
Reincarnated as Genshin Impact Characters in MHA with Warframe System

Genshin Impact + Warframe in MHA A RPG video game addict dies pathetically and is reincarnated by a god in MHA for views. (If only the author can do the same...) He ends up with 3 "playable" characters and a basic system. Unfortunately, his first character is a girl?! -------------------------------------------------- Author here! Happy New Year~ Gender Bend warning for those who don't like that. Story will be slow paced. This fanfic is purely for entertainment purposes. Cover photo is not mine. I do not own any characters from Genshin Impact, Warframe, or MHA.

UnreliableRen · Cómic
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35 Chs

Chapter 10: Broken Mod 

*Third Person POV*


Character: Fischl

Name: Kirari Kaminari

Age: 8

Level: 25/30

Health: 250/250 – Regen: 1 per 10 minutes

Energy: 250/250 – Regen: 2 per minute

Physical: 15 (Max)

Mental: 15 (Max)

State: Healthy

Mods (24/25):

-Full Rest (5): One hour of sleep is equivalent to 10 hours of sleep and returns the character to perfect state.

-Health Regen (5): Increased Health regeneration.

-Heightened Reflexes (5): Increased reaction speed and cast speed.

-Iron Wall (4/10): Increased defensive capabilities by 40%.

-Sonic (5/10): Movement speed increased by 50%.


A lot has changed in Kirari's stats over the past 4 years. Obviously, she was now eight years old.

She had also reached level 25 for her Fischl character.

She wondered whether it would take the same amount of time to level up her other characters to the same level, but prayed to Dio-sama that it wouldn't.

Her maximum Health and Energy rose by 10 with each level so her current max was 250 for both.

Her Physical stat had caught up to her Mental stat using another move she developed from her skill called 'Electro-therapy'.

By using electricity to stimulate her muscles, she was able to train them better than any exercise ever could.

She came up this move with the help of her mom who uses electricity for… "training".

This explained why she moaned that one time Kirari accidentally used her skill on her…

However, this move did not come without any dangers. One wrong shock could permanently cripple Kirari, so it required a high level of control to use, something which the Special mod gave her.

Electro-therapy trained both her body and skill, hitting two birds with one stone.

Unfortunately, both Physical and Mental had reached the maximum of 15. She did not know why this was her current limit.

She assumed that it was related to her current body's age, or she needed some sort of stimulus to breakthrough like those cultivation novels she read in her past life.

With 15 Physical, Kirari can punch with a force of 2500N and run a max speed of 35 km/hr. (Usain Bolt's fastest was 44.72 km/hr or 27.8 miles/hr)

With 15 Mental, Kirari can think and process things faster than a basic calculator.

Her Health regen was 1 per 30 minutes thanks to having 15 on Physical, but it was raised further to 1 per 10 minutes due to the regeneration mod.

She put points on Heightened Reflexes, Iron Wall and Sonic to increase her hunting speed. If she can move faster and not have to dodge hits, she can focus purely on attacking and killing more.

But that was all about to change now because Kirari had finally reached the level she was aiming for.

She removed all mods except for Full Rest. This mod was far too efficient to give up.

It gave Kirari time for activities such as creating her equipment set or sneak out during the night to grind. It also helped her develop her body better because of how well-rested she was.

Kirari was already taller than Denki who was older than her by a year and three months.

If they walked side by side, people would think that she was the older sibling instead.

Kirari placed her points on the mod she wanted and looked at her new stats.


Character: Fischl

Name: Kirari Kaminari

Age: 8

Level: 25/30

Health: 250/250 – Regen: 1 per 30 minutes

Energy: 250/250 – Regen: 2 per minute

Physical: 15 (Max)

Mental: 15

State: Healthy

Mods (5/5):

-Aura: Gamer's Mind (20 Fixed): Always maintain a peaceful state of mind. Can calmly and logically think things through. Immunity to all to mental debuffs and disorders. Applies to whole party.

-Full Rest (5): One hour of sleep is equivalent to 10 hours of sleep and returns the character to perfect state.


After applying, Kirari instantly felt the changes in her mind. Everything became more clear. Problems she had been stuck on previously were easily solved after some thinking.

Gamer's Mind was the mod that Kirari had wanted for years.

If it wasn't for Full Rest, she would have applied it at level 20 instead of 25. Finally, she can have both.

There was one big downside to this mod. Once it is equipped, it can never be unequipped. 20 out of 30 points at max level have been locked, leaving only 10 points free for any future mod changes.

Some might argue that the cost of this mod does not match the benefits. But to Kirari, it was well worth it.

One. Her memories from her past life that were starting to fade away resurfaced. She can now remember more clearly the memories she had of My Hero Academia, even though she only watched it leisurely.

It does not need to be stressed how valuable future knowledge of events are. At least until season 2 where she stopped watching with her previous Dad…

Two. It broke the limit on her Mental stat. Now, she can grind for that again.

Three. Kirari had always been afraid that someone with a mind reading or brainwashing quirk would learn all her secrets or make her do something against her will. This mod completely erases her fear.

Four. It's an Aura mod. In Warframe, Aura mods' effects applied to the whole party as well as increase the mod capacity of a Warframe. Sadly, Gamer's Mind did not increase Fischl's capacity.

In fact, it did the opposite and reduced it.

But its effects are applied to all her characters so definitely worth it.

Her other characters can equip a different aura mod to make up for the cost of this one.

Her next target Aura mod should be obvious.

She just needs to find a way to unlock her other characters…

Even after 4 years, she still had no clue how to unlock them or her Vision.

She's tried all she could to no avail.

"I'll come back tonight to test my grinding speed with this mod setup." Kirari spoke to herself as she neared the exit of the park.

But just then, she spotted a familiar silhouette sitting all depressingly on a park bench.

After learning who it was, Kirari started walking over to him.

She resisted the urge to tease him with a shock since Electromaster was already at max level.

"Hey, Greenie (Midori)! What are you doing, sitting there looking all sad? It's almost lunch time!" She yelled at him while waving.

Greenie, or Izuku Midoriya, was startled by the yell. Seeing it was his frequent park playmate, he gingerly waved back.

"Oh, Kaminari-san. It's just you." He said as she sat next to him on the bench.

"Of course, it is I. Rejoice, for you are in the presence of the Prinzessin! Now, loyal subject, enlighten me on the darkness that encroaches your mind!" Kirari said imitating the original Fischl from Genshin Impact.

It took a while for Midoriya to translate what she said, but after years of knowing her and bug hunting together, he has a decent understanding of her eccentricities.

"I-It's nothing. Just sitting here watching Kacc-"

"Ohhh. So Spiky bullied you again huh."

"K-Kacchan was just… giving me advice…"

"Telling you to give up your dream of becoming a hero because you are quirkless is considered advice?"

Midoriya flinched after hearing Kirari's words.

"Why are you so surprised? It's not hard to overhear what he says when he is always so loud."

"… I guess that's true… And that he also has a point. How can I become a hero when I don't even have a quirk…" He said not as a question, but more of a statement.

"Bullshit." Kirari cursed while scoffing at this pitiful protagonist.

Midoriya was surprised. He didn't expect such a word to come from a cute girl who was younger than him.

Kirari thought of all the hero stories from her past life; about a mortal man dressed in a bat costume who fought against god-like entities; about a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist who despite creating a weapon that anyone can use, chose to pilot the thing himself to not let it fall into the hands of evil, and in the end sacrificed himself for half the population of the universe; about a certain powerless, license-less biker who did not run away from monsters like other heroes did.

They all had the option to turn around away from the bad guys, to not get hurt, and put themselves in danger. But they didn't. Why?

'Because that's, what heroes do.' She thought.

Kirari looked at the weak and frail boy who was shorter than her.

'If only you knew what your future holds… Well, I guess it can't hurt to start your training a little earlier than canon. It might even help me reach my goal faster…' Kirari thought to herself while adjusting some of her plans.

"Hey Midori. Let me tell you a story about a certain boy who was scared of bats and later became known as 'The Dark Knight'…"

Chapter End


So how was Kirari post time skip? Too strong, too weak, or just right for an eight-year-old? She still has some moves she developed that I haven't mention yet.

I wrote this chapter to showcase how big of a difference a mod can make in stats for the non-Warframe players.

If you think the Gamer's Mind came out of nowhere then... you are probably right.

Originally, I wanted to go for something like 'Narrowminded' or 'Quick Thinking' from Warframe, but then I thought, "If I'm going for a mind-related mod, might as well get the best one that people will know about."

I hope you guys realized by now that MC is quite manipulative. Was I able to portray it properly? I tried to be subtle about it. He/She even tried to manipulate a god, which failed of course… kinda.

Heads up. Don't think I can post a chapter on Monday. I just got my booster shot and I don't feel so good. Not in the mood to write... Will try for a Thursday release but no promises. I still have work ugh.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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