
Reincarnated as Haruno Sakura PT I

Raymond_Hall · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
4 Chs

1 Rebirth and First Friend

So some of you might already know my story, some of you might even be like me reborn as someone else, somewhere else, but this is my story and while some things are the same some are also different. I will just start at the beginning of this life as the last one doesn't really matter anymore.

It took me about six months to realize who as was reborn as, Haruno Sakura! Now a lot of people would be panicking about this but not me.I am completely okay with this why? because she wasted years of her youth and had a poor diet as a youth but still became as strong as she did, her abilities in medicine and chakra control are one of if not the best! And I won't waste my childhood. Zzzzzzzz.

Okay so I've had to waste four years so far because my chakra hasn't been unlocked and due to my age I can't practice taijutsu( Hand to hand combat/CQC) but I have been able to convince my dad to buy me lots of books to study, he is easier to convince then mom. But there has been a downside to this, I don't really talk to anyone any I get bullied a lot by the other kids. So I am normally reading alone in the park when my parents are off doing what ever it is they do, never asked never cared to.

"Hey Billboard Brow!" One of the brats yells as dirt is thrown in my face making me cry.

"No one wants you here! Go away bookworm!" And other lame things keep getting said at they try to chase me away.

"Leave her alone you bullies! She can be here if she wants!"

"Sorry about them, honestly some people..."

"Who?" I ask softly trying to clear my eyes

"Right sorry I am Yamanka Ino, what is your name?" The person I now know is Ino says.

"Har....Haruno Sakura." Speaking a bit too soft.

"Huh I can't hear you, you should be confident and speak for everyone to hear!"

"Ha....HARUNO SAKURA!" I Yell blushing for some reason.

"See isn't that better! Come play with me Sakura!" Ino excited about who knows what says with too much energy.

"But why? Why did you help?" I ask still a bit taken back because of her actions and energy.

"Because I want to be a ninja and Kahonas ninja help others!" She exclames fully confident in her belief.

"Ninja.... okay I'll be one too thebm....." ow I bit my tongue.

"Hahaha sorry that's too funny, not used to talking or something? I talk all the time myself!"

" Ya I can tell."


"I said Ya you are right."

" okay... so let's go play since we're friends now!"

"Friends? Okay!"

After we play for a while, games like tag and hide and seek and red light green light, we finally lay down.

"Yo...u have too....much energy." I say with a smile on my face gasping for breath.

"Haha my dad says the same thing! You are funny Sakura!" "How come I haven't seen you before?" She ask, making me wonder where she gets the energy.

"I normally read more towards the trees to avoid people."

"You don't like people?"

"I don't know? They just scared me so I just read"

"Read and...?" She leaves the question open wondering what else I do.

"Just read..... I didn't have friends until today."

"Wait really!? But you're so cute! How can I be the first friend you have! Wait that means I'm the best friend! Yes!!"

"Hahahaha" I just burst out laughing at how ridiculous it is that a kid is cheering me up even though I guess I am also a kid now.

"What, what's funny? I'm serious!" Ino says as she pouts. We both look at each other and laugh again.

" Thanks.... best friend Ino."

"Of course best friend Sakura!"

"Ino!" Her sister? calls.

"Sorry Sakura I ha e to go my mom is calling me. See you same time tomorrow?"

" You're mom! I though she was your sister! And ya see you tomorrow." She just laughs and hugs me saying bye.

Shortly after my mom also calls me "Sakura!". " Coming!"

"Someone looks happy!" My mom says beeming

"Ya I made a friend today! Her name is Ino, she's so adorable, we played a lot and we decided to become ninja! We she already had but I will be to so I can help people like she does!" I say without breathing somehow.

"That's great honey, you will have to introduce me next time then." My mom says laughing a bit.... I don't know what's funny but okay?

"I will she said to meet the same time tomorrow so can I....." Puppy eyes activate!

"Yes you can come tomorrow." "Yay!"

I sleep well completely forgetting my book just waiting til tomorrow.

-The next morning-

" Mom! Wake up! You said we could go to the park again!" I woke up early too excited to sleep any more didn't realize making a friend would be this nice.

"Isn't it a bit early sweetie?" My mom ask yawning and looking at the clock.

"I can't make her wait, she's my first.... best friend!" I yell making sure she doesn't fall back to sleep.

"Okay, Okay....let's go get cleaned up and read then."


-Mom's inner dialog-

I am glad Sakura finally made a friend she thinks I don't know that the other kids bullied her, saying she fail while running....like she runs that bookworm. Not to mention she always drags her right foot around with her head tilted when she lies, just like her dad. Still to think she only needed a friend to break out of that shell of hers..... honestly kids...

-My (Sakura) inner thoughts-

Mom looks a lot happier then normal should I expect a little sister soon? I hope so, always wanted to be an older sibling! Hmm I'm hungry... bathing takes forever.

-End inner thoughts-

"Ino!" "Sakura!" We run up to each other and hug.

""Looks like we had the same idea!"" We both say at the same time then laugh. We walk back to our parents and Ino introduced me first.

"Mom this is Haruno Sakura, I told you about yesterday! Isn't she the cutest!".

"Yes she is, Hello young Sakura." She says a lot calmer the Ino would.

"Hello Miss Yamanka! I still can't believe you are Ino's mother you look too young!"

"Why thank you Sakura dear."

I just smile for a bit til my mom coughs.

"OH right! Uh mom this is Ino Yamanka, whom I also told you about yesterday." I say giving Ino a competitive smug look.

" It's not a competition Sakura. It is lovely to meet you Ino, thank you for looking out for my troublesome daughter." My mom says to the both of us me then Ino.

"What's that supposed to mean mom?" I ask with one of my brows raised. Ino responds instead "She probably means how you were bullied."

"Shhhh" I try to stop her from saying anything. "Oh hush Sakura, I already knew." My mom states and I just look at her in surprise.

"Wha...how?" " You aren't good at hiding things dear." I am just speechless opening and closing my mouth.

"I didn't want you to worry" I say a bit louder then I was meaning to.

All three just laugh.

"What?" I ask and they laugh harder.

"Come on Sakura let's go play!" Ino grabs my hand and starts running.

I never did get an answer to why they laughed.