
Reincarnated as Uchiha Itachi´s Twin.

Follow Sora Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha’s twin brother, as he navigates his new life. Transmigration is a common fantasy, but what happens when the transmigrator is perfectly happy in his original world? Is he abandoning his previous life by accepting his new family? Will he survive the cruel and gruesome Naruto world? Will he encounter his last family? Why did he transmigrate? Join Sora on his journey to find out. __________________________________________ WARNING!!! My MC doesn't know anything about Naruto. He knows about other anime, but in his original reality, Naruto does not exist. This is my first work, so please be kind. English is not my first language. I will update when I can and when I want. I made this fanfic for myself. If you enjoy it, great. If not, that's too bad. Also, credit to the creator of the image in the novel. I got it from wallpaper-clan.com

charlesmc · Cómic
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22 Chs


Due to some comments about the story I would like to make some stuff clear.

-This is the first time that I ever write something. Writing a chapter consumes about three hours of my day (if I am inspired). English is not my first language, so I grabbed this to get better at my written English, I am sorry for the future misspellings or my (sometimes horrifying) errors in grammar. So please, constructive criticism is greatly appreciated (and encouraged!), like the guy who told me to change my <<>> with "", or the guy who told me to stick with Japanese expressions (which I already corrected in the first chap) or killedsecured who told me it would be best if I don´t transform this in smut (which are plenty in this platform), and it was cringe to write/reread. But please, please, be respectful and kind to your critics, like the previous guys.

-The Novel MC does not know Naruto's meta-knowledge. So, if you are looking for some novel where the MC takes advantage of the plot, gets strong, has a harem, and all of that, You will be disappointed reading this.

-No chakra MC. Well, it is not that he "does not have chakra", is that he can not use it at will. He has no chakra paths, so he can not use Jutsu the standard way, in its place his powers will be related to the bleach world and Pokemon world. If you are looking for a reason, think of water being chakra and chakra paths the pipe system. You need a pipe system to move the water in a way that can be controlled. So, not mainstream jutsus like elemental jutsus.

-"Everyone has chakra, how he could not" same reasoning as before but a different why. To explore alternative answers without using chakra. We know the Otsutsukis planted the God trees across planets, but what was the mainstream combat power before chakra was as widely spread as now? Natural energy, demons and gods, spirits? A bunch of stuff that mostly gets unanswered in Naruto, but we only get a little glimpse about it. (like in the movies why Moryo exists? what is exactly the Gelel stone? Does Roran have an origin?) which I will try to answer (try because I am an absolute novice) with some whacky, wild theories on my part (which are more an AU at this point than Naruto world)

-This journey will be slow. I didn´t know at first, but the more I write, the more I like this storys pace. I have the major plot already thought (in a general way that includes naruto, bleach, pokemon, and maybe something else). 

-The most important, turn off your brain cells while reading this. I am sure that you want to read "something good" but "it is best if it´s like the original". Well, I am afraid it is not. It is a Fanfiction with some weird and whacky ideas that I had in my mind for quite some time. That is why the meta knowledge is almost non existing, I wanted the creative freedom to talk about some neglected part of the Naruto world (or other worlds), that in my opinion are interesting.

-And last but no least, If I ever decide that I am not continuing this story (for whatever reason), I will publish the entire google docs with the plot outlained (Yes, it already has an ending in the docs), so it will not be left here to rot. 

(on a darker sidenote, If I ever perish, my sister has instructions to release it. I say this, because I once read a really good fanfic about invincible and the author already died R.I.P. . The work was being published by a friend of his and it never ended. Author-san of that ff, you have my respect)

Besos y abrazos mis amores (XOXO) ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♡

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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