
Chapter 21:Home Sweet Home!

Issei:"Huh! elemental shifting allows the gamer to shift into all the elements he has access to."

Issei:"Well Ddraig the mana core is now longer there since it's now apart of my body and soul."

Ddraig:((Let's just go home.))

Issei:"Not yet Ddraig." I sat back down in the lotus position and began forming another mana core this one was out of my own mana then I made another out of the mana absorbed from my surroundings surrounding the first one and filled them both with mana.

Ddraig:((Now you just made another one no two.))

Issei:"Yeah yeah!" I looked at the door leading to the next floor and saw it was chained up with seals over it there's some pretty advance seals here not even, I can break them down.

[Would Gamer like to leave dungeon ->Yes/No]

I mentally ordered yes and I arrived back in the digifarm is checked my phone time and saw it's not even a minute has been gone.

Issei:"Okay you guys have been staring at me for a while now what is it."

Rio:"Issei you won't like this but your face." confused I used earth and lightning to create a mirror. Fuck my looks improved again.

Issei:"How am I gonna hook Rika up with Totsuka now!" this is gonna be alot harder to do now I should talk to Totsuka.

Riza:"So this is the digifarm everything here is so cool!"

Issei:"I'll be heading back to my room later!"

Meilee:"I'm coming with."

Issei:"Sure!" We both dissapeared in a bright light and appeared in my room.

*Sniff sniff!* Meilee started sniffing the room.

Meilee:"Smells nice!"

Issei:"I know why don't I cook us some dinner!" Mom and dad won't be here in until the next few days guess I should talk to Totsuka then create my new subspecies.

Meilee:"*Moan!*" this digimon moaned eating my omurice, I'm way above Shokugeki no Souma level in making food also learned that my food can restore HP while drinks can restore MP, though it would've been useful to know when I was just starting out, if I hadn't gotten that gravity bracelet I'd be screwed.

Issei:"I'm guessing you like it."

Meilee:"Food taste great as always." I pointed ,you digivice at her.

Issei:"Come on I'm gonna go visit a friend." she entered the digivice and I got a coat sure the cold doesn't bother me but people would think I'm crazy walking out without one.

I rode on my bike to Totsuka's house, I'm definitely gonna turn this thing into a motorcycle and it's gonna be filled with enchantments.

I saw his it house it was alot bigger than my own but it just shows how much his family is making. I walked upto the gate and pressed the buzzer a woman opened the door.

???:Hello who are you?"

Issei:"Hi my name is Issei Hyoudou I'm a friend of Totsuka he's my Senpai." her face brightened up as she heard that.

Haruka:"Oh a friend of Totsu-chan come in!" She opened the gate and we walked in took off my shoes at foyer and put my jacket at the hanger.

Haruka:"I'm Haruka Sento Totsu-chan's mother I was just about to prepare dinner ya know."

Issei:"Eh really can I help?"

Haruka:"You can cook?!"

Issei:"Yeah I know my way around the kitchen!"

We went to the kitchen and I helped her prepare dinner after a few minutes Totsuka came down and saw me and his Mom cooking.

Totsuka:"Issei is that you?"

Issei:"Yo Totsuka-senpai I came to visit you."

Haruka:"Totsu-chan why didn't you tell me you had such a handsome friend who knew his way around the kitchen!?"

Totsuka:"You can cook?!"

Issei:"I didn't mean to keep it from you it just never came up I should treat Rika to some my food sometime."

Haruka:"Eh!? You know Rika-chan as well!"

Issei:"Yeah we hang out all the time!" Miss Haruka and I continued our small talk while cooking seems Totsuka's father is currently at work but should be here in the next few minutes.

???:"I'm home!"

Haruka:"Welcome home Dana Totsuka's friend came to visit!"

Issei:"It's nice to meet you Sento-san I'm Issei Hyoudou." we shook hands.

Kirigaya:"Your Hyoudou's kid?"

Issei:"You know my father?"

Kirigaya:"Haha! we work for the same company I'm his senior." Really dad doesn't mention his work that much so it's possible.

Issei:"I see well dinners ready why don't we eat."

And so we ate the table were filled orgasm and flashbacks.

Totsuka:"Issei whatever you did to that food please do it again!"

Kirigaya:"Your a splendid chef Hyoudou you should take up as a career."

Issei:"Maybe but I'm more into martial arts and kendo."

Kirigaya:"I see your interested in those as well Totsuka won nationals last year." Totsuka blushed a bit guess he's really proud of his dad and is happy he could brag about him.

Issei:"Anyways I need to talk to Senpai and here Miss Sento this some recipes."

Haruka:"Oh thank you!" we went upstairs into his room and I saw a few trophies along with some posters of a few famous martial artist and anime characters.

Totsuka:"So what do you want to talk about?" he took a seat at his while I sat on his bed.

Issei:"Senpai do you like Rika?"

Totsuka:"Eh?! Hyoudou what are you talking about?!" He looked suprised but was blushing slightly.

Issei:"I could see it the way you look at her is the same way I used to look at her?"

Totsuka:"Who are you talking about?"

Issei:"The woman I love Julia."


Totsuka:"Is she what caused your change?"

Issei:"Yeah I loved with her all my heart!"

Totsuka:"Loved her? Did something happen to her?"

Issei:"She died and I couldn't do anything about it, sometimes I think confessing would've changed her fate."

Totsuka:"I'm sorry for your loss."

Issei:"Listen Totsuka confess when you have the chance time waits for no man if you see an opportunity take it okay."

Totsuka:"I see thanks man!" we bumped fist and I left however I sensed his parents presence at the door but I ignored and said my goodbyes before leaving.

I rode back home and suped up my bike with runes it's now super durable and is now fast as a bullet train. I might've went a little crazy there.

Issei:"Huh I can add hair dye to my Armory forms!" I then added red to my 'Standard Combat Set' green to my to my Aria form and blue to my Gunner form. That one is incomplete, I already had created the clothes but the weapons are still incomplete. I just need to finish creating the guns.

Gatomon was sleeping on my bed I gave her blanket so she's comfortable.

Issei:"Ddraig Ranna let's go create those sub-species." I entered the Empty ID and sat in a lotus position I'm feel the most comfortable like this.

Issei:"Alright Ddraig Ranna let's talk basic Boosted Gear before jumping into balance breaker.

Ddraig:((I think you should make a form that's able to let you fight with your Renewal Taekwando and hand to hand combat, your legs are your most dangerous weapons we should capitalize on them.))

Issei:"I see so I'll imagine it and you guys make the changes also Ddraig before we begin can I absorb your dragon flames like I did the Cursed lightning?"

Ddraig:"It should be possible. Enter balance breaker.))


My armour took a different design it had blue gems, which were evolution stones in both shoulders, it still had yellow spikes here and there. I summoned a small amount of Ddraig's flames and absorbed them into my mana core.

[Due to mana core and affinity with fire gamer gained 'Dragon Flames'.]

I undid the balance breaker and summoned Ddraig's flames.

Issei:"Not bad let's go wild." The flames burst from my body they were flowing wildly. Due to being sensitive with mana I could sense the best way to use these flames unlike the flames I normally control these ones like being wild. I calmed down looked around everything was gone.

Issei:"Your flames are no joke Ddraig I shouldn't pander to its nature should I."

Ddraig:((No you shouldn't you'll risk hurting your comrades.))

Issei:"Alright let's start altering the Boosted Gear."I started imaging my new forms giving to Ddraig this will take both me and Ddraig's the Boosted Gear is a sacred gear which reacts to the user's desires and now I desire these changes.


Flames surrounded my arms and legs as a red gauntlets surrounded my arms and boots for my legs. They gauntlets were sleeker than the original Boosted they had the greens gems and blue ones at the elbows and looked to be a mix of second liberation and the original form due to the spikes but less bulky it stopped at my a little bit after my elbows. The boots looked similar to sneakers but went up to my knees they had green gems slightly below the knee, they were blue gems surrounded by a yellow ring that spiked backwards on the ankle of the boots.

Issei:"Boosted Gear Evolution V2." I then summoned the Evoluzione Draconica like normal.

Issei:"Guess I can summon this like normal."

Issei:"Let's complete that quest then." I jumped high up in the sky, so far I could see the entire the country. I'm still in the troposphere I'm strong but not crazy. I used wind to make me stay afloat. The oxygen up here is short as as expected.

Ranna:(("Wait what are you doing?))

Issei:"Completing a quest Ranna." I summoned a huge magic circle above me, it had Ddraig's symbol in the middle of it. This magic circle was made to conserve energy like how Rossweisse uses her's, I based it off of her formula though it can power it up pass what I can do without it. I guess I should make a pact with a devil sooner or later, since I see myself as a magician. Either Sairaorg or Ravel, Ravel is smart as hell and Sairaorg cuz he's Sairaorg my favourite character next to Rock Lee and Might Guy.

Issei:"[Nebula Burst]" The fire ball was compressed and shot down towards the small island country.


It hit Japan and it slowly engulfed the small country after a few minutes the blast calmed down and almost nothing was left.

[Quest completed Reward - 15 Pheonix Dawn]

Issei:"Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. HOLY SHIT!!!"

Ddraig:((Care to explain? I skimmed through some details of your childhood and personal, life I remember the name but not what it does we got one before but you ignored it.))

Issei:"Ddraig pheonix dawn is a revival item from the game Final Fantasy it can revive a party member, I can understand getting one but now fifteen!"

Ddraig:((I see so you have an amazing item there partner many would kill for something like that.))

Ranna:((I suggest keeping it to yourself but only tell Rio Sheng and Meilee, Riza is a bit of a loud mouth.))

Issei:"I know hope he grows out of it soon, maybe when he digivolves into Alphamon."

Ddraig:((That'd be the day!))

Issei:"Okay let's go home we need to set up some defenses."