
Reincarnated In Power Rangers

MC gets reincarnated in PowerRangers 2017 version

Just_for_fun1997 · Película
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50 Chs

Chapter 30 Power rangers fight

Rita was very angry.

"Those brats think they've won," Rita mutters angrily, her voice dripping with contempt. "I'll destroy their small town and lure them out," she declares, her eyes flashing with malevolent intent. "I'll torture them in front of each other until they beg for mercy, and then I'll make them tell me about the Zeo Crystal's location," she adds, her tone cold and calculating.

As Rita slams her golden staff onto the ground, a surge of dark energy emanates from its tip, causing the earth to tremble. From the cracks in the ground, Putties begin to emerge, their forms taking shape from the surrounding surfaces like concrete and stone.

These creatures, towering over humans in size, are born from the very fabric of the environment, incorporating elements such as fire hydrants and other structures into their formidable bodies. Some Putties exhibit additional variations, ranging from multiple faces to fusion with other Putties, creating monstrous amalgamations reminiscent of conjoined twins.

With a malevolent glint in her eyes, Rita watches as her army of Putties takes form, she ordered them, "Go get those filthy Rangers."

As a relentless horde of over more than 60 Putties, created by Rita Repulsa's dark magic, surged forward with an ominous determination. Their gray, stone-like bodies moved with an eerie fluidity as they advanced toward the quarry, their eyes glowing with malevolent intent towards the quarry.

With a thunderous roar, the Putties charged forward, their footsteps echoing off the surrounding cliffs.

But just as it seemed the Rangers would be engulfed by the advancing tide of enemies, the ground beneath the Putties abruptly dropped away, revealing a sheer cliff face. Undeterred by the sudden obstacle, the Putties leaped without hesitation, plummeting into the dark depths below.

With a mighty splash, the Putties disappeared beneath the surface, disappearing into the murky waters of the quarry.

As the Rangers reached the watery-ceilinged cave, they saw a putty, shimmering on the other side of the water. "How did he find us?"

Zack wondered. "We gotta crush him."

"Wait," Trini said. A wave of other putties jumped into the water, blocking the way out.

Alexander spoke up,"Use the link up method, we did when playing around in cave to fight them."

Everyone understood,it was basically small method of swimming formation they used to launch themselves in the water. They simply played around with it because of Alexander's suggestion, they didn't know it would come in handy here.

Alexander added," I will give you guys time to ready up."

As Alexander leaps upwards, propelled by a burst of strength and agility, he breaks through the surface of the water and dives deep into the submerged cave. The cool embrace of the water surrounds him, enveloping him in its tranquility as he descends further into the depths.

Submerged beneath the surface, Alexander's surroundings transform into a mesmerizing underwater landscape, illuminated by the soft glow of bioluminescent organisms. With each graceful movement, he navigates through the watery expanse with ease

He utilizes the walls to push himself through the water with swift determination. With each powerful stroke, he propels himself closer to the Putties, his movements fluid and calculated.

Brandishing his sword with expertise, Alexander unleashes a barrage of slashes, the gleaming blade cutting through the water with precision. With each strike, he dismantles the Putties with swift efficiency, his movements a testament to his mastery of combat.

Kimberly tensed."Let's do this." She sprang up into the water ceiling.

The other Rangers were right there with her.

The coordinated effort continues as Kimberly, Trini, and Zack work together to propel Billy and Jason forward. Kimberly pulls up Trini, who in turn pulls up Billy, launching him forward. Similarly, Kimberly assists Zack in pulling him up, and Zack then launches Jason forward.

The synchronized launch of Billy and Jason towards the incoming Putties, propelled by Kimberly's careful pull, sets the stage for an impressive display of teamwork and coordination. As they swim forward, Jason and Billy each seize a Putty and skillfully maneuver them towards each other.

With precise timing and coordination, they use their legs to kick the Putties towards each other, creating a collision that results in the destruction of the adversaries.

As Zack and Trini join forces to propel Kimberly forward, she harnesses the momentum to swim with incredible speed, her determination shining through as she charges towards the incoming Putties. With a powerful thrust, she slams her fists into the adversaries, delivering

"Trini, Zack, be ready. I'm coming down to give you a pull," Alexander communicates through the communication systems integrated into their suits.

Zack and Trini got ready and replied together,"Ready."

As Alexander swims downward, his movements sleek and agile, he used to care walls to quickly propel himself forward.

He propels down quickly positions himself upside down and grabs hold of Trini's and Zack's hands with precision. With a powerful pull, he propels them upward, their momentum carrying them forward like a torpedo.

Trini and Zack, propelled by Alexander's strength, soar through the water with determination, their fists and feet connecting with the Putties with incredible force. With each strike, the Putties crumble beneath their onslaught, reduced to mere piles of rubble.

With swift and agile movements, Alexander utilizes the cave walls to boost himself upward once again, his sword gleaming as he cuts through the Putties with precision. As one Putty approaches him, Alexander swiftly climbs on top of it, driving his sword into its head with a decisive strike. The Putty begins to crumble beneath him, falling apart as Alexander moves on to the next adversary.

As he senses another Putty swimming towards him from behind. Reacting quickly, he performs a graceful backflip, his foot connecting with the Putty's form with powerful force. The Putty is instantly destroyed by the impact, crumbling into pieces as Alexander swims away gracefully,

All the Rangers could do was fight their way through. As one, the team charged into the putties. The water surged and boiled around them as they fought in full armor, tearing the putties apart—but there were always more. They battled on, fighting the putties until they all burst through the surface of the pool and out into the chasm.