his knees"

Akane:This is over for you!

"Akane jumps high in the air and try to hit him with sword but he puts his sword in defense and block her attack"

Akane:You really blocked my attack!

Tsuji:I did it,now i can win!

"Tsuji started to swing and attack from different angles but she blocks it easily"

Akane:What is happening with this boy?He started to actually attack,but i will knock him out!

"Akane reflect his attack and Tsuji was in shock"

Tsuji:I didn't do anything to her with this attacks,i will probably lose!

Akane:Now is over,Tsuji!

"Akane runs with full speed toward him and while she prepares to swing she started to glow and her sword gets flame magic power"

Akane:It's over!Flame magic attack!

"She swings her sword but Tsuji in the last moments nearly defense himself but she hit in his sword so hard she blow him away through door"

Akane:He defend himself in the last moments if i hit him he would be dead for sure

Tsuji:If i didn't defend i would be dead

Tsuji:I need to train more,i will become warrior!