
Reincarnated in DCAU AU as Superboy

Due to a failure in the system of some very powerful beings, I died. As compensation I was transmigrated as Superboy in an alternate DC universe. Fortunately for me, I was transmigrated into a superboy who has not yet left his containment capsule, but unfortunately now I have to get out of here at any cost if I don't want to become a weapon for the bad guys. (The land he is on is a fusion of the DC animated series and movies) This is not a Chinese novel, it's just me who wanted to give Cultivation world objects to my protagonist.

MiguelCreative · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 3

[Some time later]

It's been a while since Kid Flash, Robin and Aqualad arrived at the building, after they saved two Cadmus employees, Kid Flash and Robin started checking the building's computers, but then Aqualad watched a being take the elevator. .

Then, with Robin's help, they realized that the elevator was not a normal one and that the Cadmus building not only had two floors, but also had underground floors.

They went down and now they are fighting some security guards from the underground area of the building, after Kid Flash was discovered for wanting to go ahead and explore alone.

"You had to run, didn't you?" -Robin complained as she knocked out one of the guards.

"Okay, I'm sorry, okay?" - Kid Flash apologized, although the apology seemed more out of obligation than out of feeling truly guilty.

"Instead of talking so much, let's finish this quickly before more guards come." - Aqualad said as he knocked out one of the guards with a kick.

Then after defeating about 8 security guards, they tied them up and hid them, then they continued on their way.

[Other side of the underground facility]

"Doctor Desmond" - A man in a dark blue jumpsuit with a gold helmet and gold shoulder pads and wristbands entered the room. This man also had a collar around his neck, only this one was different from the one from before. This necklace is black with a horizontal line shining in red.

"Guardian, what part of don't interrupt me while I'm investigating haven't you understood!?" -Dr. Desmond asked as he grabbed a salad tube that had a blue liquid in it and put it away along with others.

"Excuse me Doctor Desmond, but it seems that we have intruders on sub level 26, he asked me what his orders would be" - Guardian spoke while he maintained a voice practically emotionless.

"(Sigh) Did I miss a perimeter breach alert? It doesn't matter, you don't have to respond, you go with a squad and investigate and detain any intruders you encounter." - Desmond said after sighing.

"Yes, Doctor Desmond," Guardian nodded and quickly went to follow Desmond's orders.

Desmond watched Guardian leave to follow his order and sighed as he thought about how he hated those control collars and regretted not being able to continue with the genomorph project.

[Continuing with the heroes]

After they reached a corridor where there was a computer, Robin walked towards it and from his forearm glove he took out a USB cable that he connected to the computer.

"What do you see?" - Aqualad asked when he saw that Robin was very silent after starting to read.

"Batman was right to have suspicions about them, Cadmus is not just a simple genetics laboratory." - Robin said while reading everything he managed to hack from the computer.

"Man, normally what corporation isn't just a corporation?" - Kid Flash commented while shaking his head at Robin's response.

"There, that's what I saw in the elevator." - Aqualad pointed out after seeing the image of the being on the holographic screen.

"Mmm... Dubblilex, a being created with telepathic and telekinetic powers, belongs to the Genomorph Project, a cancelled project." - Robin explained while reading about the information of the project.

"Here's the reason why they cancelled it... Project Kr? The file is triple encrypted and I can't access it" - Robin said, but he tried to access it, but he couldn't.

"So?" - Kid Flash asked.

"But I can take us where I can. Follow me." - Robin said as he started to run, then Aqualad and Kid Flash followed.

After finding the elevator and entering, before the elevator doors closed they saw many people running towards them.

"Wait!! You guys stop there!!" - Guardian shouted as he was followed by about 20 security guards.

But then the elevator closed.

"Hey, wasn't that Guardian?" - Aqualad asked after having recognized Guardian.

"Why do you think he's here?" - Kid Flash asked.

"I don't know, but we'll probably find out soon." - Robin said, without commenting on what he seemed to have seen on Guardian's neck, but not before being really sure of what he saw.

"Are you sure we should continue with this? I mean, we could call the league and tell them about this." - Aqualad commented no longer feeling confident about continuing with this investigation, he thought it was going to be easy, get in and get out, but now they're here and they've discovered much more than they thought they would.

Robin and kid flash remained silent at Aqualad's words, but in reality the two of them do not want to speak to the league without first fully investigating this, since if they call them it will seem like they could not do it alone and that they needed help from their mentors.

But before they decided what to say, the elevator opened and taking advantage of the moment to avoid responding, they focused their attention on recognizing what was on the other side of the door.

"Now where?" - Aqualad asked Robin.

"Come this way." - Robin said and then they headed to the right.

They also realized that they saw the genomorph dubblilex, this shouted for them to stop and threw some barrels that exploded when they fell to the ground, but they ignored it and headed towards the place where the Kr project is.

Then Kid Flash turned a corner and noticed that there was someone in front of him, but as he stopped he skidded and made the scientist fall.

After getting up he noticed that the door where the Kr project was was closing so he placed something preventing it from closing.

After he, Robin and Aqualad entered, Aqualad removed the target that prevented the door from closing.

Robin also didn't forget to hack the door system to prevent it from being opened.

"And now we're safe." - Robin said after closing it.

"Now we're trapped." - Aqualad replied, now when they go out who knows what can wait for them on the other side of the door.

"Ah... Guys, you should look at this." - said Kid Flash as he pressed a button that turned on some lights.

Then what they saw was a boy of about 14 years old with black hair and was wearing a white suit with an S in a red triangle on his chest.

"That's the symbol of Superman." - Kid Flash commented on the obvious.

"Robin hacks." - Aqualad said.

Then Robin hacked the computer and explained about the Kr project.

The Kr project was created after having obtained a sample of Superman's DNA and linking it with human and genomorph DNA, hoping to have the abilities of a Kryptonian with telekinetic and telepathic powers, so he could have a weapon and replacement in case Superman turns evil or died.

Aqualad commented that now they should call the league, but they realized that there was no signal because they were very deep underground.

"Robin, free him, we can't leave him there"-said Aqualad as he saw the Superman clone asleep in the capsule.

Robin then did the same and the capsule's hatches opened releasing contained air.

"Stay tuned, we don't know how he might react after waking up." - Aqualad commented as he looked cautiously at the Superman clone.

"Oh come on, if he were to attack we could easily take care of him" - said Kid Flash not believing that the Superman clone could defeat them.

"Shhh it seems that he is already waking up" - said Robin noticing that the clone was waking up.

Then the Superman clone opened his eyes and stared at them and they at him, then neither said anything creating a silence in the room.


And that's it, now in the next chapter I can continue with the protagonist's point of view.

I hope you liked the chapter, even though it was basically a copy of the original.