
Chapter 14

~ Great Thaw. Part 1 ~

Diana POV:

I see Elsa re-making her ice throne and tiredly sit down with her palm over her face.

"Uhm..." I open my mouth to say something, making Elsa look at me.

"What is it?"

"Could I trouble you for some... new clothes, I don't want to be seen like this by anybody else, while I am fine with your sister... And that snowman thingy, I still don't want it to happen, I barely dodged that man seeing me"

Elsa looks over my body, seeing only some of my top being left, while I am completely naked in the down department, only nods and does her magic.

"Here you go"

And now I am wearing a simple blue dress, I wonder... are Elsa's clothing magic only in blue colors? Since it's basically ice, or if she can do... yellow or something.

"Thank you"

"You're welcome"

Elsa, after saying looks away, sighs again, for a dozenth time.

"Princess Anna"

"What?" Elsa looks at me again.

"You're thinking about your sister"

"No" Elsa tries to refute the claim.

"You are, otherwise you'd be happy that you're free, instead of... Being how you are, all sad-like"

"I am..."

"Is it because you used your magic on her?"

Elsa's expression changes, into a frown.


"Mhm... She's in a bad state"

Elsa quickly stands up and looks at me intensely.

"What do you mean?"

"Your ice, it's not good for her, at least not how it is now"

"Yeah? And how do you know that?" Elsa questions me defensively.

"During what we previously did, you may have forgotten one simple thing... I, too have powers and that's seeing magic... And Anna has your magic etched in her after she got hit... But it's not nice and safe-looking like this castle, it's as dark as it was before and during the coronation, it hurt me from the outside, but in Anna's case? It's inside of her. So make the comparison yourself, but all that I will say... It's eating her alive... Or freezing her alive in this case"

Elsa hearing that slumps back in her throne, while muttering quietly 'no, no, not again'


"WHAT!" Elsa snaps at me out of spite for herself.

"That's not all..."

"What else is there?" She asks exasperated.

"When I first told that you're the only one with magic... That was somewhat of a lie"

Elsa blinks in confusion.

"What I mean is, Anna had some weak magic in her previously, but I don't think it's like yours, to me it seemed more of somebody else's magic affecting her... What is that?"

While I know what it is, I can't just say something like that, so asking about it, even if I might not get an answer is good enough.

Elsa thinks for a moment, realizing what I mean, and goes even paler than she was, starting to pant from the memories of her childhood.

"Elsa, snap out of it"

It didn't work, I walk up to her and start shaking her lightly, seeing it not work, I do it harder, but she's lost in her head while having a hard time breathing.

"I'm sorry" I do something that I don't want to and that's slap her right in her perfect face, leaving a slightly visible bruise.

But it does work in snapping the Queen out of her dark thoughts, she puts her palm on her red cheek, looks at me bewildered.

"You... slapped me"

"I did"


"So you'd come back, instead of being inside of your head... The past is the past, leave it be. If you want to, you can do the same back to me, you're a Queen after all and it's highly disrespectful to slap one"

"I... No, it's okay, thank you" Elsa shakes her head lightly.

"I know that it may be hard to talk about it or listen to what I am saying. But you need to tell me why is it that your sister has different magic outside of yours inside of her"

"I-I... can't"

"Yes, you can, listen, expressing yourself, talking things out, crying are a few of the best methods to feel better, it may seem like, holding things hidden and inside is a good idea, but it isn't, we already saw what happens when you do that, did we not? Arendelle apparently in ice, you arguing with your sister causing your power to run rampant. You need to 'let it go' just like you yourself said. So talk to me, I can listen, I won't judge anything, for I've lived my own life with my own experiences, no matter how short those experiences actually are, it's still worth something"

"No..." Elsa lowers her head in soft defiance.

I sigh audibly...

"This isn't the first time you accidentally hurt her, is it?" I make it sound like a guess, even if I already know.

Elsa snaps back to look at me.


"Because you lost yourself in your mind after I mentioned her having something bad happening to her due to your accidental attack. So I figured that it happened before and it seems like I was right"

Elsa sits down on her throne in defeat. Looks at me and sighs.

"It happened when we were young, we were playing with my magic and during one unfortunate moment, I slipped on the icy ground and hit her right in her head with my magic and if I am to believe you, it's close to what happened now, so our parents took us to creatures called 'trolls' they helped her, so she could live, but in the process erasing her memory of me and my magic, since then I stayed away from her in fear of hurting her again, and on my father's orders was isolated from contact with people, so I could train to control my powers. But even after all that, I did it again" Elsa puts both of her palms on her face, letting out few sobs.

"Hmm... That sounds like a bunch of stupid nonsense to me" I say mercilessly.

Elsa snaps her head to me, stands up, walks up to me and grabs be my shoulders.

"How dare you say that" I see some tears sliding down her cheeks.

"I said that all of what you've just said, Is nonsense" I drive the point.

"You... you..." Elsa pushes me to the ground angry, her magic going haywire again. Snowing again, picking up to another storm.

"What? Did you want pity? Want me to agree with what happened? I am sorry, but I can't"

"How dare you lie to me, you said that you won't judge me, but not only that, you dare mock my past, BEGONE!" Elsa's magic is out of control due to emotions, with another, even bigger blizzard coming right at me and I just look at it, extending my arms out as if to catch all of it.

I get buried in snow, but I am fine, I barely feel anything, the impact was the toughest part, it did knock the wind out of me. While the snow and the storm starts disappearing, I also start digging myself out with my hands.

Once I get out, I see Elsa slumped on the grounds on her knees. I walk closer to her and put my hand on her shoulder. She slaps it away, but I put it there again, she tries to slap it away a few more times, but I persist, eventually she gives up.

"Elsa, I am not judging you, nor am I mocking your unfortunate childhood... But I also am not pitying you, nobody deserves pity, it's dehumanizing, it's like saying that the person is below them because they feel 'sorry' for them, trying to make the other person feel good about themselves, which in actuality makes the other person feel bad and it may lead to more problems. And the part about me saying 'nonsense'? It had a few reasons. First and the most important? for you to let out the previous bad emotions from the encounter with Anna and unlike her, most of your magic won't work on me... Unless it's an ice spike or something, I am immune to cold not impalement after all..." I chuckle slightly getting a slight reaction out of the downcast Elsa.

"What I really meant by it being stupid, is that Anna was forced to lose her memories of you having magic, while you were forced to be alone and isolated, making you both... no less than strangers over the years. In my opinion, the memories didn't need to get removed, nor you needed to be scared into thinking that your powers are bad. How can you train and learn something? When you hate and fear it? You subconsciously will try to avoid it, which is why you're not able to control them and it gets even worse since it seems that your powers work alongside your emotions and you being locked inside what's practically a cage, put you in a worse mental state than a child... a person should ever be. So finally, I am judging not you, but your parents and the 'trolls' for destroying something that you used to hold dear... the sisterly bond and your love for your own magic"

Elsa finally looks up at me, with already dried tears and she finally chuckles herself making me slightly confused, the Queen seeing my expression slightly giggles.

"What is it? Did I say something wrong?"

"No..." Elsa tries to stop giggling "No, you haven't... It's just that you went about it poorly and it's funny to me"


"Yeah, I guess I could've done this better... But it worked, right?" I ask slightly embarrassed.

"It did, slightly, I feel a little bit better than before"

"See? It's because you got a few things off of your chest"

"Perhaps... But it might've been me just attacking you, who knows"

"Ha... that's a joke, right?... right?"

Elsa doesn't answer me, shakes her head, and stands up going back to her throne.

Well, whatever, as long as she feels better, that's all that matters... Now I'd like to know what time it is since Hans and those two other goons should show up next.

I look outside the balcony, seeing the sun setting, so by this time Anna should be making her way to the trolls... getting forced and 'fake' married to Kristoff by the fucking trolls and Hans coming up the mountain... So it's more or less an hour or so before everything goes down.

I look back at Elsa sitting quietly on her throne, with worry on her face.

"Anna's going to be fine, Elsa, worrying is good, but don't go overboard, just trust your sister and yourself more, everything is going to be a-okay"

I say, making Elsa slightly look at me, nod, and continue sitting, she barely believed me, but I guess that makes sense, even if she actively pushed her away, she still loves her, there's no way she'd feel nothing.

And so, I walk a little bit closer to Elsa's throne and sit down on the icy ground. Elsa doesn't pay much attention to me, but she still says something.

"You could've asked for a chair... I would've made it for you"

"Heh, perhaps, but I don't want you to use your magic when asked, ordered by other people, I want you to use it when you want to, for yourself and others, but only on your own accord, besides I am not that against sitting on the ground, I like it, firstly because I am still near you and secondly, I was locked in your ice in a way more uncomfortable position for hours... So this is fine"


There's silence again, but Elsa breaks it with a question I didn't expect.

"How do you know if you love somebody... Anna... And you seemingly love somebody, also from only just meeting them... So how is it that you can tell?"

"Hmm... I don't know how it is for Anna, but me? When I saw walking down the aisle to become an actual Queen... You looked so majestic, far beyond for somebody like me, the most beautiful woman I've seen, you looked... perfect, like an angel, my heart beat faster, I was super happy, ecstatic even when I saw you getting coronated, I even... Called out your name a little bit too enthusiastically"

"Yeah, you really did..."

"But it was worth it, even in a situation such as that, it was worth handling the pain I felt just to see that happen. I was affected way more than I thought I could be by any woman. But what sealed the deal for me? Was your singing when you sang while walking up the mountain and creating this ice castle... It was the prettiest thing I've ever heard, the voice, the emotion, your aura turning to a safe light-blue from the dreadful dark-blue and just like that... I realized that I love this woman"

"I am flattered... but I don't think I can reciprocate it... if ever" Elsa slowly says, trying to kindly reject me.

Hearing that, makes me only smile, for a multitude of reasons. At the same time making Elsa was confused in seeing my pure smile when she expected a frown.

"Oh, don't worry about it, Queen, I already told you, even if I myself know that I am inadequate or not worthy to stand by you... I am not going to give up on it for anything, I am and will be your number one suitor and I am not going to let anybody else take my spot... Especially not some unworthy individuals that would want you only for your powers, kingdom, or for something else other than from their heart... And also if they are men... But that last one is personal"

"Hmm... So what you're saying is that I will be seeing you for a long time, right?"

"Indeed, you ain't getting rid of me that easily, in fact, I already have a plan of attack to the Queen's heart"

Elsa blinks "Are you supposed to tell me that?"

"Eh, there's nothing to hide, I'd do it anyway"

"I guess... So what is it?"

"First step? I already accomplished it, not how I expected it, but it happened"

"And that is?"

"Meeting you, talking with you, and introducing myself to you... Me giving my first to you and you giving me yours wasn't in the plan, but it was a welcome surprise"

"I do have to agree, it did feel nice"

"It was n-ice"

Elsa looks at me for a moment thinking why I repeated what she said, but seeing me trying not to giggle, realizes what I did, twitches involuntarily to a smile with her eyes annoyed.

"Seriously? An ice joke?"

"What? Didn't like it?" I ask innocently.

"No, it was horrible"

"Yeah? Then why are you smiling"

"Because it was that bad"

"Heh and I had more ice jokes to entertain you, your majesty, but it slipped my mind"

Elsa blinks... and after a moment facepalms and groans, while I only chuckle at her.

There's a brief silence after that.


"What?" Elsa asks me still annoyed.

"We are quite ice-o-lated up here in the mountains," I say grinning.

Elsa sighs and just shakes her head in disappointment "Stop... just stop"

"Oh come on, you don't have to give me the cold shoulder, your created snowmen, Olaf, and that big one would appreciate it, they are, technically your chill-dren"

"Ugh!" Elsa grunts and the next moment I have a big snowball thrown straight at my face.

I start laughing, getting the snow inside my mouth, trying to clean it up with my hands.

"Fine, fine... No more... for now"

"Good... but it would be better if it didn't happen at all"

"Right... Anyways, back to what I was saying. Now my second part of the plan is active, that being me becoming an actual maid of yours, preferably a personal maid, but a normal maid for your castle is a good enough start"

"You want to become my maid?"

"Well, of course, I already worked something close to it, the only thing I didn't do, is wash clothes. Oh, and I guess bath people... But that could be easily achievable since we've already seen each other naked, so it wouldn't be embarrassing. Oh and you're also a Queen, so in my opinion, you shouldn't do a lot of things by yourself. So yes, I'd be honored to be a maid of yours"


"Well, we will see what happens in the future, there's no point in worrying about it, I live in the moment mostly. And now? I just like sitting here on the ground, with a person I love being near me, that's enough for now"

I sigh out relaxed, this is my heaven... which will turn to hell for a short while, very soon. So soon in fact, that I already hear Marshmallow dealing with the small army outside...

Elsa stands up hearing it too and starts walking in haste towards the stairs, going down them, reaching the entrance, and looking outside, only to see multiple people fighting with the big snowman she made. I followed her along the way.

Elsa closes the entrance again and starts running back up the stairs. but this time even higher, I follow in pursuit, not leaving her alone after all. I see the two goons with the crossbows on the first floor, shouting.

Well then... it begins.

~ End of Chapter 14 ~