
Reincarnated in DCAU AU as Superboy

Due to a failure in the system of some very powerful beings, I died. As compensation I was transmigrated as Superboy in an alternate DC universe. Fortunately for me, I was transmigrated into a superboy who has not yet left his containment capsule, but unfortunately now I have to get out of here at any cost if I don't want to become a weapon for the bad guys. (The land he is on is a fusion of the DC animated series and movies) This is not a Chinese novel, it's just me who wanted to give Cultivation world objects to my protagonist.

MiguelCreative · Cómic
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

[Third person point of view]

On the other side of the door were Guardian, Dubblilex and many guards guarding the door.

The woman who collided with Kid Flash was trying to open the door, of course, without much success.

Then Doctor Desmond came running down the hall.

"Haven't they taken them out yet?" - He asked despite knowing the answer.

"We haven't been able to open the door, Doctor Desmond." - Guardian answered.

"And you can't use your telekinesis to open the door?" - He asked Dubblilex, but he answered that he already tried and couldn't, so Desmond shouted. - "You're all useless!"

"Then try to wake up the Kr project and have it take care of them and open the door from the inside" - He ordered.

"You know doctor that the Kr project has a very strong resistance to mind control, I don't know if I can do it." - said dubblilex, but then an idea occurred to him. - "But I can try it"

"Then try it quickly!" - Desmond said as he took a control out of his robe pocket and pressed a button, then the other red light on the collar that dubblilex was wearing turned off.

Then after his telepathic ability was returned, dubblilex closed his eyes and his horns began to glow red.

Dubblilex after a while his horns stopped glowing and he opened his eyes and said. - "I already did what you asked me to do, now all that remains is to wait."

"Whatever. Guardian, you better be ready when they open that door, I'm going to my lab." - said Desmond, staying here waiting will take up the time he doesn't have.

"Yes, we'll be on the lookout." - answered Guardian.

"And you, you better let me know when the door opens." - said Desmond speaking this time with dubblilex.

Dubblilex nodded and told him that he would keep him informed of any news, then Desmond snorted and left.

Watching Desmond leave, Dubblilex turned to look at the door. His face was impassive, but he was now very worried about what might happen.

[Conner's POV]

[Time ago]

"So you're Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad, huh? What are you doing here?" - I asked, since I couldn't think of another way to start the conversation.

"Wow, wait, you know us?" - Kid Flash asked while Robin and Aqualad frowned.

Now that I realize, this Kid Flash is different from the Kid Flash from Young Justice, this Kid Flash seems younger, like 14 years old.

"Yes, I was given basic information about you heroes." - I answered as I got off the capsule I was in, that tensed them, but they didn't move from their positions.

And yes, in the end they managed to implant memories in me just like the original Superboy, only this time it was dubblilex who did it.

It also added a series of warnings, advice and other things for when I wake up, one of the first is that if I have the opportunity, I escaped from Cadmus.

"So you know where you are and who you are?" - This time Aqualad asked, speaking slowly, seeming not to want to upset me.

"Yes, we are in the underground facilities of the Cadmus project." - I nodded while looking around the room until I stopped at them and finally said. - "And I'm Superman's clone."

"Man, if you say it like that it's scary" - Kid Flash said and I couldn't deny that I did it on purpose.

"If you know who we are and where we are, are you planning on catching us?" - Robin asked this time.

"Why would I?" - I asked trying to look confused.

"Never mind, if so that's good." - Aqualad said seeming to try to end the conversation.

"Yeah man, I didn't think we ran into Superman's clone after coming to investigate." - Kid Flash said and then he moved at super speed and came to my side and said. - "That makes you Superboy, right?"

"Maybe" - I shrugged, I really don't want to have this conversation with them, so I moved towards the door.

I was going to follow dubblilex's recommendation and escape from here, even though there shouldn't be anything that can harm me, well that's not counting Desmond becoming Blockbuster, of course, it's not like I'm going to allow it.

"Wait, what are you going to do?" - Kid Flash asked as he stood in front of me, the other two also seemed ready to stop me at any moment.

"What else? I was going to open the door so I could escape from here." - I answered.

"Superboy, you can't do that, the guards of this facility must be outside and we don't know what they can do, first we need a plan." - Aqualad explained as he also stood in front of me, I think it was already clear that they will use that name to refer to me, well it's better than Superman clone or Kr project.

"Well..." - I was going to speak to tell them that in these facilities there was nothing to worry about, but then I heard a voice in my head.

'Brother, if you can hear me, you must tell the heroes that they must hurry up and get out quickly.' - I managed to hear the voice of the genomorph dubblilex. - 'If you don't do it soon I'm afraid Dr. Desmond will call the board and I'm not sure if they decide to send someone to stop you four.'

"What's going on?" - Aqualad asked after I remained silent.

"Well, I got a mental message from dubblilex" - I could see that when I named dubblilex they tensed, but before they could speak or do anything, I continued talking. - "He says that we must hurry up and get out of here."

"What, wait, isn't he one of those trying to catch us?" - Kid Flash asked looking confused.

I shook my head and explained - "Most likely he just acted like he was, but in reality this is his plan to get me out of here."

"So... the flames in the building above were caused by him so he could attract the attention of a hero, right? If one came he would show himself and thus expose Cadmus' underground facilities?" - Robin began to speak as he began to weave together everything that happened. - "But it was a total gamble that a hero could discover your existence."

"It was a risky plan" - Aqualad said, I stopped listening to them and headed towards the door and when he saw me he said. - "Hey no, we still have to think about the plan."

I rolled my eyes because most likely they came without a plan just like in the original, but I finally said. - "Yes, well, here you have a plan. You and Kid flash are in charge of stopping the guards, Robin sneaks away and tries to neutralize Guardian when he's done he goes and helps them and I'm in charge of "Stop" dubblilex and the same Robin, when I'm done I'll go and help them. And after taking care of all the guards we can escape, ready we have a plan."

Then after finishing speaking I had to turn around to see them because they had remained silent and did not respond to me.

"Hey... That's not a bad plan." - Kid Flash said.

"Right, Kid Flash with his super speed can take care of some guards without them hitting him and I can create a shield to avoid the bullets and thus allow you two to sneak away and attack the most dangerous ones." - I analyzed the plan Aqualad seemed to agree with it, I didn't think they would take it seriously.

"Wait, if you say that dubblilex is on our side, why should we stop him?" - Robin suddenly asked while looking at me.

"It's not like I'm going to 'stop' him, I'm just going to take off the collar on his neck so he can help us escape." - I shook my head and explained, then asked again. - "So you guys are ready?"

They looked at me, but seemed to decide they were going to trust me so they nodded.

"Yeah, just let Robin open the door again." - Aqualad said and then Robin raised his right arm and a holographic screen appeared from the glove.

"Or we can do this..." - I said and just like the original I approached the door, dug my fingers into the door and pushed it to the side.

The door gave way to my strength and opened.

"Yeah, that could work too..." - Kid Flash said after seeing me open the door as if nothing had happened.


I was supposed to write this during the week, but I got sick so I couldn't.

So I hope you liked the chapter.