
Reincarnated to be warrior

Guy named Tsuji was ordinary boy but one night someone shoot at him and he died,but after a few moments he will find out that he is reincarnated in another world,but little does he know,he is reincarnated to be future warrior who will save that world.But only way to save the world is to defeat war.Will Tsuji save the world or,will he die?

Burhan_Selimovic · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1:Reincarnated to be warrior

Tsuji is boy which life will take turn upside down...

He was walking to the store,and he looked up in the sky.

It was beatiful night with a beautiful moon

"Tsuji is boy who have one eye red and his second eye is blue,and his hair was half black and half blonde and he was boy who was good in heart but he doesn't have that much confidence"

(Tsuji POV)

Tsuji:What a night!

"Tsuji smiled as he looked upon the sky"

Tsuji:I'm soo hungry!

"Tsuji's stomach started making noises because he was hungry"

"Tsuji clap his hands and he said to himself"

Tsuji:Oh,i need to hurry or store will close!

"Tsuji was running in his blue jacket and black pants and his red shoes which he buy long ago"

Tsuji:Almost there...i need to be quicker...

"Before Tsuji almost get there in time automatic door of the store close and women who work in that store put the sign on the doors that it's over for today"

Tsuji:Oh please open just for a minute...please!

"Tsuji get down on his knees and put down his arm and head"

Tsuji:Can this night get any worse?

"Tsuji let out a breath and started running towards the house"

Tsuji:I think i have something at home so i won't be hungry all night!

"Some guy was running and he try to get help"

Tsuji:What was that?

"As Tsuji turns around his head,guy with the gun try to shoot that guy but he shoots at Tsuji"

Tsuji:What...happened,will i die...

"Tsuji close his eyes and smiled"

Tsuji:If it's possible....i would love to get reincarnated because there are things that i didn't did in my life!

"Tsuji just fall down on street as his head was full of blood loss because of that hit he was already dead"

"But something happens,he was in some kind of realm where he sees female good"

Tsuji:what happened?Where am i?

"Then female god started to speak"

Female god:Hey there,you're awake!

"Tsuji looked around him as there was void which didn't have the end"

Tsuji:I'm alive,but...but how?

"Female god stand up and she puts her arms behind her head"

Female god:When that guy shoots at your head you were dead almost instantly!So i've heard that you said you want to be reincarnated because there are things that you didn't do in your life,right?

"Tsuji put his hand on the jaw and he was thinking something"

"Tsuji then put his finger up"

Tsuji:Yea,i remembered!So am i really reincarnated?

Female god:Not yet,i just brought your body and your soul here so i can send you to another world!

Female god:But don't think about it?I didn't introduced myself.My name is god Esa,but you can call me just Esa

"Esa was girl who looked like an ordinary high school girl as her hair was red and her eyes were blue and beautiful like a moon,she's wearing blue god like jacket and she has a red skirt and white shoes

Esa:You don't need to introduce yourself because i know who are you!

"Tsuji looked at her and he blushes"

Tsuji:You're really...beautiful!

"Esa open her eyes wide open as she blushes and smiled at him"

Esa:Thank you very much

Tsuji:Soooo,when will i get reincarnated?

Esa:Oh,before that...i need to tell you something!

Tsuji:What is it?

"Esa put her finger up and she close one eye and smiled"

Esa:You will be reincarnated to the world who needs warrior to stop the war with strong and scary bloodlusted creatures!

"Tsuji get his eyes wide open as he put his hands on his head and scream"


Esa:Calm down,jeez!

Tsuji:But i never held the sword in my life,how can i be a warrior who will save that world?

"Esa just get her arms up and said"

Esa:You will train in that world to become warrior,isn't that amazing,i wish i can be reincarnated,be happy that you're still alive!

Esa:Hmm,some people aren't happy!

"Tsuji got serious look on his face and he looked up to Esa again"

Tsuji:Ok,i will do it!

"Esa started to smile and point her finger toward him"

Esa:That's the spirit!Ok,just close your eyes and calm your mind down!


"Tsuji closed his eyes as Esa started to put magic around him"

Esa:Tsuji,you will be now reincarnated as a warrior who will save the word,do you accept that?

Tsuji:Yes,i accepted!

"Esa made a hole under his feet"

Esa:Goodbye Tsuji,have fun!

"Tsuji was screaming while he drop down through the hole as he land on his feet"

Tsuji:So this is world which i need to save!

"This world is named:" kingdom world"

"This world have a biggest and only kingdom in this world,it was like times in 1880,there was people who sold items that are exclusive to this world and this world have sword because it will be war,there are olds building and people have silver coins to buy thing but,only in kingdom Tsuji can train to become warrior as in kingdom there is warriors academy"

Tsuji:Is that the Kingdom towards me?

"Kingdom was big as he have fifty palaces and is tallest buidling in this world,it was read with king in the upper place in the kingdom and there was so many floors"

Tsuji:Ok then,so i just need to get to the kingdom!

"Tsuji was walking toward the kingdom as he looked right and left and so many peoples looked at him as they thinks he is dangerous"

Tsuji:I can't blame them,i am new in this world,but...i think i will be alright,this is my chance to become strongest warrior ever lived!

"Tsuji continue to walk as he was smiling with confidence that he didn't have in previous life"

"After long walking he was finally at the door of kingdom,there was big brown doors and two guards"

(Guards POV)

Guard 1:Who are you?

Tsuji:My name is Tsuji.I'm here to train to become warrior!

Guard:Huh,warrior.Ok then,come in!

Tsuji:Thanks guys

"Guards opens door as Tsuji was watching and in the kingdom there was red carpets and stairs from left and right side and on top of that there was big doors"

Tsuji:Wow,this looks amazing.

"Guard turns his head and asked Tsuji"

Guard:You need to see king first,just walk through that big doors and then goes upstairs and you will see biggest door and inside will be king

Tsuji:Thank you,see ya!

"Tsuji takes the steps while he was mummling in himself"

Tsuji:So this is kingdom,it sure looks amazing!

"After long walking Tsuji was so tired and he almost fell of the stairs"

Tsuji:Oh man,i will die before i even become warrior.I need to get muscular and get better physical strength.

"Tsuji opened the big doors as he opened them there was big table with two couches and on one chouch there was Kinh"

"King have long white hair and he has red feather and he has big short beard and he was old but in very good health shape"

King:Who are you?

"Tsuji face went scary because king was so serious"

"Tsuji left the breath out and started talking"

Tsuji:My name is Tsuji.I came here to become warrior and to save this world.

"King face got shocked as he asking Tsuji"

King:So your name is Tsuji,right

Tsuji:Yes sir!

King:Miss Ayaka.Show our guest room where he will belong and put his name on the list of new warrior academy members.

Ayaka:As you wish my king!

Ayaka:Come with me


"Tsuji put his arm on the jaw and he was mummling in himself again"

Tsuji:Warrior academy huh?So that is where will i be for a long time

Tsuji:Miss Ayaka!

Ayaka:What is it,Tsuji?

Tsuji:When will i start my training?


"Ayaka was girl in maid costume with green eyes and short green hair"

"Tsuji smiled and said"

Tsuji:So this is where my adventures begins!