
Reincarnated Into a Godlike Xenomorph

Okay before anything happens and before you give me all of your hate you’ve been warned. Most people you see here besides the MC will die by the MC’s hands since well... he’s a fucking Xenomorph. Anyways, his girlfriend left him for another whom beat him until death, his family abandoned him. Bullied in school. His prayers we’re never answered he cursed every single god under the alphabet that didn’t answered his prayers. Now? He’s given a second chance by someone unknown. Given a system and only rage to his name; he’ll make all living being serve under him... one way or *a chestburster comes out of a person* GODDAMN IT NOW I HAVE TO CLEAN THE FLOOR AGAIN!!!!

Cruddiest_Spider · Cómic
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: Magic is a Bitch

A/N: so thanks to Kevin_Pollard I think I need to clarify a few things. Xenomorphs reproduce ASEXUALLY, the entire thing about his gender is just convenience or a joke; as for his penis - that was just a fun little thing that I put in. As for the perk he got - it was also a joke on the protagonist, it'll rarely come into play.

So thank you to Kevin_Pollard for allowing me to clear your confusion and hopefully others as well.

On another note I found out the world's Dalimus may go to.


Fate - way into the past like thousands of years.

Shadow of War

I'll let you decide - of course if you believe you have a better world then i'm open to suggestions.

Anyways enjoy yourself - "buy yourself something nice! I didn't say expensive!!" - Trevor GTA 5


Amanda was in pain, she knew it wasn't from her being pregnant - she doesn't even know if she is pregnant. Even then the pain is coming from her stomach, her hands are shaking and foam came out of her mouth.

She couldn't think straight, the pain was clouding her mind! She tried to stand up to get some pain medicine but she just couldn't. She tried to yell out but sadly like all rooms in the space city it's soundproof.

Holding her stomach with her right hand she felt something… something was moving…

[Host, in order to be born you need to burst out of your Host's chest.]

'I know, I know, it's just that I don't know how to feel about killing a person.'

[Host you should start seeing humans as DNA not actual beings in order to lessen the burden on your mind.]

'Way easier said than done' Dalimus thought this as he started moving out and he started to stretch the skin of Amanda's chest.

Amanda tossed and turned to get her mind off of the pain but she just couldn't! At this point she wished she was dead so that she didn't have to deal with pain. She looked down towards her stomach to see translucent and thin skin that showed what was coming out of her stomach.

It was a fucking alien.

A living breathing alien!

Any other time she would've been ecstatic! She isn't because it's coming out of her like a fucking parasite! Before she could think anymore her stomach burst open with blood covering the floor, walls, ceiling, and her bed. Either the shock or the sudden blood loss she passed out unable to see the new life that she birthed.

[Human killed! First blood! +500 Xp +45% = 725 Xp! Leveled up 5x. +20 DNA]

Dalimus looked around in his Chestburster form; he didn't know how he could see, nor did he care but he did notice blood covering the area around him.

[Recommendation: go into the vent]

Dalimus scanned the room to find a vent before he found the very same vent that the Facehugger crawled out of. Dalimus slithered through the vents as he slithered through the vents he brought up his stats.

[Name: Dalimus]

[Job: None]

[Status: Confused]

[Level: 5 (0/600) +45%

[Hp: 500/500]

[Mp: 50/50]

[Strength: 50]

[Agilty: 50]

[Endurance: 50]

[Intelligence: 10]

[Wisdom: 10]


[Stat points: 10]

'Hold on, System, aren't I too strong for my level?' Dalimus asked.

[Answer: compared to humans you're no stronger than a five year old: remember size does have an effect on strength. You'll get stronger as you grow, evolve, and collect DNA]

'Wait, how does DNA make me stronger?'

[Answer: 1 DNA adds 0.1% more damage when attacking.]

Dalimus guess that makes sense, but moving on the stat points are a bit too low for his liking.

[Recommendation: add all of your points into Intelligence so that you'll won't be dumb.]

'Wow… how kind] Dalimus did as the System told him and placed his points into intelligence - it seemed a good idea on the surface… Why waste points on anything else when you automatically get stronger each time you level up?

So it sounded good on paper - but magic… based on his traits learning magic and magic related skills are going to be a major bitch.

But the few things that he wants to use magic for is mainly stealth and defense. If he can camouflage seamlessly then killing and moving around will be a breeze; as for the defense - if he gets caught then his magical defenses will aid him until he survives.

So next thing… magic…

[Reminder: everything dealing with magic such as learning magical skills or creating magical skills are decreased by 75%.]

'That reminds me, why isn't my start harder even though I have quite powerful traits.?'

[Answer: your Trait Scrawny but Strong effects this massively - as it's permanent and can't be changed.]

'Ah… oh… oh fuck… what a mistake… learning magic is going to be so fucking much harder to learn magic… maybe I don't need to learn magic… What a lie… I need it to increase my chances of survival.' Dalimus died a bit on the inside as he continued slithering through the vents.

Okay magic… a fairly new concept to him and hard to imagine if you have no idea want you're doing - an experienced person would say 'feel it in your body' but how can you do that if you don't know what to feel? Luckily for Dalimus it wasn't hard to find out where his magic is.

[Suggestion: make your magic cover your body]

Dalimus did as the system suggested and did it, surprisingly it was fairly easy, but getting the skill for it? Not so much. Dalimus had to force his magic to cover him and stay for roughly a minute before he got a skill.

[Skill: Defensive barrier: Level 0 (0/100) -75% consumes 15 Mp per minute.]

'How fun' Dalimus said this as he died a little bit more inside. Dalimus sighed inside as he looked around.

'System, how long until I reach adulthood?'

[Answer: 6 hours, 34 minutes, 39 seconds]

'Okay…' Dalimus thought as he continued experimenting with his magic.


A woman at a desk grunted in frustration, no one would blame her - it was the first time she was this stressed out since the massacre at section S and N. Even then! That required the commander of the fucking army!

But this? This she can manage… at the cost of gaining more grey hairs. She sighed as she looked at the two files on her desk. They were files on two gangs that reside in Sector X - which thankfully they stayed there but still.

These two gangs are known as Viper and Cobra, they were once one gang named The Pythons but their leader was killed by the second in command who is now the leader of the Viper gang. As for the Cobras, the third in command of The Pythons leads them.

The Pythons were actually pretty friendly, despite being a gang, they were just the neighborhood cops without being a part of the law. They'd usually come out of nowhere with evidence to a previously cold case that'd put the person in prison if they weren't too rich.

Then their second in command a woman named Vanessa never had the same views as her previous leader, she wanted the gang to be an actual gang. Robbery, Rape, Murder, Assault, and Vandalism are their thing, they almost do it daily.

And because of the daily crimes by them the police force has sadly given up on stopping them as all witnesses are assassinated or the people that got caught got away due to corrupt cops.

As for the Cobras who are led by a man named Hank tries to keep the peace in section X but they're sadly no match for the Vipers. However that isn't the main problem, the problem is is that these two gangs are just a breath away from a gang war.

The Cobras would know to back off of the Vipers since the Vipers are more powerful than the Cobras, however the Cobras have something that the Vipers don't: the people, the Cobras have their people on their side which is a huge advantage over the Vipers as the people will not be as helpful or hospitaitable towards the Vipers as they are the Cobras.

This leads into a delicate situation where a superpower - The Vipers - are against the entire population of sector X which is alone hard enough to keep in peace.

Sighing, the woman looked towards the left side of her desk which had a photo on it. In the photo is herself, then her husband Alfred, her daughter Amanda, and her son Kyle. She sighed as she thought about her daughter - her baby girl… she wants to meet her but sadly she has no idea where she is.

Hopefully not in sector X… anywhere but there; she'd rather have her girl in sector Q than in sector X… The woman sighed again as she looked at the files once more rubbing her wrinkled forehead she hoped that tension will die down, even if it's a little bit, but God knows that's not going to happen.

Looks like she'll need to pay Padre a visit and ask for that favor, which if she does then that'll make her look bad - after all she doesn't want people to doubt the police chief that's in charge. There are four police chiefs the first one takes care of Sectors A-H then the second one takes care of Sectors I-O then the third one takes care of P-T and she takes care of Sectors U-Z.

She looked towards the ceiling as the silence was split into two as the air came on, she closed her eyes and imagined her children as well… children… their smiles… their laughs… them… she wishes that they can be whole again, but alas fate is a cruel mistress. With Amanda having cut contact is it even possible for them to even become a family again?

God… she needs a drink.


Words: 1,682

Total Words: 5,270