
Sport'd day

It's turn out today we will have first 3 period in the morning then will be free to live school since today it swimming competition, when I text Otis asking him if his going to take driving lessons today but he reply saying he might be going out on the date with Meave, I told him good luck and he shouldn't wear a suit or anything formal in for just case it isn't

I know right now he panicking since he doesn't know where is Meave asking to go with him, I wish I could see his face right now , I text Eric again if he will need a left when he goes home, huh what am I thinking I should drive Eric home and come back and watching the competition with Ruby

Honestly I don't know what is going between me and Ruby but I don't want to label anything yet I will just go with the flow, that girl put up her front as a Diva when in public but she is a really sweetheart when you all alone with her, after 3 hours of boredom in class all period were over, I went to Ruby and Olivia's desk

" Hey I'm going to drive, Otis and Eric home then come back or do you want to come with?" I asked Ruby since Otis still learning how to drive, I still have to drive them home

"Why don't you give Otis the car keys to drive himself home with Eric?" Ruby asked while looking at me waiting for my reply

"Well I wish, Otis doesn't know how drive and I only made him start taking lessons 3 days ago if by the end of this week start getting a hang out it then I will give him that car keys" I said to her I hope he will quickly catch since his smart, I already have a car

" Okay wait a moment " she said then I waited for put her stuff on the her bag then we went to her locker, we were just casually talking, then we met up with Anwar and Aimee, we talked a bit then I received a text from Otis saying they are at the car

I told Ruby it time go to since she decided she will go with me , then we left the untouchables, I think they all decided they will go home,she gave a car keys to Aimee and telling she will come and get it to her place then we left

Few minutes later we arrived at the car, Otis and Eric we just talking, since Eric didn't go to the swim band practice by the way his terrible at it, I don't know why that Mr Hendricks wanted Eric to audition for it

" Hey guys sorry for keep you waiting,so you already know Ruby and Ruby this my twin brother Otis and Eric" i said while introducing her to Otis and Eric I'm sure I don't need to but I did it anyway

"Hey" both them said at the same time

"Ruby is coming with us since I basically promised we will spend quality together since we haven't since Saturday morning" I said while looking at her with a smile

"Okay, shall we get going" Eric said feeling bit awkward, he didn't expect Ruby will be join us,we got in the car , Eric and Otis we in the backseat while Ruby was in the frontseat, it was a bit awkward in the car everybody was quiet and Ruby was just busy on phone, we started of by dropping off Eric then while we on our way home, Ruby stopped doing whatever she was doing on her phone then put it on her lap then she started looking at me

"What? is there something on my face?" I asked when I saw her looking at me

"No nothing, I was just looking at you" she said with a straight face

"Come on, don't do that you will make Otis feel awkward and at least let drop him of then we can go on an ice cream date" I said i looking at her with my side eye, it didn't take long before we arrive at home , I got out of the car so Otis we get of on my side instead of Ruby's

"Otis will you need a ride to wherever you going? We could drop you off" I asked Otis then I regret afterwards since I know where she is going, if Ruby finds out that Meave is aborting a child, It will be known by everybody at school given they not friends yet

"No I'm good, i will just take a taxi there" Otis said while going towards our house

"Okay tell mom I will be back later" I said while getting in the car, I found Ruby taking pictures with my phone after that she stopped taking pictures and look at me then came forward to kiss me , we kissed for about 5 minutes then I drove off, since we going ice cream date , we might a we'll get ice cream

While we wear on the way she keep taking pictures and videos of us, not like I mind or I have anything to hide, just left her do whatever she wanted , we got on the ice cream shop we bought at then we drove to the random place where it is was quiet with no people around

We started making out, she till took some pictures when she was leaning on me, kiss on my cheek, man is was a bunch of them , she received a text and when she checked it, I was her father

"Ah shit I gotta go, my father is texting me" she said when I looked at the time is was 8:30pm already, 'sigh' time flies when you having fun

"What? It this late, I guess I was lost in the moment with you" I said while trying to kiss her again which she return

"Yeah I know we have still have a lot of time together so don't worry, take me home before my father start to worry" she said smiling , I chuckle so i just In the driver seat then start the car, start going to Ruby's house which was awfully close by the way, I think she said we should go where we were because she already know about the place , I wasn't just random direction , when I tried to walk her in the house, she straight up refused and I had no choice but go let it be and go home, funny thing is we ended up not going to see the swimming competition