
Reincarnated into Abyss

Story about a man reincarnated into NTR manga in the body of the main character who already lost everything, can the reincarnated person gets justice for the main character in the face of the overwhelming disadvantage? this is a story about guilt, revenge, justice, punishment, and redemption

Drakeey · Ciudad
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21 Chs

Reincarnated into Abyss (The Fifth Chapter)

Reincarnated into Abyss (The Fifth Chapter)

'Ow.. Ow… Ow…' I tried to get up to go home but I can't, that match really took a toll on me, shit I'm trying to act cool in front of rin but I end up look like a fool

'You okay Takashima? ' She asked me

'It's alright senpai, just a little bit hurt' I grimaced

'Please, I can see you hurting a lot, let me help… here hold on my shoulder' she picked me up on the ground

with her help I can finally stand

'It's okay Takashima, let me carry your bag to the gate' she tell me while propping me up

Then we walked slowly to the gate, I can see her face really close to mine, damn she's really beautiful, and her athletic body covered in sweat kinda turns me on, I prayed with all of my might that I don't get a freakin weird boner in this moment

'Something wrong takashima?' she asked me

'Nah, nothing senpai it's just….' I hesitate

'Just what?' She replied

'I'm still worried about you.. This is Kiichiro we talking about, there's no end in his plan to do everything to make him get what he wants' I tell her

'So are you worried about me? Or that kawabata will win? ' she asked me

'I… truthfully I don't know' I replied

'It's okay takashima, if you didn't care about me you won't even bother doing all of this, don't worry I will take extra precautions tomorrow and believe me, I will win' she taps her chest

'I know, but still be careful senpai' I'm really worried about her tommorow

'I'm not the one who you should be worrying about, how about you? Can you go home with this condition?' she asked

'ah it's okay, I ordered a taxi, look it's already arrived' I tell her

'okay then, here's your bag, be careful on your way home takashima' she tell me

'thank you senpai, good luck on your match tommorow, I will be cheering you' I replied

And with that the taxi brings my broken body back to my apartment

I wearily get inside and take a warm bath, then iput bandage on my torso and apply ointment for my bruises

Before I go to sleep I realize there's one thing that I have to take care of, yes this power of mine, I never got an official instruction on how to use it, I accidentally activated it without me realizing, so I spend the next hour figuring out how this power works

'SYSTEM OPEN… MENU…. OPTION… STATUS…' I yelled to the air, but still nada, nothing happened, usually in isekai manga that's how characters open their status window

'Ah shit nothing works, well then let's try activate advance once more' I mumbled

'ADVANCE ACTIVATE' I yelled again, even though in the past I can activate it via willpower

-Activation failed-

-skill is in delay, remaining delay time : 16 hours-

'Aw crap so I can only use advance once per day' I grumbled

Then I reminded a good idea, how about I add more skill, but I really need some busted skill, skill that can defeat my opponents just in one hit…. And I know the perfect skill


-Skill activated-

-Generating information-


-Skill generation complete-

-Serious series : Serious punch = Do a punch that deals damage based on 100% your strength-

'LET'S GOOOOOOO' I yelled with all my strength, I can't believe it actually works holy shit

Immediately go to the patio to test my new skill

'Hmmm… I gotta aim it to the sky, I don't want to broke any building' I mumbled

'HYAAAAHHH….' I yelled while doing my stance

-Serious series : Serious punch activated-


I do a normal punch to the sky

Wait that's it? But that's just a normal punch? Wtf do I get scammed? , how could this be?

Then I realized the description of this skill is doing a punch with the user full strength, the reason saitama punch was devastating because he has godlike strength after all, meanwhile I'm just a normal human…. Shit I forgot to read the skill


But nothing happened, I put my palm in my face, I feel defeated but there's nothing I can do now, I guess it's time to sleep, finally I jump out to bed and have my deserved rest….

*"John… Wake up…" *

"Wake up darling…."

"You're finally awake, it's already noon sleepy head"

Voice of a woman woken me up

"Ugh… Sorry I can't sleep well last night, upstairs neighbor is so noisy arghhhhhhh, wait here, I'm going to scold them"

I woke up begrudgingly from the bed and head to the door angrily

But the woman blocked my path….

"John… darling… calm down and deep breaths…. remember your lesson from the anger management class... calm down okay darling?"

The woman rubs my chest to calm me down

"Yes… It's just I just want to give them a piece of my mind, it's so frustrating"

I take her hand and kissed it

"John… not everything needs retaliation, our neighbor just had a baby 2 days ago, of course they are going to be noisy, look john.... sometimes we have to see the bigger picture dear"

She tells me while rubbing her hands in my cheek

"Yeah… you're right thanks for reminding me, what kind of luck do I have to deserve a wife like you isabel ortega?'"

"Well… I think we are both lucky John dunham, come give me a kiss"

I then kissed her deeply, I kissed her lips, cheeks, and I go down to kiss her neck…

"John… nah… nah… Remember we are going to go my abuela's house soon, we already promised her last month darling"

She then touch my nose with ther index finger

"Ah shit….. you just had to remind me' I shake my head"

"hey language…"

"'did you just hey language me isabel?"

Then I tickled ber belly

"John… stop it…. Stop hihihihihi"

*And then we then laugh together*

everything fades away.....

Bzzzzzttt... Bzzzzzttt….. my alarm woke me up from my dream , I feel something warm in my face, wait is this tears? Why am I crying?

'why I feel something is missing?' I mumbled

Well I can deal with it later, it's time to get ready it's a big day after all, I prepared myself and went to the school

At the class I see kiichiro is surrounded by his fanclub

'did you really gonna fight senpai kawabata-kun?'

'I pray you will win kawabata-kun'

'be careful don't get hurt kawabata-kun'

'don't worry everyone, hirayama senpai might be strong, but my love for akemi is stronger' he declared while holding and kissing akemi in the hand

'kyaaaa so cute, I wanted a boyfriend like you someday kawabata-kun'

'Bleeergh' I tell them while mimicking vomitting, I can't stand it, people already dickriding him in the morning

'shut up takashima, you're just jealous' one of his fangirl tell me

'yeah…. whatever dipshits, scram now, the class is almost starting' I tell them, and with that they go to their respective seats

'hey katsuo, I don't know what is your relationship with hirayama senpai, but I know she's been helping you, still you will know after today she will become my woman too' Kiichiro smiles at me

'ohhh where did you get that info? From your friend with a broken knee? Hahahaha kiichiro, you can try attack me with 100 people but I still I will coming for you, you can stab me, shoot me, burn me, still…. i…. will…come…for….you…. and today is your friday the thirteenth bitch' I replied to him

'you fuck…. Just because you have protected by hirayama senpai don't you think you are safe yet asshole' he told me angrily

'wow slow down, you'll waste your energy dude, you're gonna need it today, after all….' then I get closer to his ear

~riiin gonna kill youuu~ ~riiin gonna kill youuu~

I hummed to him

Kiichiro getting angry but he realized that he's in public and he composed himself

'ah you're no fun' I teased him, but he didn't answer

Then our class routine goes normally, until the bell of the end of the last period rings and it's time for the match, I gather my belongings and went to the school dojo

A lot of students already gathered here, a lot of them are kiichiro or rin friends from the clubs and their classmates, many people here who didn't know them personally also come to spectate, it is a battle between two of the famous people in this school after all

I looked at rin and give my thumbs up smiling

She reply by giving me a thumb up too

it's time....

the match started, kiichiro and rin agreed to fight an mma match, the announcer then introduced them and the bell rings to signal start of the match

Rin started slow, she put up her guard and observe kiichiro, she's a pro fighter after all, even she's fighting an amateur she didn't do anything reckless, kiichiro then start to jabbing her and doing a low kick to measure rin's strength and reach, shit this fucker even know the fundamental of mma combat, how broken is his stats in this world?

Then after swatting his jabs rin started counter attacking, she got a few light hits in but kiichiro can take them, his natural athleticism and physical prowess really helped him to defend from rin's attack, although rin kept attacking him with hard to predict combination strikes, he still can keep up and defend, his performance is far better than mine yesterday, until suddenly without warning rin launched a roundhouse kick to his temple,even though he still blocks it with his hands, the damage still affects kiichiro as he drop to his knees


The crowd is getting noisy when kiichiro dropped

But he can still recover from the damage,kiichiro gets up and do his stance, while they are ready to fight again the bell rangs signaling the end of a round

Like a cue suddenly akemi came to rin senpai who's resting on the bench

'rin senpai, hello.... umm......your performance today is really great, it's amazing , even though I'm kiichiro girlfriend, I can't help but admire you, here senpai, I bought you a drink, you must be thirsty, this is my appreciation for you..... ' she smiles and offer a bottle of energy drink to rin

I watched nervously, this is the key moment, the moment that started rin's downfall, even though I gave her warning I can't help but worried....

'no akemi, I brought my own drink, I appreciate your gesture, but I already have one' she replied to akemi

I can see the disdain in rin's face, she probably still remember what I told her yesterday and realized that I'm right

'w… well… then okay senpai I thought you might need one…' akemi tell rin while stuttered, she must didn't expect her gift to be rejected, after all Kiichiro must have told her that rin will accept it, but then I noticed something

My sister harumi is suspiciously going to rin's bench, she also carrying a bottle of energy drink that looked like rin's, she then goes to akemi and taps her shoulder

'akemi, kiichiro called you let's go to his corner with me' she tells akemi

'okay harumi senpai, I'm going with you, but first rin senpai, goodluck on your match' she then offer her hand to rin

'yea... thanks' rin shook her hand

While rin is distracted shaking hands with akemi, harumi swapped the bottle from rins bag with the bottle she brought

No no no no, shit this is not in the manga…, I have to warn rin…..

'HEY HIRAY….. MPHHHHH…. MPHHHH' I tried to yell, but suddenly a hand covered my mouth

shit, it's kiichiro minions from soccer club they hold me so I can't warn rin about what just happened, they held my body and and leg, shit why now?

I tried my best to struggle

-Niko style : advance activated-

But even with my doubled strength can't overpower the strength of 5 people holding me back

"remember john this world has it's own laws and fate, if you try to change that, the world will fight back"

I remembered what ramona told me, is this the world itself fighting back? Is this going to be my fate? Whatever I do is useless? After all things that I have done it's going to be fruitless, then I watched as rin drinks from the bottle that swapped..... suddenly

She spits out all the liquid that enters her mouth


I was shocked, the people who held me also shocked too they released me, I can also see kiichiro and his bitches faces going pale, their plan has failed

The officials then gather around her while she explains

'This drink is orange flavored energy drink, I brought orange juice from home, this is clearly a sabotage against me' she explained

'I see, it seems there's people who really have bad intention for you hirayama senpai, but still it's hard to prove who is the culprit, do you think we should cancel the match?' the ref told her

'NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT, I know who did it and I'm gonna destroy him right now, please continue the match' she commands the ref

Then rin takes a bottle of mineral water gargled and spit all the remaining liquid just to be safe

Goddamn I really didn't expect that, I feel so happy rin listened to me, and she didn't suffer to her original fate in the manga

Rin then comes to the ring, her aura is different now, this is not a normal rin, this is sicko mode rin, she's ready to kill

Kiichiro then slowly comes to the ring too

'kawabata you truly are despicable, you dare to poison me using akemi and takashima sister, I will make you pay' she tell him

'what do you mean senpai, I have no idea' kiichiro tried to play dumb

'stop pretending, I know what you did, unfortunately for you takashima warned me about your deeds, he told me all about your plan and warn me to take extra precautions, so I swapped my energy drink with juice to test if takashima was right, and he did, now I will destroy you' she readied herself

'katsuo?! How did he know?! Ah.. I mean… I mean…' Kiichiro stutters

'oh you admitted it? takashima is smarter than you think scum, and I will destroy you for him and for people you hurt' she replied

With that the match started, and to say that this match is one sided is understatement, rin absolutely massacre him, she attacked him relentlessly, she didn't even bother defending from his counter, every attack Kiichiro does didn't do any damage to rin she just tanks it all, finally Kiichiro is down from a calf kick so hard I can hear the impact from here, she then proceeded to pummel him in the ground again and again until Kiichiro can't defend himself ref stopped the match but rin keep punching, until she was pushed by harumi, then akemi and rei cover kiichiro body as to protect him from rin

'Stop it senpai you already won' akemi yells while crying

And with that the crowd cheers as rin crowned the champion,

I quickly go to the ring and snatched the microphone from the announcer


She smiled at me

Then I go to the place where Kiichiro knocked out and snap a photo of his unconscious face


'SHUT UP GO AWAY KATSUO' Harumi yelled at me

'awwwww sis cmon, can't I just bask in this moment for a sec ahahahaha, look at your prince charming now, not so charming eh?' I tell them while laugh

Akemi then stepped to me and she tried to slap me only for rin to block her slap and grabbed her arm

She then dragged akemi with her

'TAKASHIMA FOLLOW ME' rin commands me while dragging akemi

'senpai… wait where are we going?.... release me senpai' akemi begs

'shut up, I have a problem to settle with you, you're coming with me' rin tell her

We then go to the school rooftop together

And rin throws akemi to the floor of the school rooftop

'akemi...you scum…. You tried to poison me , do you think I'm going to let it slide?!' rin yells

'p… p… poison you? I don't have such an idea' she stutters while crying


rin slapped her right in the face ' DON'T LIE TO ME AKEMI, I know what you and your boyfriend plan for me, if it wasn't for takashima, I didn't know what will happened to me, at first I thought you are a victim… I thought you are manipulated by kawabata to do his bidding, it seems I was wrong… I even punched takashima when he's trying to tell me the truth, you're no different than your boyfriend… you're just a trash like him' rin yells

'no… no… it's not true… believe me senpai….' Akemi begs while guarding her head


rin slaps her again ' STOP LYING AKEMI, WHAT IS HAPPENING TO YOU?!, you throw away everything, karate, friendship, relationship, ambition,morals, dreams, everything…. Just to become his slave?! Who are you?!, akemi that I know will never stoop this low, who are you?!


who are you?!




rin yells while keep hitting her

'stop…. stop.. I'm akemi, senpai…. I'm akemi' she cried loudly while on the floor in fetal position

It's a spectacle, the old hirayama rin would never do things like this, she is a defender of the weak,protector of innocent people from bully, right now she's plainly bullying akemi,acting like this is really out of character for her

it took all of my will power not to intervene, all my instinct is screaming to stop rin, to help Akemi, but I trust rin, I trust she know what she's doing right now

'then prove it to me, fight back!, if you're not his slave then fight me back, prove it to me that you're not a mindless toy of his, STAND UP FOR YOURSELF!' she yelled at akemi and kicked her

'i… can't….I'm scared…. I'm scared senpai…. Please' she begs

Rin then grabs akemi by the hair and pull her up, she puts akemi's face in front of her

'do you remember when we have our first match?, even though you lost, you tell me you never had a match this fun in your life, you promised that you will get better, you promised that we will reach the top of the world together… I really adore you, no.. I adore that woman… right now you're nothing like her… you're just a shell of your former self, you are just a trash


do you think Kawabata care about you? No, you're just a pet


a tool


a used rag cloth for him, you're not a human anymore, you're nothing but his OBEDIENT WHORE *SMASH* '

Rin suddenly punched her while yelling

'hirayama-senpai I think you're... ' I tried to stop rin, she seriously can accidentally kills akemi like this


She then grabs akemi hair again and point at me

'look at that akemi, look at that man, even though you hurt him, you broke him, he still cared about you, he tried to stop me, I know everything that you did to him, he still try to help you, I know that he always accompany you during practice, he always cheer for you from the bench and what did you repay him?!, right now there's no one gonna save you, not takashima, not kawabata, no one, STAND UP FOR YOURSELF, FIGHT ME BACK




rin punch her again but, suddenly akemi punched her back


'ENOUUGH' akemi yells while punching

It caught rin off guard, she's fall to her butt and I can see a trickle of blood coming off her lips


Rin then approached her and she hugs her tight

'You know akemi, before I met you, I almost gave up on matrial arts, I truly loved it, but no one can keep up with me, they start to distance themselves from me, even few members quit, I didn't enjoy it anymore, they see me as a monster, until you came… and become my rival, no matter how many times you are defeated by me, you always gets up, you always smiled, you always do your best,because you alwas have takashima on your side, and that saved me,it makes me realize how powerful human connection is, it lit a new fire in my soul, to see that woman that I adore suddenly dissappear, it was painful to me, akemi please this time let me save you, you did bad things and you deserve to be punished for it, but let me carry that burden with you, please come back akemi… ' rin started to cry too

' I know senpai.. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to become like this, thank you senpai.. thank you for reminding me….. 'she hugs rin back while crying

'katsuo-kun, I'm sorry, im really sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm sorry, it was all my fault, I was weak, I throw you away, I didn't cherish you, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry' akemi tells me while crying

I see akemi is battered and bruised, blood also coming from her mouth and her forehead is bleeding, she got absolutely wrecked by rin after all

I finally go to those girls and say 'yeah.. yeah… whatever…. You look like shit right now akemi, cmon let's go to the infirmary' I propped her up to get up

'let me help you takashima' rin said to me

We then both bring akemi to the infirmary it's already late and sky started going dark, the infirmary is closed luckily I have a master key that the headmaster gave me,we then entered the infirmary and I put akemi on the bed

'I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry' akemi keep muttering that word over and over again from the moment I propped her until now, her eyes looks dead like her soul snatched away

I take a first aid kit box and go to akemi, I cupped my hands in her cheek and say 'okay… okay…. enough, I get it…. Stop….'

She snapped back to life and said ' ah… okay… katsuo kun'

I then opened the first aid box, put some alcohol on the cotton and start to disinfect her wounds, and then I applied some ointment for her bruises 'ow… ow…. Ow…' she grimaced

'Look akemi, make no mistake I'm doing all of this because of rin, if it was up to me, I'll rather spit on you while you on the floor, my revenge for you is not over, you still have to answer to me, but….. at least…. I'll recognize your effort to apologize' I tell her then I put a bandaid on her forehead

'thank you…. Katsuo-kun, whatever your punishment for me…. i.. I will accept it' she smiled at me

'ah it's already late, you ladies wait here, I'll go get some food, I'm pretty hungry after all, I knew you guys are hungry too' I tell them

'no…..katsuo-kun….. you don't have to….' Akemi try to decline

'shut up, your stomach has been noisy since 5 minutes ago' I got up and tell her

'I want some gyuudon takashima' rin tells me while smiling

'alright' and I go to the nearest convince store

My feelings are mixed, I'm sad, I'm angry, I'm frustrated about akemi situation but strangely enough I also feel happy….

I brought some food and drinks then goes back to the infirmary, I see those ladies are chatting smiling and laughing, just like friends….

'I'm back' I tell them

I opened the pack I brought and gave them their food

'for hirayama-senpai, beef gyuudon and orange juice' I gave it to rin

'thanks, takasima' she told me

'for you akemi, katsudon with extra crispy tonkotsu and strawberry milk, your favorite, and don't try to refuse, I can see you're drooling already' I tell her

'ummmm thank you katsuo-kun…' she smiles

'what do you have takashima?' rin ask me

'well of course, the good old double American cheeseburger, French fries, and cola' I replied

We then have our meal together, laughing, smiling, chatting, it's like the event before this never happened, I looked at rin and smiled

I'm just glad that I met rin in this world

After we done eating, we prepared to go home, I ordered a taxi for akemi since she's not in great condition, and her home is the furthest, she try to decline but I insisted…..

'well then… I'm going first, bye katsuo-kun, bye rin-senpai' she waved

'hey akemi, from tommorow you have to attend club practice again and never absent, if you can become a national karate champion then maybe just maybe I'll consider accepting your apology' I tell her

'I promise katsuo-kun' she tells me with steadfast face

The taxi move to bring akemi home

'well hirayama-senpai, I think it's time to….'

'rin… please call me rin…. Katsuo, if you don't mind, would you like to walk me home?' rin asked while smiling

'okay then rin, I'll walk you home' I tell her

We then walk into the direction of her house

'katsuo… thank you… for everything, if it wasn't for you I couldn't saved akemi, you stay beside me even I rejected you, thanks truly' she smile at me

'ah it's okay rin, I'm just doing what I think is right' I replied

'I know it's hard for you to accept akemi apology, but please, at least let her try to redeem herself' she tell me

'yeah… it was remain to be seen, but if she's serious, then I got no problem, after all it's kiichiro that I aiming for' I grit my teeth

'hahaha thank you katsuo… by the way… do you have someone you like katsuo?' she asked

'whatt? No, I don't think I have time for that, how about you rin? I bet a lot of guys lining up trying to be your boyfriend' I replied

'where'd you get that idea? No I don't think boys like me, after all I'm not cute and girly, boys like cute girls right?

Everytime I tried to talk to a boy they seem terrified, no one ever called me cute' she replied

'didn't you know you are ranked 3rd most beautiful girl in the school popularity poll?' I asked her

'really? I never paid attention to it, probably they respect me that I'm an athlete, no one ever want me romantically' she smiles

'Well then screw them all, screw being cute and girly, if I have a girlfriend as beautiful, strong, and cool as you I probably cried in happiness' I tell her

Wait is rin blushing right now?

'cool? Is it okay for girls being cool? Isn't it for boys? ' she asked

'yes girls can be cool too, you're like the coolest ever,you're like a superhero….'I tell her

' really? What kind of superhero? 'she replied

' you're umm wonderful and a girl so yeah you will be wonder woman, I'll be your no. 1 fan hehehe'I tell her

'wonder woman huh?' she asked me

' yess, you are…. beautiful, cool, strong, have a lot of sense of justice, you are wonder woman' I tell her

'well then, I'll be your wonder woman,and you're my number one fan right? So from now on….'

'please always look at me katsuo' she smiled warmly

To all people who never called her cute, it's a fucking bullshit because that smile…. That smile

– is the cutest thing I've ever seen–