
Reincarnated in Dragon Ball as a Kryptonian/Saiyan Hybrid. (Dropped)

Waking up in a tube wasn't what I had in mind for a wake-up call. Neither was discovering I'm a mix of Kryptonian and Saiyan. But here we are... Author: i'm shit at writing synopsis.

IAmDeath · Cómic
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5 Chs

Chapter 3

(unknown planet) (MC POV) 

As I tried to locate the source of the sudden noise, the laboratory door blasted off its hinges, sending it flying. 

Before me stood the same creature that had pursued me earlier, though it seemed either fully healed or another of its kind.

Without a moment's hesitation, I ran at the sight of it, my heart racing with urgency.

Arriving swiftly at the mountain's base, I stole a glance behind me, half-expecting the creature to have caught up. 

Instead, a deafening roar echoed through the air, causing a surge of adrenaline.

 "Shit," I muttered, instinctively cursing. 

Then, a realization struck: my Kryptonian side granted me powers. I probably won't be able to use all of them, but that will come later. 

 With newfound resolve, I pivoted on my heel, ready to confront the creature head-on. 

I squared my shoulders and steeled my nerves.

I prepared to unleash the full extent of my strength in the coming battle.

As the creature saw that, I turned around and got ready to fight it head-on.

 The creature looked at me before screeching at me and increasing its speed. 

"Yeah, this probably wasn't the best idea," I admitted to myself, a grim thought settling in.

"I don't even know if I'm as strong as I feel. Well, we're about to find out, aren't we?" 

With a mixture of apprehension and determination.

 I braced myself for the impending clash, uncertain of the outcome but resolved to face it.

As the creature closed in, I prepared myself for the impending confrontation, adrenaline coursing through my veins.

With a steely focus, I positioned my hands near my face, poised to defend against whatever onslaught it might unleash. 

Without warning, it lunged forward, slashing at me with its razor-sharp claws. 

Reacting swiftly, I dove and weaved, narrowly avoiding its strikes while preparing to counterattack with all the strength and speed I could muster.

With a quick and decisive motion, I aimed a powerful strike at the creature's midsection, intending to catch it off guard. 

However, to my dismay, it anticipated my move with uncanny agility. Before I could even blink, it pivoted on its heels, countering my attack with a swift and forceful swipe of its tail. " Well sh*t," I yelled out 

The force of the creature's strike propelled me backward with staggering momentum, hurtling through the air toward the dense foliage of the forest. 

With a sickening thud, I crashed through the trees, branches snapping and leaves swirling in my wake. 

Pain flared through my body as I collided with the tree trunks, the impact hurting every bone in my body. 

As I lay amidst the wreckage of broken branches and shattered bark, I fought to regain my bearings.

Struggling to rise from the debris, I couldn't shake the sensation of pain coursing through me.

Each movement sent a wave of agony rippling through my battered form, and as I managed to lift myself, a fit of coughing erupted, speckling the ground with crimson droplets.

Dread gnawed at the edges of my consciousness as I realized the severity of my condition.

 "That's not good," I thought grimly, a sinking feeling settling in.

 "I might have some internal bleeding." Despite the mounting pain and uncertainty, I knew I had to push forward, driven by a fierce determination to defeat this creature.

As I was checking on my situation, I heard the sound of something stepping on a branch. 

As I scanned my surroundings, my gaze locked onto the creature's ominous silhouette; its eyes fixed on me from a distance of about 30 feet.

With a sense of urgency, I prepared myself for the impending confrontation. My muscles tensed and my senses heightened. 

In a swift and calculated motion, I retrieved the pistol I had stowed away in my pocket, its weight a comforting reassurance in my grip. 

"This time, the creature probably won't just sit there and let itself get shot, so I need to be smart about this," I thought grimly.

 Acknowledging the heightened stakes of the fight about to happen

With a steely resolve, I prepared to outsmart and outmaneuver this creature, determined to emerge victorious against it. 

As the creature charged towards me with terrifying speed, I reacted instinctively, squeezing off rounds from my pistol in rapid succession. 

The shots echoed through the forest, but to my dismay, the creature displayed surprising agility, evading the barrage with uncanny agility. 

One of the bullets found its mark, striking the creature, but it shrugged off the impact with unsettling resilience, the damage appearing minimal. 

Panic gripped me as I realized that it wasn't slowing down.

With gritted teeth and a racing heart, I braced myself for the inevitable fight, knowing that every move and every shot would determine the outcome of this life-or-death fight.

With desperation fueling my actions, I continued to unleash a flurry of shots at the creature, with each shot I hoped to get a lucky shot in.

As I fired, I maneuvered swiftly, attempting to create distance between myself and the creature.

 Adrenaline surged through my veins, heightening my senses and sharpening my focus as I strived to outpace the creature's relentless pursuit. 

With every step and every shot, I clung to the hope that one of my bullets would find its mark, offering a fleeting opportunity to turn the tide of this encounter

As the creature deftly evaded most of my shots, a surge of relief flooded through me when one of my bullets finally found its mark, striking it squarely in the chest. 

With a staggering stumble, the creature collapsed to the forest floor, its once-menacing form now vulnerable and prone.

Heart pounding with a mixture of triumph and fear, I wasted no time in closing the distance, my footsteps quickening as I raced towards the fallen foe. 

Every fiber of my being screamed for caution. 

but my resolve burned fiercely within me as I prepared to deliver the final blow, determined to end the threat once and for all.

so I pointed With a sinking feeling of dread, I realized the gun's magazine was empty, the click echoing in the quiet forest. Despite the frustration gnawing at me, I knew there was no time to dwell on this setback. 

 With grim determination, I prepared to confront the threat head-on

With a decisive motion, I discarded the empty gun; it was no longer of any use in the fight.

Gathering every ounce of strength, I reared my arm and launched a powerful punch at the creature's head. 

The force of the blow reverberated through my arm as it connected with its target. I unleashed all my pent-up frustration and determination in that single strike.

For a moment, the world seemed to hold its breath as the creature recoiled from the impact, my heart pounding in anticipation of what would come next. 

The creature's head exploded from my punch. Blood is went everywhere...


So I won't be posting chapters for like 2 or 3 days. I want to get the chapters ready.