
Reincarnated in mha as Madara with Orochimaru & Kakuzu as my brothers

A boy dies a horrible death. gets sent to a black void with a reincarnation god. gets reborn in the world of MHA with the body, looks, and power of Madara Uchiha and has two siblings who is none other than Orochimaru and Kakuzu. Over time the trio unlocks their power they once had in Naruto universe and rises to the top as they defeat their enemies.. but as what? will they be known as heroes or villains to the world? nobody really knows.. but we do know one thing that will happen.. people will start to 'wake up to reality' ---------------- ----------- Hello!! this is one of my first novels so I'm sorry if it's bad :

SSJ2_Vegeta · Cómic
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12 Chs

Chap12: intense training

Several months has passed and the four boys have been training under Zero. the three boys, Madara, Kakuzu, and Hitoshi has been getting along with Kai and has developed a bond with Kai, they all get along and have great synergy together in battle.

Madara, being the most skilled in hand to hand combat, than Kakuzu, and after, Orochimaru, than Hitoshi, and Kai being the weakest, for the time being.

Than finally, Zero gave the five their first assassination mission..


The Chief of police just arrived to work and the moment he entered the police apartment he was bum rushed by his assistant with news.

"S-sir! there has been another murder!" Said the assistant.

"Another? was it by the same five people?" asked the Chief.

"Yes, we figured out that they are not killing by random, they are contracted assassin's" Said the assistant.

"I see.. and what about the one with the.. glowing red eyes.." Said the Chief as he looked towards the ground.

"The people here have started calling him, The ghost." Said the assistant.

"By the way he acts and leaves no evidence behind, it fits" Said the Chief.

"This now makes 132 people that fell to this group of five in the past six years.." Said the Chief to himself.

"Lets hope they don't get involved with U.A's entrance exams.."