
Reincarnated In Berserk

After a tragic incident, a devoted fan of the Berserk series finds himself unexpectedly transported by a God into the world of Berserk, specifically, into the body and memories of a young Corkus. With knowledge of the events to come and the characters he once admired, he embarks on a mission to alter the course of Corku's life and the fate of the Band of the Hawk.

constantine17 · Cómic
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10 Chs

Death and reincarnation

Dark clouds stretched across the evening sky as the sun began its slow descent, casting long shadows that danced upon the worn cobblestone road. A cool breeze rustled through the trees, bringing with it whispers of an impending storm. A lone figure trudged along the path, lost in deep thought. His mind was consumed by the events of the recent Berserk chapter.

"Oh, man! I didn't expect that to happen. Everything Guts has been fighting for has been taken away by Griffith. He is now broken in every sense of the word! That's so sad, but Berserk is a dark fantasy, so I should expect things like that," the man thought to himself.

While lost in his musings, the man suddenly felt a heavy impact, sending him sprawling onto the cold, unforgiving ground. In a cruel twist of fate, a stampeding bull careened into him, stealing away his life instantly. As the curtain of darkness fell upon his consciousness, the world faded, leaving him in an abyss of nothingness.

Suddenly, as if awakening from a dreamless slumber, his soul found itself in a peculiar and unfamiliar space. The brilliant radiance of divine light surrounded him, washing over his ethereal form. And there, amidst the luminescence, stood a godlike being—an entity of immense power and wisdom.

"Where am I, and who are you?" the soul asked, unable to comprehend the magnitude of the situation. The god spoke, his voice echoing with otherworldly resonance: "You have met an untimely demise. Your mortal life has reached its end." The words hung heavily in the air, sinking into the soul's newfound realization.

But the god continued, his tone a mix of mischief and amusement. "Fear not, for you shall be reincarnated. However, the path you shall tread is not of your choosing." His voice seemed to resonate through the very fabric of existence, a declaration laced with otherworldly authority.

A colossal wheel, shimmering with ethereal energy, materialized before the soul. Each segment of the wheel bore the name of a different anime world, swirling in a mesmerizing array of colors. The god's words reverberated within its mind. "Choose your destiny, mortal, for the wheel shall determine where you shall be reborn."

"I have seen your entire life. From what I have seen, you like anime. Therefore, every world on the wheel is an anime world!" God said.

'This is like a dream come true. I hope I get reincarnated into something interesting or peaceful. After all, I may like anime, but I would rather not be reincarnated as a village girl in Goblin Slayer,' thought the soul.

With eager hands, the soul reached out toward the mystical wheel, its vibrant hues captivating his gaze. Swallowing his trepidation, he gave the wheel an uncertain spin. The seconds that followed felt like an eternity as the wheel rotated, gradually losing momentum. With a resounding thud, it came to a sudden halt, its pointer resting on the segment labeled "Berserk."

"I'm doomed!" exclaimed the soul, panic, and despair washing over him. The images of the dark and harrowing world of Berserk flooded his thoughts, evoking both terror and melancholy. He couldn't comprehend the implications of his reincarnation in such a treacherous realm.

"Please, God! Anything but that. I would even accept being reincarnated as a helpless female village girl in Goblin Slayer!" pleaded the soul, desperate for an alternative fate, a different life. But his pleas fell on deaf ears.

The god chuckled, his amusement evident. "Your destination is set. You will be reborn as Corkus, five years before he joins the Band of the Hawk."

"That's even worse. Thank God, I can at least try to run far away to safety," muttered the soul, feeling resigned to his fate.

"Hahaha haha." The god laughed and then said, "You will not have any freedom in this matter. You will join the Band of the Hawk, and no, you can't take your life by any means."

As the words resounded, the soul's confusion deepened. What purpose could this existence serve? Would he even have any purpose in this new life? Questions swirled within him, but before he could voice his concerns, the god continued, "Perhaps, for your trials and tribulations, I will grant you a power, a small advantage. But do not underestimate the harshness of this world."

As the god's words faded, the surroundings transformed, and the soul found itself descending into an abyss of uncertainty. Reincarnated as Corkus, his journey through the grim and perilous world of Berserk was about to commence. His new life was shrouded in mystery, and his destiny was intertwined with the fates of those who walked the path of sacrifice. (I mean the band of Hawks.)