
Reincarnated as.. WHO?!

unknown_user001 · Fantasía
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8 Chs

Damn you truck-kun

"So well.. you kind of stink.."

GAH! She didn't have to call me out like that.. Ma'am i know i stink. What do u expect from a homeless person..

"Oh uhm I'm sorry about that.. the thing is that.. umm I'm homeless so I haven't really taken a shower." I replied

I could see it written all over her face that, 'HOMELESS? HE??'

"Well you could come over to mine, if it's okay for you. Consider it a thanks for today"

"Thanks for the offer! do u mind if I get my sister?"

That moment she was probably thinking something like 'he has a sister?'

"To be specific, step-sister"

"Oh sure. I'll wait here"


I went to where we spent the night and called her

"Hina! Hinaaa!" I sighed

She's still probably sleeping. Why can't she ever wake up without me waking her up? Oh there she is

"Hina, wake up. It's already afternoon." I tried to wake her up

"Hmm, just a few more minutes" she said in a sleepy tone

"No can do. Today we have to go somewhere."

"Fine.. I'll be there in 5"

"I'll wait near the start of the alley. Be fast."

"Yeah yeah."

After she came out we were heading to that girl and we had our introductions. As we were heading to her place we had to cross the road. There was a truck coming straight at us.

"..Why now.. after my life might've changed. Damn you, truck"

Before dying i pushed the girl and tried to push Hina too but unfortunately I was too late to push her. It hurts.. It's burning.. I don't wanna die yet. I'm sorry mom.. dad.. I'll meet you soon. I'm sorry for being such a bad person and not being able to protect you Hina..

"I-im sor- sorry Hina.."

"N-no.." she sobbed

We both came to our end meanwhile the girl was trying to call an ambulance.

So dark, so peaceful. I guess death really does give you what you wish for. Eternal peace. Wait what is that.. It can't be.. Hina? That's right. I saw Hina. I tried to go towards her. It felt like I was swimming but i was able to stand straight? It was weird. I tried to hold Hina. Surprisingly it worked. I waited for a while but then I was feeling sleepy. I decided to hug her tightly so I don't let go and she doesn't float away from me.

-Few hours later-

"Huaaah.. Hmm..? Hina?" Oh right, I fell asleep hugging her. Is she awake now? Yep. She's even blushing cuz I'm hugging her.

"U-uhm please stop hugging m-me.." she said while blushing really hard

So cute hahahahaha

"Right, sorry. I just didn't want to let you go. Hold my hand so we don't get separated" I replied to her

"Ho-hold hands..?"

"Yes, hold hands" I smiled at her



"what the fuck- quiet down dude"


"quiet down I said! my ears are gonna bleed now"

"Right sorry. now answer me mere mortal."

"Yeah not really.. I'm not afraid."

"I see, I haven't seen one like you. VERY WELL! YOU AMAZE ME. I SHALL GRANT YOU ANY 3 WISHES YOU WANT."

"QUIET DOWN. and what are you? a genie? but I'll accept the offer but first, what will I do with those three wishes HERE?"

"Hmmm that's true. I KNOW! I shall reincarnate you! You shall be a villan. Become good if you want, not my problem."

"Jeez, ok. so first off. My wishes are:

1. Let Hina be my step-sister there too.

2. Give me a pen that never runs out of ink and whatever I write with it comes true.

3. Give me a notebook that never runs out of pages."

"Very well. What age do you want to be?"

"What age do you become an adult there?"


"The fuck that's so young. Hina i recommend we be kind of young so we have time to get stronger"

"Okay. How about 8? I think 7 years should be plenty."

"Okay. 8 years old it is."

"Very well. You shall be reincarnated in the next 2 hours."

I think we spent a good 1 or 2 days here floating. Wait that means Hina would be an adult on Earth by now huh.

I should probably write some of the things needed by the time I get reincarnated.


1. Let me keep my memories of me when I was on Earth and here. Also let Hina keep her memories.

2. Let there be a system which makes me stronger.

3. Double stats per level up.

4. I'm able to stop time.

5. Let me have good looks. Eg; Good body, white hair and eyes as blue as diamonds.

5. Let Hina be really pretty too.

7. Let me have infinite capabilities.

8. Make me really intelligent.

9. Give me Mangekyo Sharingan.

A/N: These are all that's being written right now. More might be added later.


"Huaaah.. who would've thought thinking of abilities and things would be this hard." I said while yawning.

But good thing I chose a system. Otherwise what would I have done if I was really weak. Plus this time I must protect Hina. I can't let go of her again. And I also chose the looks cause I don wanna be some ugly ass villan. I think about an hour passed. I should probably think of what to do when I wake up after being reincarnated.

I spent the next hour and twenty minutes thinking of what to do.


"Oh my god. Can you not scream every time? It's annoying"

"Yeah yeah sorry. Now! have some type of physical contant in the next 10 seconds unless you want to be separated!"

Shit. Hina is quite far.

"HINA TRY TO COME TOWARDS ME" I said while trying to go towards her

"Okay" she replied

We were both trying to go towards eachother but there was only 5 seconds left

"5... 4... 3... 2..."

1 second left. We're so close. There it is! her hand.I launched myself towards her and was barely able to touch her hand. Thank god


Ow ow ow, did I fall or what, my back hurts. I try to look around. HOLY SHIT MY HEAD HURTS. WHAT IS THIS?

[Memory Lane Entered.]

[Playing Memories.]

Oh it's just this world me's memories. BUT DAMN THIS HURTS

few minutes later..

I see, So I'm Alexander Blake. And Hina became Amelia Blake. I'll check where I am now since i haven't even opened my eyes yet. I try to open my eyes and it's the same as what happened in the previous world. Fuck you Sunlight. ALWAYS falling just in my eyes. There was a damn shade right there.

Hm? Oh. There she is.

"Hin- Am-