
Reincarnated as Issei with a Gamer System(DROPPED)

I will get back her no I'll get them all back , nothing will stop me , no one will get in my way , I'll do whatever it takes to get back to you. I'll use these abilities. I'll make sure to be strong as I can to save you all wait for me.....'Julia' . (Please I'm not well versed in the gamer so there will be some hiccups here and there so please correct when I'm wrong) /A.N: Don't Ask for a Harem!/

ShaggyJoestar69 · Cómic
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79 Chs

Chapter 22: N-Nani!?

It's been a few days since I came back from Tartaros, I've placed a bunch of defense and warding runes on my house, my parents also came back, to which I made them dinner to celebrate their return, they're now addicted to my food as nothing they eat can compare to my food and they always feel dissatisfied, so I now make dad's lunch with the the help of Mom.

I've been teaching her as well she's now level 25 in cooking also gained Teaching skill which I'm barely ever gonna use wait....no I'll be using to teach baby digimon how to read plus I've been teaching my digimon how to read and write in English since all the books are in Japanese don't know how they know how to read but I'm rolling with it.

Right now I'm going to the shrine with Totsuka and Rika we've already celebrated new years now we're gonna pray to shrine. Totsuka and Rika are now holding hands, he confessed so now I'm gonna be his best man at his wedding and Julia will be her maid of honor.

Rika:"Katase Mura-chan hey!"

Katase:"Rika how's it been and hey Hyoudou, heard you destroyed the Tokyo team single handedly!"

Issei:"Nah I had my teammates help, I shouldn't take all the credit."

Katase:"Real humble of you huh!"

Katase:(Now looking at him he is kind of more handsome isn't he!) She blushed looking at me.

Murayama:"We'll be meeting up with the other girls wanna come Rika."

Rika:"Sure see ya later." she kissed him on the cheek and ran off, I could see Totsuka blushing full bloom Rika was as well as she ran off I took a picture of his face with my flip phone.


Totsuka:"Hey delete that Hyoudou!" Totsuka was now mad.

Issei:"No way I'm saving this for memories man!" After some bickering and Totsuka trying to steal my phone away. We then went and made our prayers Totsuka probably prayed to have a lasting relationship with Rika while I prayed for my parents safety.

We were then walking home.

Issei:"Hey Rika why don't I cook something for you guys it's early and my parents probably hasn't ate yet."

Totsuka:"Hell Yeah Hyoudou's food is the best!" Totsuka looked rather energetic instead of his usually reserved and relaxed self.

Rika:"Eh?! Totsu you can be excited too!"

Issei:"Of course he can be well when he's about fight in a martial arts tournament."

Totsuka:"...." Totsuka kept quiet the entire walk to my house.

Issei:"Mom Dad I'm home I brought friends!" We walked to see my Mom and dad sitting on the sofa both of them looking sad.

Gorou:"Issei there is something we have to tell you."

Rika:"We should leave."

Miki:"No you can stay please take a seat." we did as she said.

Gorou:"Issei before you were born your mother and I....we tried to have a child three times before you were born but...." Gorou no Dad looked pain, I've never seen either of my fathers in such a state before. I read about this once on the wiki.

Issei:"Mom miscarried didn't she." tears were threatening to burst from their eyes Rika looked sad and Totsuka was silent.

Miki:"What I'm trying to say is Issei I'm pregnant!"


Gorou:"It was during the vacation I may have had a little too much and we hadn't done it in a while so we did it unprotected and without birth control."

Issei:"Then shouldn't we be celebrating!"

Miki:"Issei I'm scared we might lose this one. So I think it's best I have an abortion."

Rika:"What are you talking about Issei is here isn't he ?! He's proof that you can have this baby!" Eh! Rika I'm genuinely suprised .

Totsuka:" Mrs. and Mr. Hyoudou, I think you should give this baby a chance, Issei tought me so much, he's one of my best friends I have, so please atleast give your unborn child a chance to live." Totsuka, Rika thank you thank you both for being my friend.

Issei:"Mom Dad your letting your emotions rule you this decision, could destroy you Mom you may never be able to have a child again please, I'm begging please give me the chance to be this child's brother." I bowed my head I don't want to lose anymore family not again.

Miki:"...Your right we shouldn't have jumped to that decision due to the past when we have proof of success right infront of us."

Gorou:"Some good friends you have there son."

Issei:"Anyways I'll be cooking something for us we should celebrate instead of this gloom fest."

Gorou/Totsuka:"Hell yeah!" they looked at each before laughing in each other face. They then started small talk while I cooked.

That night dinner was great I even gave some to Rika and Totsuka to bring home to their parents.

When they left I hugged my parents. I understand that some of my fellow reincarnaters don't want to foster a relationship with their reincarnated parents, except for those who never had any familial love and were orphans. But what happened to me was a soul fusion I gained his like and dislikes and he gained my likes and dislike.

Issei loved tits he worshipped them but to me, I only see that as one part of the equation, to attract me a woman has to be more than just a nice pair of tits and a pretty face, that and I was raised to love and respect my parents. I love Gorou and Miki and Issei loves my parents plus I know the burden of having an harem, which I saw as a pain so his soul no our souls must've understood each other.

Issei:"I'm going to bed." I went to my room and crashed I still had two more days till school reopened so I'll just create my balance breaker forms and test them out with my digimon.

-Two days later-

I'm currently in the digifarm Rio and Sheng were sparring with Riza in the sky, I bought Sagittarius for Sheng he can fire beams from them like guns and use them as wings and swords. Meilee is currently wrecking the punching bag.

Issei:"Okay for my let's try my first form."


Issei:"Okay let's try it now!"



My armor began to change as it became bulkier it looked similar to the Triana Rook as it looked almost the same. I based it off of it I've already sent Ddraig the looks for speed mode.



Name:Issei Hyoudou(Aaron Cooper)

Title: Mana God's Successor.V2/Digimon Tamer/Awakened Red Dragon Emperor

Lvl:187/ Next Level 57%



Strength:5,900 +1000/+4500


Dexterity5,900 +1000/+200





[Stat points:984/Munny:87,302,879/Gold:79,859,623]


Issei:"Not bad I normally got a few hundred additional Stat boost ever since the evolution it shot over a thousand."

Ranna:((Still are your really slow in this form even with the additional speed boost and the Title boost.))

Issei:"That's what the speed form is for I'll have to change in between forms while fighting.))

Issei:"Let's try out the speed for next"


My armour changed as some of the plating fell off my armour looked sleeker but it had boosters on its back similar Jin Mori in his speed form, marvelling at it I began to run around the field which is about a mile are two now.

Issei:" This awesome and I can hold these form for as much as I like I don't have the energy consumption problem OG Issei had in the original timeline." I know how not to waste unneeded energy. But my magic circles are there because they lower energy costs even more than I could ever even with my control.

For example: If I were to fire an attack that cost over 200 MP. I could use a magic circle to do the same with just 5 MP, like Rossweisse she's another one of the characters I admire.

I checked my stats and saw my DEX go up by the same as my attack +4500 and STR by 900. After images began to be left behind as I blasted through the fields creating multiple sonic booms.

Issei:"Alright let's end this here and move to next forms."

-A few hours later-


My arm bulked up slightly my arms looked similar to canons but I also had two giant ones on my back. They can act as wings and weapons. I based it off of BlitzGreymon hence the name since it can also use lightning.

Ddraig:((Partner we should take a rest making these forms is taking its toll I'll need to sleep for a bit.))

Issei:"Okay sorry for working you partner so much partner."

Ddraig:((No it's fine it's *Yawn!* to see you working hard unlike your perverted counterpart *Yawn!* Nighty night!))

Ranna:((Well guess I'll take a nap too see ya Issei you have school so no grinding tonight.))

Issei:"Yeah yeah I know!" I sparred with my digimon for the rest of the time and left to take a nap.

-At school-

I was riding my back when I ran into Totsuka and Rika I haven't seen them for the past three days, I've been busy I should take a week off and hang out with them more, though I'd look like more of a third wheel.

Issei:"Yo Rika Totsuka."

Rika:"Hey Issei my parents loved your food especially my older brother and younger sister!"

Issei:"I see they liked it huh here, I made extra lunch for you guys."

Totsuka:"Whoa! thanks man it means a lot!" Some girls looked at Totsuka they thought he was an handsome cool guy which is why he's ranked high up in the hotty ranking something I over heard before I reincarnated into Issei's body though he haven't told anyone.

Kuoh girl:"Eh! isn't Totsuka Senpai normally reserved!"

Kuoh girl2:"Yeah he is I heard he's dating Rika."

Kuoh girl 3:" Really they really suite each other but he was really excited when Issei said something to him."

Kuoh girl 2:"Could it be Totsuka is having an affair with Issei!" Thank God Totsuka doesn't have heightened hearing are else things would be so awkward.

Kuoh girl 3:"Geez Fuyumi you shouldn't spread rumors like that!" Someone who has sense.....Hazza! A man of quality well woman of quality.

School started with a welcome back assembly from the principal and the Prez(Sona).

Some girls were staring at me it was quite unsettling but Gamer's Mind dealt with that and I began to ignore so it's something I'm gonna ofto get used to.


Sensei:"Welcome everyone to cooking class and I hope you'll be for the rest of the school year." Cooking class I'm gonna destroy everyone here aren't I.

-A few minutes later-

Everyone:"Sooo good !"

Clasmate:"Damn Hyoudou this is the best you have to cook for me!"

Classmate 2:"Hey back off man I saw him first!" Wells shit.....Today's gonna be a looooooooong day.

-After class-

Totsuka:"So wait you had to cook for them. Hahaha!!!"

Issei:"Yes please don't text me tonight I'll be asleep the entire."

Totsuka:"Okay bro see ya!" He's been getting more casual with me as of late well guess being with Rika changed him. Oh well I'm gonna be grinding tonight I haven't done that for a while.