
Reincarnated In Dxd With Denial Of Nothingness

Lets Watch Our Average But Proud Virgin Bachelor Mc Tackle The Absurdity Of Anime Logic And The Unreasonable Species That Is Also Known As Anime Girls. How Will The Mc React To Cringey Anime Bullsh*t He Will Face,How Will Mc Answer His Parent's About The Misunderstandings He Will Most Definitely Create That Defy The Laws Of Physics. Famous Mc Quotes And Quotes By The Memes He Watched "The F*ck Do You Think How Ill React You F*ckin Killed Me,I Mean Who The Fuck Fall In Love's With His/Her Killer Im Not A F*ckin Retard Who Thinks With His D*ck Or A Simp Who Let's A Girl Step All Over Him Just Because She Has A Pretty Face Ill Let You Know Im An Advocate Of Gender Equality Like Lord Kazuma You F*ckin Bimbo Goddes" "Sigh... As a Wise Man Said 'Sometimes It Takes A Real Man To Be Best Girl'...Why The F*ck Do I Look Like A Trap Version Of Merlin!!!!" "How Did My Slowpaced Average Life Became A Huge Clusterf*ck Of... I dont Even Know How To Describe My Life!!!!,This Just Shows How Absurd This Sh*t is" "God Please Take Me Back To My OG World I Cant Take The Absurdity Of This Anime World,Please Biblical God I Promise I Wont Masturbate At Jeannes And Gabrils Picture" "Ze F*ck Is This..., Hold Your Baby Instincts Shan.... Hey,Hey,HEYHEYEHY, WAIT.....I Can Now Proudly State That I Am Now Traumatize At Nipples.. Bleghhh" "Warning We May or May Not Watch Mc Avoid Girls Because Of His PTSD"

Merlin_Best_Girl · Cómic
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22 Chs

Time Skipu And Kuoh


12 years Later~

Blank Pov

I open my eyes and woke up from my apartment. Yes, I live in an apartment now, I am attending kuoh academy currently, I don't even know how this happened.

You may wonder why I am not with my parents, well they kicked me out!!, weeelll~~ not exactly, my parent just said that is now time for me to take care of myself, or along the words of that.

Oh! you may be wondering about my appearance, I now look like Merlin from the Nasuverse but more feminine, essentially, I'm a trap, and every time I try to use my stand to rewrite my appearance, it won't work for some reason it's probably that's useless goddess work

"Hey, Blank get ready or we will be late for school!"

Yes, I have a roommate, if you are wondering who my roommate is, It's my friend, Satou Kazuma. Yes even all these years, we are still together.

No Homo

Oh, remember that girl he made a promise with? she fuck*n lied, when we were at our previous school, I and Kazuma found her dating, another boy.

Suffice to say our boi Kazuma was depressed, he didn't even attend school for 2 weeks. I tried to cheer him up, of course, the only thing I did was


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I am currently standing outside of Kazuma's house, what am I doing you may ask? well, you see my friend, Kazuma is not attending school, and as a friend, I Am concerned about his health of course.

Knock*, knock*

I knocked and waited patiently, for someone to open the door.

The door opens, as it revealed Kazuma's mom holding the door, when she saw me she is not really surprised, over the years, me and my parents sometimes come over to their house for me to "play" with Kazuma and vice versa.

"Hello, Ms.Satou is your son, Kazuma there?"

I bowed and asked politely.

"Ohh, Blank Kazuma is currently in his room, I am really worried about him, he rarely goes out of his room, if you can stop him being holed up in his room It would be greatly appreciated"

Ms. Satou said worriedly.

Anyways, Ms. Satou let me inside their house and guided me towards Kazumas room.

"Kazuma it's me Blank, I'm coming into your room!"

I announced my presence to my friend Kazuma, as I opened the door towards Kazumas room what greeted me is a messy room, mangas everywhere although the majority of them are Jojos as I expected I nurtured the young Kazuma into a splendid man of culture.

Anyways, I saw Kazuma on the internet watching Jojo part 3 on his computer with a depressed expression,

"HERESY!!" I thought, why is he depressed watching Jojos, putting 'depressed' and 'Jojos' In the same sentence is impossible, ..Ehem

"Hey Kazuma.., is this about your first lovee dating with the upperclassman?" I said quietly

Kazuma hearing his feminine friend that looks like a girl that he admits was very beautiful no homo though, the question became even more gloomy.

Blank seeing Kazuma became even worse and panicked, then quickly thought of a "brilliant" idea,

"Hey Kazuma, let me tell you a secret"

Kazuma hearing his friend looks at herrr-i mean him curiously.

Seeing Kazuma looking at him immediately used [Denial of Nothingness] to create a fake stand arrow, in front of his friend, he then said, "Magic is Real"

Kazuma is dumbfounded, I mean what was he supposed to say, his best friend out of nowhere tells him that magic is real.

Blank looking at Kazumas dumbfounded expression is proud of himself, he then says to Kazuma

"Hey, Kazuma I can. also, give you stands, so cheer up and tell me what stand do you want"

Kazuma hearing his friend's outrageous offer, face immediately brightens I mean what his friend is telling him he can be a stand user, and with his stand, he can make Jojo poses. But first what stand do he want, The World?D4C?Star Platinum?, Noo what he wants is "Killer Queen!!", Kazuma tells his friend.

Blank Hearing this Immediately made [Killer Queen] with his [Denial of Nothingness], he is also amused thinking how will Megumin react to Kazumas stand, just imagining them running around Axel exploding stuff will be amusing to watch.

On that day Kazumas parents were worried, why their depressed son is doing poses with his friend were weirded out and just let them be.

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Flashback End~

Blank Is also confused is why he gave Kazuma a stand that day, he is wondering if he was High at that moment.

Anyways Many Troublesome Situations Happened in past years.

Jibril became a wanted Super-Criminal in the supernatural, the angels Also clarified that Jibril is not affiliated with them, They of course believe as angels can't lie, and even if they do they would fall.

She also raided the other factions of their books, and thoroughly beat their asses, Even the Hindu Faction wasn't an exception. Many factions want to get revenge but all of their troops didn't come back.

She also said someone proclaiming to be a white dragon emperor or something invited her to join their group, she, of course, declined as he only follows Blank-sama~/Masta~.

The White Dragon Emperor didn't take no for answer, so he asks her to fight him. Jibril getting tired of the brat blasted him into oblivion with his raw mana.

A Terrorist Called Khaos Brigade Also did the same, let's just say 2/3 of their army was wiped out.

I also have a part-time job at a weird cafe called " Cafe Stile", their cafe was really weird, but what's worse was he was supposed to wear a white maid outfit and act like a kuudere, remembering his 1st days of work there was definitely embarrassing luckily he somehow pulled that sh*toff.

Anyways while Blank we're in his inner monologue, he didn't notice that he was already at the entrance of Kuoh Academy with His Freind Satou Kazuma.

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Kuoh Academy

Anyways me and my boi Kazuma, are already at the front gate, the president of the student council was also there I guess, her name is Sona Stiri she is also a devil, I knew this thanks to my plot knowledge, I didn't try And improve my sensing abilities because I just add whatever effects I can imagine to my ring so that I'm invincible.

Oh if you don't know what I'm currently wearing it is, unfortunately, the female version of the school's clothes, I am also wearing a cross, just trying to annoy the heck of the devil.

I don't care if you are a side character, Kaichou but you're a devil as I stated in the past I dislike all devils, whether good or bad, it's unreasonable yes, I know that, but this is just really a harmless prank at worst the cross can only give them a migraine nothing serious.

Eheim.., anyway me and ma bio Kazuma, greeted the president and she just nods at us, Tchh, arrogant devil.

We are now inside the School, or to be more specific the hallway, Me and Kazuma can also hear our schoolmates talking about us.

"Hey dude, look at that white-haired chick, she's really beautiful, "Horny Teenager A said

" Yeah, and what is he doing with that average guy, don't tell me he is her girlfriend"Horny Teenager B Said

"She would be perfect if she has big boobs, too bad she's flat though" Is?e? said

"Are you kidding, flat is justice" His friend said.

Me hearing them cringed the fu*ck, me and ma boi Kazuma is mistaken as a couple by these idiots.

"Pfffft, haha haha" Kazuma laughed at me silently, didn't you hear them, idiot, you were mistaken as my boyfriend f*cking idiot don't laugh at me when you also are a victim here

Anyhow, I and Kazuma finally arrive at our classroom, we quickly take a seat next to each other.

A few minutes later our teacher finally arrived, she tells us when we hear our name being mentioned we should stand up and introduce ourselves in front of the class.

Many minutes passed and now it's, unfortunately, my turn, you may not know this but I'm really awkward in front of new people, the only reason I wasn't awkward when I first met Jibril, is because she is a straightforward person and yada, yada. EHEM!! anyways.

"Blank Kanvas-desu, I was Born on the 5th of November In the year 20XX," I said in a monotone,

(oh Mcs voice is feminine as well)

when I finished I see many horny teenagers ogling my body, the heck I am disgusted

"Oh and also, I'm a Boy" I quickly said, so I can break these dogs fantasy about me, *shivers*

"Ehhhh," the Majority of the class said, and Kazuma is laughing at them.

"Guys!!, don't worry if there's a hole there's away" One perv shouted.

"Ohhhhhh!!" Most of the Boys screamed

I can quickly feel the heat rising on my face and quickly covered my butthole, I feel that my anal virginity is in danger, and why is the teacher just standing there scold them or something dammit, this sexual harassment.., I think?

Kazuna was also laughing his ass off, the bastard betrayed me, let's see how he feels if I rewrite his body as that of a girl.

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Author's Thoughts

Nyehehehehe, sorry for the late chapters and the confusing grammars and typos,

We can see here that Mc dislikes the devils, even if they are main or side character no exceptions only equality *insert soviet theme*

Hope you enjoy today's chapter


Smile-Maika Sakuranomiya

Sweet-Kaho Hinata

Sister-Mafuyu Hoshikawa

Sadistic-Miu Amano

Surprise-Hideri Kanzaki

Service-Dino, Koyo Akizuki

SAVE MEEE!!!-Blank Kanvas