
Chapter 7

~ 9th month in Arendelle ~

Diana POV:

Ah, Rosa's Garden... Park, I practically live here, it's been three weeks since I last been inside my small house... I should visit it, clean out the dust. My potato farm is left unchecked... I planted it the first day I got the job, so just in case, my story could be believable, to show that I have a farm of sorts... Now it's useless. At this point I am just like any other individual in Arendelle, I've got theoretical citizenship.

There's no need to lie as much anymore about my circumstances. I am infamous... I still don't know how to feel about it. To my previous nickname, Scarlet Angel, now I got myself a couple more.

The Bloody Devil... Because of Rosa, she's way overprotective of me, one bad snide remark about me and there's blood everywhere. So people are scared of me, for all the wrong reasons, at first it was because of my hair, now because I have a beast behind me. I love that woman.

The Crimson Rose, because I planted a bunch of red roses around the multiple inns in Rosa's Park... So I am synonymous with them, I only did it because of Rosa's name and because it's my favorite flower... But it got me a nickname.

There are a few others, but they haven't caught on yet, I hope they never will, one of them is 'Killer of Hearts'... Reject as many men as you can and you can have your own nickname. It's good when most men take it decently and just give up. But there's a few... or were a few before, who just couldn't accept that somebody could reject somebody as great as them. I swear this age is way too much.

And were before, because that's how Rosa's legend started and how my Devil nickname began. One man in front of everybody, had the balls, to pin me against a wall, trying to kiss me, because he thought I had something going for him... He couldn't leave the bed for actual months, Rosa fucked him up so bad, that all previous persistent men just vanished. It was crazy.

The only reason the man is still alive is that I stopped her... I tried a lot, she just wasn't listening. I tried to jump in front, she just pushed me away like a feather, but still, somehow it was gentle. Then I tried to get her to back off, by putting myself around her right arm... She just kept punching with her left arm, while keeping her right arm up... with me on her.

That was a bizarre moment. Then I tried just jumping on her back, the same thing happened as before, she just kept punching, but because I was on her back instead of her right arm, she could use both of them. Not the smartest plan of mine, I'll admit that.

So the last thing I tried, is just to talk some sense into her... I had to basically say that the man was so pathetically worthless, he wasn't even worthy of an ant's time, let alone mine. So she just started laughing and pat me on my head while loudly saying that I was right... that stopped her... But she still took the man, threw him out of the inn, and threw money at him for his injuries. Like, Jesus woman, chill. I know you're rich nowadays, but that's just too much.

After the day when we talked about my birthday, she never mentioned it again, I wonder what she has in store for me. Because tomorrow is hers, I got a plan myself. Had to pay off Elrik for the information on her. He's quite tight-lipped, Doesn't want to 'betray' his boss, which is respectable, but come on, it's just a date of her birth. My Goddess.

Anyways, today's my day off, so I might as well go to my house. Elsa's coronation is in about three months, it's been announced, Rosa was sad the day it was announced because she thought we couldn't spend my birthday. But then before I could cheer her up, she instantly became happy, as if she got the best idea ever. Now I am dreading the day... Her ideas are always... How do I say this? They are interesting.

One time, she wanted to give an advantage to one of the few competitors who are still kicking. By trading me, secretly, first showing that we had a 'falling' out, she said it's for a week... I asked why? She told me... Just to show how superior I am to everybody else... And me being me... I agreed. So I went to work for a different inn for a week... I got 80% of the orders, about 50% of my previous customers from Rosa's Park came.

The boss of that inn was so happy, thinking he's got the Scarlet Angel on his 'leash' his business booming, money coming, the moment the week ended, I was out of there... His business was taken with it. most of his barmaids converted to Rosa's Park, with a few workers left and old regular customers more into me, he was left with nothing... His business disappeared... Rosa's ruthless.

Then the other time, Rosa came to me with a gentleman suit, perfect for me, she got the idea of having me dress up as a man and have an only ladies work week because she thought I'd look good looking like one since my hair is short and my body not that curvy. So I agreed, because of how much a lesbian I am, but only if some other barmaids will agree with the idea. I didn't think that a lot of them would agree to such an idea. I stand corrected.

They have so much trust in Rosa at this point. That all of them agreed. And so... We spent a few days dressed as men, not all of them pulled it off, but they just had fun. Those that pulled it off, looked even better than me. One of them even got herself a secret Girlfriend, that only she, me, and Rosa know about. Strangely, Rosa was okay with that. So that got me thinking... Seeing as she doesn't like talking about relationships and she doesn't seem gentle with men at all... she might have had a partner that was a girl, who betrayed her, it's the only touchy subject to her. So with that thought. I myself came out to her. She was surprised, but then she realized why I never spared a moment to any of the men that came after me. And she was okay with it. One thing did change though... Now she not only looked out for men customers but also all of the women customers. Thinking that I would get played, taken advantage of... Unbeknownst to her, I am aiming real high. Royally high.

So I can't even imagine what she has up the store for me on my birthday. Her ideas are completely random. Yeah, that's a good description for it. Random.

Ah, I see my little house in the distance. Wait... my farm destroyed, my house riddled with all kinds of words, the most prominent. Cheater, harlot, tramp, whore... Wow, the men here are so petty. Hmm... Should I get Rosa involved in this? I know that she would somehow find out who did it... If I try to hide it, she will still find out about this.

The baddie only did this, because he knew that I don't come here often... So he's definitely a regular. Somebody who even comes every day. Because I introduced the idea of main barmaids, the customer who comes enough times spends the right amount can choose person 'maid' to serve him, like a VIP. It was a huge success, it brought so much money for Rosa.

The problem with it though, is a lot of private information about the barmaids go out like this. Because the personal 'maids' answer questions, speak casually with the VIPs. So whoever did this, is definitely a VIP of mine. Nobody else would know that I live with Rosa at this point. I don't get why they did this though. This house is so far away, there's barely anybody passing through here.

I guess the fewer people know about it, the lesser chance of him getting into trouble because of it... But it's not like I'd never come back here, it's just rare. So whoever did this was also really stupid... It's like outing themselves as one of my suitors, VIPs, and as a man who hides his face behind a mask... Because men that want to say things like these, say them to my face, belittle women, which is understandable a little, because of the time period Frozen was based on. But it's not as bad as it'd be in my previous lifetime, they burned 'witches' for Pete'ske, they don't do this here, at least not yet.

So this guy... he's just a coward. He got the money, so he got somebody to do it for him, he 'likes' me, which makes me sick, he only comes to me so I could serve him, never any other workers... what else... And he knows quite a lot, I've only told, that I live with Rosa to like 4 people. Two of them being women, because I am just more comfortable being with them in private. I can't imagine a woman doing this, even less the two cute, innocent buttons that they are. And they would use more sophisticated insults than these. It's shoddy work, an attempt to throw me off, so I wouldn't suspect that a noble did this, that a drunkard did it.

Also, one of them's a kid... younger than me, only 13. Her mother wanted her to spend some time with somebody her age, so I was the best pick, since I am only 16, unlike what I first thought about having a kid as a VIP customer, she wasn't a spoiled brat at all, her parents work, I imagine. It costs quite a lot for a personal 'maid' so only nobles and well-off people can afford it. But that's why it's a VIP program.

So that only leaves two... Both obviously like me, but who's more likely to do this... Both are rich, both hide their face behind a mask, they are both nobles after all. That's like 70% of their job, just to be fake all day. So who showed more of themselves, who's the coward... I might as well test it the day after tomorrow, I will think of something, I wouldn't miss Rosa's birthday for anything, hell, I barely even care about this. I can just clean it and go on about my day. The only reason I am thinking about this, I don't want to trouble Rosa.

So I will deal with the trash later. Now, let's fix everything up. As I get ready to get to work. I hear my name being called. I turn around. Rosa, come on, did you really have to send Elrik after me. He got 'promoted' from a barkeep to a bodyguard of mine. I get that she values me so much. But yikes, a girl needs her privacy... And now Rosa will know about this. Fucking hell.

I wave at Elrik, he runs to me, looks around, frowns, and turns around to go back to Rosa to tell her. I stop him before he can do that.

"Hey, hey, stop, Elrik, just stop for a second, breathe, calm down" I try to calm him down, he just looks at me and tries to go again, this time I jump in front of him, he raises his eyebrow"There's no need to report to your boss, Rosa doesn't need to get involved in this, I got this in the bag. I know who did this"

Why did I have to say that... Now there's no way he won't say this to Rosa, because the moment she hears that I know who did it, she will interrogate me until I let out what I know and the next moment I know, my Bloody Devil nickname will strike again.

"Look, I will deal with this alone. This will let Rosa know that I can do things on my own. I get that she likes me, doesn't want me to get hurt, but all the protectiveness, it's... excruciating, it's like I am a bird in a cage, I barely have any freedom, like, seriously, you are a bodyguard now. If that doesn't show how much she doesn't trust me, then what does? Yes, I am known around Arendelle, by basically everybody and some individuals are... not great. But this has to stop, seriously. I am starting to hate this. I can't do anything anymore, I make myself a drink? Rosa knows about it, knows what I am drinking and what ingredients I used. I go to do my hairdo? She knows the person who did it. If I go out for a walk, she knows the time I leave, the time I spent walking, the time I come back... She probably even knows when I go to the loo... Like come on, stop, please. I hate it. So for the love of God, don't tell her about this. I really don't want to fight with her. I think it's long overdue at this point"

Elrik listens to everything I say, he just nods and walks away.

"I won't tell this her, you will. The rest is up to you"


"Thank you"

I lost all the mood in fixing this... I will just pay for somebody to do it, I don't even care at this point who sees this.

What a shitty day.

~ End of Chapter 7 ~