
2 Hospitals Suck

It has been roughly a year since Ino came into my life and we are both five years old. I met Shikamaru and Choji a few weeks after I met Ino when she invited me to hear house, I love it there smells like flowers. We played a lot of games and I kept coming out of my shell more and more, but may or may not be know as a bit of a prankster/troublemaker. I have even hung out with the boys by myself (considering I was one in my past life).

Shikamarus is awesome, he taught me how to play shogi and go and several other games. They even have chess, apparently the Elemental Nations (the continent Naruto takes place on) is not the only one. About 70 years ago a ship surprisingly made it to the shore from another continent to the north and brought that game with them, one of the few people that survived that is. Now you may wonder why surprisingly well that because of Chakra beast and corrupt beast, the former being pure chakra like the Tailed beast and the latter being mutated by chakra. Both highly vicious and the beast in the oceans are bigger meaner and more numerous. So that is why ocean travel doesn't happen too far from the coast.

Choji's place is awesome in a different sense, Because of foooood! I think the only person that likes to eat more then me is Choji, or Naruto whom I haven't yet met. I even help them in making and refining recipes.....may or may not have made pizza. They liked it so much that my mom gets money from it every month in profit. I would get it but I am too young not being an adult in this world until you are 16 or a Genin which ever is first. Speaking of ninja stuff you have to be 7 to enter the academy for non-ninja families, ninja family can get in earlier with permission. Something that I think changed from what I remember.

Back to my friends now. I got Ino a hand made flower press book with the first entry being my name sake which I signed below it. She loved it, in return (or rather on my birthday) she got me a book called 'Fantastic plants and where to find them' I laughed until I cried but loved the book, it being a encyclopedia of plants and their uses and locations.

For Choji, his being the easiest but most expensive, I took him to Ichirakus Ramen, and it was the best Ramen ever! Worth all of the money I spent. He got me a coupon for his family's restaurant for a free meal!

Shikamaru's gift was the hardest to make but the cheapest belive it! Or not. I made a new game called Shinobi war. It has pieces

A mix between go and shogi, 101 each side back and white, one being a castle/ninja village. The board itself contains interchangeable terrains of various types. Each person can move any/all pieces except the castle on their turn. The castle stays where you place it in the beginning, and if any enemy reaches it its game over. There are also rules for each piece having certain abilities or advantages depending on terrain. Shikamaru's dad whose name I always forget thought it was so good that he made me patent it, even paid for the patent too. I see them play it almost as much as shogi....and they always beat me even though I made it. Shikamaru on my birthday got me with help from his dad a set of actual Kunai and senbon because he knew I wanted some. And he or rather his dad said he would teach me to use them properly.

That all happened throughout the year but the most notable event wasn't any of those but when Ino unlocked her chakra!

"You unlocked your chakra! That's soooo cool!" I say jealous that mine isn't. "Ya my dad unlocked it for me last night! That means I win!" Ino says smugly as we are always competing with each other.

"I wish I had mine unlocked.... then we could train together!" I say leaving the actual question unasked but knowing she's smart enough to understand.

"Nope not happening Sakura! I keeping my advantage!"

"OH I get it you are afraid I am better then you so you would need the head start." I reply trying to goad her into doing it.

"What NO!" She looks a me slightly annoyed or angry about that.

I just say "Prove it".

"You know what fine! Show me your back!"

"Okay!" I responded and She groans knowing I goaded her into it but still goes thru with it.

"Ready... 3...2...1"

*CRACK!* "AHHHHHH!" The last thing I see is Ino crying and making a hand seal.

"Do you want to tell me how something like this happened Inochi?" The Hokage says placing a report down.

"Yes Lord Hokage! I forgot to tell my daughter not to try to open others chakra networks!" Inochi, Inos father tells the Hokage.

"And pray tell why is that?" Hiruzen asked calmly but irritated knowing the answer that was coming.

"Because she was the cutest thing ever so happy and adorable I forgot everything else!" Icochi said while pulling out a picture he took "See!"

Huff* The Hokage puffs out smoke saying tiredly,"Since you forgot to tell your daughter properly you can organize my paperwork for a month and you will train your daughters friend as well, we are lucky the medics got to her in time to stableize the young Haruno." "But..." "But what!?"

" Nothing Lord Hokage" Inochi says holding back tears looking at the paperwork but knowing he got off easy.

(At the hospital)

"Ugh where am I?" I say everything hurting.

"Sakura!" Ino screams her eyes deep red and puffy. " I am so sorry. I didn't know. I didn't mean to hurt you." She continues.

"Huh...what?" I was about to ask her what she meant when a nurse asked me "What is the last thing you remember Young Haruno?"

"Remember?" It takes me a few moments, Ino still holding on to me like I'll disappear.

"Ah I asked Ino to unlock my chakra and then pain?" I finally reply realizing something went wrong. "Is something wrong with me?" I ask genuinely worried.

"I can answer that" the Hokage says as he enters the room with both our parents and the nurse just bows and walks out. "Young Ino here wasn't aware of the risk or proper procedure to do what she attempted to do. But nothing is wrong with you Young Sakura dear, I hope you do not blame your friend."

"Of course not!" I say trying to move but the pain stops me. "I asked her to and she's my best friend she would do anything bad it's not like her!" I say loudly not realizing I am glaring at the hokage.

"Of course, Of course, I didn't mean it that way, forgive me this old man forgets words sometimes and is bad at explaining things."

" Ah, I'm not blaming you Mr.?"

Everyone except the hokage says " That's the Hokage, Sakura" I just turn red and the Hokage laughs while saying " I just wanted to check on you myself so I will leave now, rest well."

Not much happened after that I was thankful I didn't get in trouble and neither did Ino.... but her dad did and I quote "sleeping on the couch for a year". Funny they don't have a couch?

I had the spend a few days recovering and making sure nothing went wrong, and I learned then hospitals suck.

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