
Reincarnated as the Villainess’s Familiar.

After dying from a stray bullet hitting him in the neck by a burglar in a 7/11, our main character reincarnates into a manga of his that he liked a lot until its terrible ending. But for him, he reincarnated not like a human but as a familiar of the main villainess of the origin story. Can he change certain things that are about to happen in the future, could he potentially redeem the villainess, and how will his effect have on the general plot of the original story?

Killer501st · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Villainess’s Hellhound

Today was supposed to be like every regular day that I have had ever since I entered my sophomore year of high school.

Wake up and go to school, pick up my little brother and sister from daycare/elementary, help my single mother take care of them from time to time, work some weekdays at my part-time job, and have a little time to myself to do homework or hopping on COD to laugh and cuss at the random strangers or noobs who decided to turn racist halfway through the game before going to bed.

Sleeping so I could repeat this same schedule except for the weekends as I would usually just lay around doing nothing or go somewhere with my family on those Saturdays and Sundays.

Tonight was one said night as it was Saturday and our family collectively agreed to have a movie night.

But a movie is not complete without any popcorn and on this night we just happened to have no popcorn bags.

So being the oldest offspring I am I headed out to the neighborhood's local Seven-Eleven at night since it was only a five-minute walk from my house.

On the way I was thinking about the ending of a popular fantasy manga I had read two weeks ago as it was the last chapter the author had made.

This manga/anime was called, "Heroine Summons a common Black Lizard that turned out to be the Black Dragon of Destruction."

Long titles am I right?

It was just like any standard fantasy adventure journey with a female hero lead that had both a regular girl harem along with a reverse harem, a villainess that served as one of her biggest stepping blocks, and a Demon God Emperor that she had to defeat at the end of the story.

I was thinking about how the story ended and I couldn't help but get angry. Because let's just say that after what the author made the main character do... I wanted to damn near throw my phone through somebody's window...

Now the reason for it is that not only did she not pick any of the supporting cast/harem members or people who genuinely loved her and the ones she had a relationship with.

She fell in love with a random fat ugly bastard who was a broke peasant with an annoyingly large ego who was also twice her age.

And the most infuriating part about her picking this random was that she abandoned all of her powers/abilities and got rid of her powerful familiar for him.

What the fuck was the author thinking?!

Many fans of the series shared my disdain for the ending of this series and a majority of them (including me) wanted the author to change the ending.

But he merely said in an interview, "Sorry but that is how the story ends and I intend to keep it that way."

Let's just say that after that he had to hire security guards for him to go anywhere as he was sent many death threats for basically ruining what was a good story.

You know what since I'm already close to the store I may as well stop these negative thoughts as I didn't want to spread them to the overnight employee working tonight.

Entering the store I was met with nothing but the hum of overhead lights and the sight of a bored employee who was sitting down on a chair looking at something on his phone behind the register.

I just sent him a head nod acknowledging his existence as he did the same for me from the corner of his eye.

Looking at aisles of assorted snacks it only took me a few seconds to locate the popcorn as I grabbed two bags of it.

Deciding that I wanted something for myself I also got myself some gummy worms, Reese's Cups, and a Brisk to knock it all down.

Just as I was bringing my assembled junk to the counter I noticed that another man had entered the store wearing a large black trenchcoat.

At the moment he was tightly holding onto the employee's shirt as he had a gun pointed at his head.

"Give me all the money in the register or I'll blow your head off!"

He shouted clicking the gun as the employee nervously started sweating begging for his life which was only awarded with a smack on the face with the gun.

The employee then looked in my direction in fear causing the man to also look at me as one word went through my mind.


Not even a second after I had been spotted a loud bang sounded out in the store as I felt something hot hit the side of my neck.

I fell as I clutched my neck as a searing pain started spreading throughout my body and I found it incredibly hard to breathe.

I felt something warm leaking from my neck as I slightly brought my hand in front of me seeing only red on it.

My vision started becoming hazy as I tried to continue holding onto the wound from my neck but more and more of my blood kept rushing out.


Am...I gonna die...like this?

I couldn't help but feel cold as keeping my eyes open was becoming harder and harder with every second I tried to fight it.

I knew that I was gonna die but the only thing I was worried about at this moment was my family.

How would my little brother and sister receive the news of my death? How would Mom receive it? Would they be ok? And would my mom have the decency to erase my internet browser history rather than look at it?

After what felt like hours of fighting the only thing I could do was slowly close my eyes as I felt incredibly tired as the pain of getting shot in the neck slowly faded away.


Darkness was all I could see... It was all I could feel...

Everywhere I went all I could see was a never-ending plane of pure darkness as I couldn't see myself or anything for that matter.

And the longer I stayed here the more I felt myself becoming one with the darkness like Bane.

Even though that sounded a little terrifying it felt comforting as it was like rolling into a warm blanket during a cold night.

But just as I felt my being about to completely integrate with the darkness a bright light suddenly shined on me as the voice of a very young girl called out to me.

"Oh, being from the realm beyond my own. I summon thee to be my familiar, with the promise of strength, souls, and fame. Become my familiar and all of these and so much more can be yours."

I didn't know why but those words sounded familiar to me and I felt that I had heard/read them from somewhere.

Anyway since this was the first time I could see something I decided that it would probably be best for me to go where this mysterious voice was.

Coming closer to the light I was suddenly engulfed by it like how I was by the darkness but this time I could feel something go throughout my body and I couldn't help but notice that it felt strange.

Like my body was different somehow…

Then not even a second later I felt myself falling, but this feeling didn't last for long as I felt myself hit some soft carpet making the sound of my falling muffled.

"Lady Victoria congratulations! It seems that you have summoned a familiar!" Another feminine voice, a little bit older than the first one.

Lady Victoria? Familiar? What is going on? And why does that name sound so familiar?

Opening my eyes I tried to get a better look at my surroundings but my vision was very blurry as the only thing I could see was a somewhat dimly lit room with two figures standing in front of me.

One was shorter than the other by a large margin as that figure seemed to be at least below the taller one's knees.

"Marie, what is wrong with it? Is it alright?" The young voice called out with a bit of worry in her voice as my vision had now completely cleared allowing me to finally see the two people in front of me.

The young girl who started worrying over me was a small child who looked to be only six years old.

She had pale but healthy skin with long healthy white hair that was as white as freshly fallen snow and two bright red eyes that shined like gems.

The red dress she was wearing was also very detailed and expensive looking as she by her looks alone looked like a Disney Princess, as all she was just missing was a tiara/crown.

The older woman beside her who seemed to be either in her late teens or early twenties was pretty as she had short brown hair that was rolled into a neat bun at the top with soft brown eyes.

But unlike the little girl, she was dressed in the clothes of a maid as she had the common black-and-white apparel of any maid you would see in an anime.

"I don't know my lady. Maybe it's tired or it may need something to eat. Don't worry I'll get it something to eat."

The maid, or who I assumed was Marie said as she looked at me with slight worry before leaving the room which was decorated with a lot of intricate yet beautiful furniture, carpets, and even the walls were beautifully designed.

As the maid left I then looked at the little girl as she lookedd at me with a small and giddy smile as I was still wondering what was going on.

And why did she look so familiar?

I opened my mouth trying to speak out to her to ask her where I was, who are you, and why am I in this room, but the only thing that came out of my mouth was a-


D-Did I just bark? Like a dog?!

Confused I then looked down at myself only to be further terrified as I noticed my body was no longer human.

Instead of the hands that I had been used to seeing for so long, I only saw small puppy-like paws occupying my two front limbs.

Startled I started looking at the rest of my body and I noticed that I was most definitely not human anymore.

My body was completely covered in black fur as it was short and stubby like a puppy's and in the corner of my eye, I saw a short tail wagging slowly as I already knew that it was a part of me.

'Wh-Whats going on?!!'

*Bark! Bark! Bark!*

Just as I was trying to understand what was even going on I suddenly felt myself being lifted off the ground.

Startled by this I looked at who was picking me up only to notice that it was the little girl or better yet, Lady Victoria picking me up in her little arms.

"It seems like you were all right after all." She said giving me a kind smile as I couldn't help but be relaxed by it.

Then a second later she sat down on the ground as she started petting me.

Rubbing/Scratching her right hand over my head and back as we sat on the floor with me partially laying on her lap.

Now of course I could've started by trying to get her off of me by either squirming out or biting her to get away but seeing as she meant me no harm.

I didn't see any reason for me to fight so I just laid my head back down as I endured the petting she was giving me.

Just then another flash of light slightly blinded me causing me to close my eyes as I felt something suddenly wrap against my neck not too tightly but also not very loose.

And just as quick as the light had appeared it disappeared, as I was now just laying here on this little girl's lap wondering what happened.

And once again I couldn't even focus on that before I heard footsteps approaching the door and I couldn't help but hear more than one pair coming this way.

Coming through the door, the maid Marie, was carrying a large pile of various raw meats on a silver platter.

Only this time she wasn't alone as she had two other people with her, a man and a woman.

Looking at them I couldn't help but feel my eyes open in shock as I immediately recognized the man between the two of them.

The man who stood in front of us was a tall, large, and muscular man who seemed to radiate an aura of power and authority.

He had hard deep red eyes that seemed to be redder than the girl holding me, and the dark blond hair around his head, as well as the beard on his face, which made him look more like a male lion which was only more relevant since he had a deadly serious stare.

He wore a red and black military-like uniform that had many medals plastered on his chest just showing how many feats this man had accomplished.

He also had a sheathed sword on his left side as the handle/pommel was styled to look like a golden lion's head.

Th-This man is...Grand Duke Leon Solace!

The father of the main villainess and the one who started the Lion's Rebellion Arc in the story, "Heroine Summons a common Black Lizard that turned out to be the Black Dragon of Destruction."

What is he doing here?! Why is a character from a manga standing here in the flesh with me?! And who is that woman beside him?!

Taking my eyes off the notorious Grand Duke I looked at the lady who was beside him and all I could say was that she was extremely beautiful.

The beautiful woman beside him had pale but healthy skin that seemed to glow with long healthy white hair like the girl holding me but the difference was that she had dark sea-blue eyes that were about as beautiful as her.

She wore a very elaborate white dress that hid her legs but failed to hide how developed she was as a woman.

Even though the only parts of her skin that were exposed were her hands and face the dress did little to hide the shapely waist she had as well as the large mounds underneath her dress on her chest.

Unlike Leon with his emotionless stare, she had a gentle smile as her eyes were closed like those types of anime women's eyes are.

She also had an aura as well but instead of it being powerful and demanding respect, it felt more... gentle and motherly if that makes any sense.

After looking at her I noticed that she also looked very familiar to the Villainess of, "Heroine Summons a common Black Lizard that turned out to be the Black Dragon of Destruction." Only a little bit older and more MILF like.

After looking at them I then looked at the girl holding me as everything started making sense, Long white silver hair, pale skin, and red eyes.

She is Victoria Solace!

The main villainess of, "Heroine Summons a common Black Lizard that turned out to be the Black Dragon of Destruction."

And I... am her familiar...