
Reincarnated In Berserk

After a tragic incident, a devoted fan of the Berserk series finds himself unexpectedly transported by a God into the world of Berserk, specifically, into the body and memories of a young Corkus. With knowledge of the events to come and the characters he once admired, he embarks on a mission to alter the course of Corku's life and the fate of the Band of the Hawk.

constantine17 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

A New Journey Begins

(A/N: Corkus joined the band of the Hawk at 17 which means that now he is 12 but I decided to make him a year older so 13 He will join naturally at 18.)

Damn, where did that stupid God teleport me? Well, also, it appears that I am a kid again, the boy grumbled, struggling to get up from the ground but ultimately dropping to his knees.


"Ahhh! My head throbs! It feels like it's about to shatter."


Corkus screamed, clutching his head in agony. After a few moments, the pain subsided.


"Finally, it's gone! I need to assess my surroundings to figure out where I am," he muttered, scanning the surrounding area.



"There's a hill, perfect!" he exclaimed, a grin spreading across his face as he began making his way towards it.



"Up here, there's a little cabin. I'll check it out later," he remarked, moving towards the highest point of the hill.



As he reached the grassy hilltop, a breathtaking scene unfolded before his eyes.


The tranquil surroundings embraced him with open arms. In the distance, a sparkling lake emerged, It's still waters reflecting the dazzling sunlight.



Beyond the water's edge, a majestic forest stretched as far as the eye could see. Towering trees extended their branches towards the heavens, interweaving to create an emerald canopy.



Amidst this serene setting, the symphony of nature breathed softly in his ears.



The melodious chirping birds floated on the wind, harmonizing with the rustling of leaves to create a soothing melody that resonated through the air.


The cheerful tweets and trills echoed, infusing the atmosphere with vitality and joy. Gently, a breeze caressed him, touching his dark hair.



"It's breathtaking! I've never witnessed such captivating natural beauty in my life, but then again, I've been occupied most of the time without a moment to spare with Responsibilities," he exclaimed with a smile.



"The view has eased my mind and heart, if only temporarily. Now, I must investigate the cabin up here."



Approaching the cabin, a sense of anticipation and excitement coursed through him. It exuded warmth and beckoned him inside.


Time had etched its mark upon the rugged stones that formed its walls, revealing the stories of countless generations.



Aged and sturdy, the cabin exuded an air of resilience. The exterior, adorned with rough-hewn timber, displayed traces of skilled craftsmanship.


Each beam bore the marks of time, weathered and darkened by the elements, their grooves telling tales of enduring strength.



The thatched roof, a patchwork of straw and reeds, seemed as though it had sprung organically from the earth itself, blending seamlessly with the natural surroundings.


Stepping across the threshold, the cozy interior boasted rustic furniture and a crackling fireplace, promising solace and respite from the outside world.



"I wonder who resided here?" he pondered aloud, his gaze traversing the room searching for clues. Bookshelves lined with volumes, a worn-out armchair nestled by the window, and the lingering aroma of solitude and simplicity.



Venturing deeper, he stumbled upon a weathered journal resting on an aged wooden desk. Intrigued, he reached for it, flipping through its delicate pages.



[Hello mortal, this is God. Because your luck is literally shit, I am going out of my way and have given you a few items and two perks. First, I built this little cabin just for you.



If you go to the bedroom, there is a wooden chest. Inside it, you will find a sword and 300 silver coins.


The purpose of the sword and the coins is to hire a sword mentor to teach you swordsmanship because you will need it in the situation that you are in.



Now I will tell you about the first perk. The first perk is limited regeneration. The reason that it is limited is that it can only be used if you are trying to inflict self-harm.


 The reason? To prevent you from taking your life, but of course, you can use it to heal yourself.



It doesn't require high intelligence to understand what I mean. Moving to the second and last perk, mind control immunity.


That perk is temporary, and the moment you find a way to protect yourself, it will disappear. Don't worry, you will feel it when it happens. That's all I have to say. Don't worry, for research purposes and not for entertainment, I will be watching your journey in this world with great interest,] the journal read.



Closing the journal, Corkus furrowed his brows.



"Well, I am doomed," he said while sighing. "But beggars can't be choosers. I need to make the most of it, not slack off, and create my path, Corkus's path. It will take a while to get used to my new body, but that's a minor inconvenience," Corkus said,


With a newfound determination igniting in his eyes.



"But first, I should clean the cabin; it is filthy," Corkus said, and he started cleaning. After two hours, he was done. "I will go rest now. The situation has taken a toll on my mental health. I will go to town tomorrow," Corkus thought, and then he went to sleep.




After eight hours, he woke up.



'The sleep was so much needed, I will prepare a few things and then go to the town to buy supplies and try to find that sword mentor', Corkus thought, and he immediately started his journey towards the town.



After a few hours of traveling, he reached his destination.



The journey was tiring, but, thank God, nothing happened. I was expecting to get ambushed By bandits, but it went smoothly, Corkus thought while wiping the sweat off his forehead and catching his breath.



Subsequently, he entered the town.



The town had clusters of charming houses that stood in cheerful harmony, with smoke gently spiraling from their chimneys. The town seemed to exude a sense of peace and tranquility, as if time itself had paused within its humble boundaries.




Corkus started asking around about this sword mentor. "Excuse me, sir, I have heard rumors about a sword mentor living in this town.



Do you know where I Can find him?" Corkus asked.

"I don't know why a young kid such as yourself is eager to learn swordsmanship, but sure, I can tell him about him. 



He has red hair and a beard, his name is Kerlic. He came to the town a decade ago, usually he is at the local bar, 'blonde mermaid, but he is a nice guy, and he also keeps his promises," the man said while touching and playing with his goatee.



"Thank you, have a pleasant day, sir," Corkus said with a smile plastered on his face.


"Same to you, boy, may the Holy See protect you," the middle-aged man responded.




Guided by what the man said, Corkus navigated through the village until he finally reached the bar the man told him about.



After entering the bar, he was hit with warmth and lively chatter.



Inside, the dimly lit bar was adorned with faded tapestries and wooden tables. The air was filled with clinking mugs, laughter, and the enchanting melodies of a wandering bard.


Behind the worn bar counter, an experienced bartender was pouring frothy tankards of ale and filling goblets with rich wine.



The aroma of hearty stews and freshly baked bread wafted from the bustling kitchen.



Corkus ignored the people around him and started immediately scouting the people inside the bar with his eyes, trying to find someone who fit the characteristics of the supposed Kerlic.



After a while, he found Kerlic.


Kerlic had long red hair that reached his shoulders and a majestic red beard. He had a sword tied to his waist. He was sitting on a stool in front of the bartender, finishing a cup of beer.



"Bartender, Another cup of beer!" Kerlic's booming voice echoed through the rowdy bar, drawing attention from the patrons.


"Coming right up!" The bartender said this after snatching the empty cup with a swift motion and scrubbing it clean with a sense of urgency.


"Ahh, that hits the spot", Kerlic said with a mischievous smile that danced across his face as he savored the cold, bitter liquid.

Corkus, his gaze fixed on Kerlic, sensed this was his moment.


'I should make a good first impression', he thought.

Ignoring the bustling atmosphere, he summoned his courage and approached the bar, putting in front of it a pouch filled with coins.




"Another round for my friend here too," Corkus said, pointing towards Kerlic.


The bartender nodded and swiftly poured another glass of beer for Corkus. He then turned to Kerlic, who was eyeing Corkus curiously.


"Looks like you have the luck of the devil," the bartender remarked with a chuckle as he set the glass in front of Kerlic.


Kerlic raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Corkus's bold gesture. "Well, now it seems like I've caught someone's attention. What brings you over here, my friend?"


Corkus took a deep breath, trying to hide his nervousness. "I've heard from the people around here that you are the best sword mentor this town has to offer. That's why I approached you; I would like to be taught the art of swordsmanship by you."


Kerlic leaned back in his chair, a sly grin forming on his face. "Teaching you, huh? Well, I suppose it's about time someone recognized my greatness. But it's going to cost you, you know? Nothing is free after all."


Corkus chuckled, relieved by Kerlic's response. "No problem with that. I can pull my weight here."


Then he took a bigger pouch from his pocket this time.


"Here, it has 200 silver coins," Corkus said with a grin.


When Kerlic heard the amount of money, his face became one of surprise.


"I don't know how a young kid got such a huge amount of money, nor do I care. I am at your service," Kerlic said in a joking manner.


"Where shall we meet?" he asked.


"I live on the giant hill on the outskirts of town," Corkus said, and he started telling Kerlic how to get there.


"Alright, I will see you tomorrow, then," Kerlic said with a smile plastered on his face.


"Have a good day," Corkus replied, leaving the bar.


'It went better than I thought. Now that it is out of the way, I should go and buy the supplies I need,' Corkus thought with a smile.