
Reincarnated in One piece with redo by death ability

Jump aboard the laughter ship with a hilarious fan fiction that mashes up One Piece with a hearty dose of humor! Meet Yash, a teenager who's about as clueless as a fish on dry land, and his mutt Buro, who's got more brains than his human. They're just taking a stroll in Delhi when—bam!—they're whisked off to the wacky world of the Sabaody Archipelago. And let me tell ya, it's weirder than a three-headed parrot! Yash: "Buro, did you hear that? I think we're not in Kansas anymore... Or, uh, Delhi!" Buro: *Woof woof!* Translation: "No kidding, Sherlock. But at least there's no shortage of fire hydrants here!" From dodging bad guys to tripping over their own feet, these two are in for a wild ride. But hey, at least it beats a boring night at home, right? Yash: "I swear, Buro, if we make it out of this alive, I'm never going for a walk at night again." Buro: *Tail wagging furiously* Translation: "You say that every time, buddy. But who can resist the call of adventure?" So grab your sea legs and get ready for a barrel of laughs, because with "Transmigrated Tides," every page is a treasure trove of fun!

WildYash · Cómic
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21 Chs

Chapter 3: Bonds and Barriers

Rayleigh could tell at a glance that the young man was not physically strong. Could it be that they were old acquaintances he had forgotten, given that the young man referred to him as Old Man Rayleigh.

"I have seen you before and heard your name was Rayleigh, we have not been aquatinted before if that is what you are wondering." Yash explained in a polite manner.

"Is that so?" Rayleigh smiled though he felt a bit disappointed deep inside. "You asked where you are, This place is the storage unit of Human Auctioning house, we are here to be sold as slaves."

"Huh? slaves? Damn that green haired fatso wasn't kidding about selling me off as a slave."

"....." Rayleigh remained silent. Just siting at the place with a smile on his face.

Yash stands up and walk around to find any way to escape.

"It's useless, Even if you manage to escape, you will be killed by the explosion caused by the collar." A Giant in the room spoke, He is rather portly, though has muscular arms, a black beard, a thin mustache, and a crescent scar under his right eye. He wears a hat with flaps on the sides, a leather armband on each arm, and jeans.

"What?" Yash gulped and sat down next to Rayleigh, going into deep thought.

Gate opens of the stairs and a bunch of men with a restrained mermaid came downstairs, one of them is a thin, eccentric man who has long silver hair, a cleft chin, stubble beard and mustache. He wore a purple coat, pink scarf, a tall yellow hat with flower patterns around the bottom, and star-shaped glasses.

On the other hand, Mermaid has green hair and dark purple eyes. She wore a yellow and pink t-shirt that exposed her stomach. She has a pink tail with light fins, and her dorsal fin is white.

"Well Peterman has certainly proven himself this time, And to think the Flying Fish riders hasn't even brought us a single specimen." Says Disco with a happy smile on his face,"Well with this we will certainly get a high price."

Camie, the mermaid, disgusted by Disco's speech disrespect him by showing him her tongue "BLEGH". This angered Disco and he Kicked Camie in the stomach so hard that she was released from the Men's hands.

"What was that face just now? You are just a lousy fish, Damn you" Disco proceeds to kick Camie in his anger but was restrained by his men.

"Stop Mr.Disco, If she gets hurt the value of her as a merchandise will drop." says man no.1.

"Atleast Kick her somewhere like stomach or somewhere covered with clothing" Says Man no.2

"Hatchin will beat you guys up so bad." Says Camie as she cry in pain and fear. Her voice filled with pain and frustration when fell in Yash's ear, he felt angry and frustrated towards Disco.

"Stop yo-" Before he can finish his sentence Yash Saw Disco fell unconscious on the scene. Chills ran through his back.

Disco's men put a collar on Camie's neck and threw her inside the dungeon with the rest of them followed by them taking Disco to nursery.

"Hey Old man, Quit Acting innocent, That Haki just now was yours wasn't it? Just who are you?" Said the Giant to Rayleigh.

'It was Old man Rayleigh who knocked them out?' Yash looked at Rayleigh ," Thanks Old man Rayleigh, I was feeling anger towards that Bastard Disco. Because of you I am at ease now."

"Hahaha, I am just a simple old man who coats ship," He pulled out a faucet and takes a sip of alcohol from it.

"You don't need to apologise Young man. After all I take fancy of beautiful women."

Rayleigh smiled.

"BOW BOW" Barking sound of a dog came echoing down the hall to the Dungeon.

"Where am I?" A deep voice echo's the dungeon. "I was going back to Thousand Sunny at Grove 1 but this Dog dragged me here."

Yash look at the bars and saw Buro standing outside of the cell with a man. he wore an opened white shirt with red stripes, a big scar on his Chest and green hair were most noticeable features.

"BURO, my baby are you alright?" Yash Grabbed Buro and hugged her tightly. "I was so worried."

"Hey! Is that Dog yours?" Asks Zoro.

"Yeah she is mine" Yash put down Buro and stood up infront of Zoro," Thanks for bringing her here."

"You better be. Because of your mutt I lost my way to Grove 1." Complained Zoro

"Because of Buro?" Yash looked at Buro and back at Zoro," How exactly did she make you lose the way?"

Zoro scratched his head as we are about to witness our first backflash.

**Zoro was walking down the Street towards Groove 1 or so he thinks, after dropping off and injured man in the hospital for treatment, He looked at the Groove number which was 46.

"How did I end up on Groove 46? Did the island moves as well like Thriller bark?" Zoro ponder out loud, grabbing his chin by his hand.

"bow bow" 'Hmm?' Zoro looked at Buro who is barking at him. "What is it dog? Do you know the way to Groove 1?"

"Bow" barked Buro, "Oh you do? Then lead the way." **

"And then she brought me here instead of Groove 1" Says Zoro.

"Young man it isn't right to accuse an honest animal. She did brought you to Groove 1. The Human Auctioning house is at Groove 1."

The Sudden realisation hit Zoro," Where is the Thousand Sunny then? Damn it that Pervert Cook will surely tease me if he got to know about this."

"Anyway, Thanks for bringing my dog safely to me." Yash bowed and thanked Zoro.

"Oh! no worries. I should be the one thanking as she led me here." Zoro isn't a polite man most of the times but looking at Yash showing proper manners Zoro also showed eittique.


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