
Reincarnated as.. WHO?!

unknown_user001 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Reincarnated as a villan

Hmm? oh there she is.

"Hin- Amelia, are you okay?"

Maan remembering to call her Amelia will take a shit ton of time.

"Y-yes I'm fine." she stuttered

"Great. It seems we were training right now. Let's head inside now?"

"Sure" she replied

Let's try my power shall we? I'll try to stop time but first, where is my book and pen? Huh? what's this?

[Inventory- Book and pen]

[Enter] [Close]

[Say activate to activate system]

Hmm interesting. I'll try to stop time. Most common way is usually to snap so I'll try that first. I snapped my fingers and didn't really feel anything changing

Now according to his memories, He's a noble. Not surprising. I expected a villan to be some kind of noble. He calls his mom mother in front of people and alone or infront of family it is mom. Same case with his dad. No, I can't be using his mom or dad. As of now, I'm him. They're MY mom and dad. My mom is Lilia Blake and dad is Leo Blake.

Wait these sound kind of familiar..? NO THERE'S NO WAY. It's not possible for me to be reincarnated in the novel I read right? RIGHT? yeah there's no way..

Okay but I'll just head inside first. After I go in my bedroom I'll check the system.

"Amelia let's go? ..... Amelia?"

No way i actually stopped time! That's so sick. First I'll check this place out.

-1 hour later-

Damn this place is big. Let's check out the system shall we?


There was a huge flash. The fuck? this tryna make me go blind or what?

[System activated]

[What would you like me to do?]

"Hmm, display my status."

[Very well]

Name: Alexander Blake

Age: 8

Level: 3 (based on current training and knowledge)

Exp: 0/200

Health: 200/200

Skills: Slot 1- Stop Time

Slot 2- Language translation

Slot 3- None

Slot 4- None

Slot 5- None

[You can unlock more slots as you level up]

"What do I need to do to get more exp?"

[Train and read, basically learn new things. Each new knowledge is worth 25 exp. As you level up, they are worth more. Level 4=30 exp]

"And how do I get skills?"

[You unlock the market at level 5 and from the market you will be able to buy skills or you can use your pen and notebook to create skills]

"Intresting.. ok, after i close the system, how do I open it again?"

[Say activate again]

"Okay, close."

I see.. so after every new knowledge I gain, I get 25 exp and that increases after each level up.. shouldn't it decrease tough? meh it's better for me. I should probably resume time now. I snapped again.

"Umm but first shouldn't we check this place out? I mean we just reincarnated and don't even know the layout of this place.." she asked.

"I checked it out already. I'll take you to my room for now"

"W- what do you mean..? n-not now.. were just 8 here- I mean shouldn't we wait until we're 15 and become adults...?"

"Oh I didn't mean it like that-I meant like I'll show you around later and for now you can take rest.. you know?"

"Uhm okay.." she blushed.

I went to my room and decided to see what the shop had offered while she was sleeping. It seems I still need to be level 5 but I'll just check it out before I can buy the things I need.


[What would you like me to do?]

"Open shop"


Skills: Duplicate

Exp Multiplier

Create monster

Race change

[More skills will show once you level up.]

"Race change.. intresting. Open the stats for race change."

[Very well.]

Race change: 5 star skill. Shows in market after level 200. Best skill available. To master, you must need to have an intense training routine.

"What the hell? I'm not even level 5 yet. Is this some kind of glitch? I don't care. LUCKY ME BABYYY" i thought out loud.

"mmmmMH" she said sleepyly

Shit she's sleeping. Gotta control myself. I see, so I've to make a training routine? and I need to gain knowledge for buying that. If I connect these two, I can just read books on training to both learn and help me make an intense training routine.

Like this, I've spent 2 days gaining exp and also getting closer to making a good example of an intense training. I've also found out there's something known as mana. I tried to see my mana level and damn, he's trained well before I've been reincarnated. So the highest mana level someone has ever gotten is 400,000. Mine is 4,700. Somehow higher than the average adult. The average adult has 1,200 mana. And to increase my mana, i need to train do meditation. Holy shit 1 minute of meditation is 100 mana for me. There's no way I'm this strong of a villan. But this is so similar to the novel I read. I guess i really am reincarnated in the novel I read. So, the hero only got 10 mana per minute of meditation, but I lost because I was too lazy and didn't do anything but then a drug made me go crazy. Welllllll, he did say I can change the story. I will turn the protagonist's harem into mine and make him the bad guy because WHY NOT? But at the end of the day I need to work hard. The hero will get 7,200,000. He's gonna beat the record by a lot so I have to work hard to beat him.

I made my training routine and decided to try it out for a month. If it was too hard, I would make it harder. As expected, it was too hard so I had to make it harder. It was hell. Pure hell. I had to keept repeating this because it became even and even harder for me. I know it's stupid but I have to do it. According to this world's logic, the harder, the better even if you can't do it. I finally stopped at a certain level. If I made it harder I would probably die before even meeting the hero. I kept this training going for 1 week. I could feel drastic changes. I had so much more energy and my stamina also improved. And almost all my qualities became better than average people. I dedicated 11 hours to training and 4 hours to meditation. The rest were for normal day activities. Because of the meditation I've already earned 168,000 mana and with the mana i already had, I have 172,700 mana now.

"I if I did it for just 4 hours a day and my mana increased so much in just 1 week, I'll make it 6 hours and I'll do this training for years. Holy shit I'll be strong as FUCK." i thought out loud

"I'll g-