
Reincarnated as a Wolf Monster in Another World?

When 10 random people are mysteriously killed across the world at the same time. They all simultaneously appear before a being claiming to be the one who killed them. After a quick conversation, he declares that he's going to reincarnate them. And with that, they are all sent off to have a dangerous adventure

VagrantHolidayFan · Fantasía
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16 Chs

Chapter 5: Return to Camp

Yeah, no way that's a good sign. As I was being concerned with my own well being the other two wolves were preoccupied with tearing the snake apart with their bare teeth, so at least there's one problem solved. We should head back though. Going any farther wouldn't end well. Especially if that poison is lethal. But, that snake was pretty small. It was only the size of my leg and according to the sizes of the other wolfs I'm really small. I have poison resistance too so I'm probably fine...right?

Either way never hurt to be too cautious so we outta head back. I took one step in the direction back to the cave before I realized that my past assumption was incredibly wrong and collapsed on the ground.

"w-what?" I said slightly confused. I tried to get up but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't move. At all. The poison must have been worse than I thought.

Requirements to gain [Skill: Paralysis Resistance] have been met, gained [Skill: Paralysis Resistance Lv:1]

Scratch that, way worse than I thought. One of the other wolves had been looking at me concerned but it seems he can't talk properly. Well, I would love to enlighten him of my situation via the power of communication but I can't talk either(well not good). But I mean that shouldn't be too much of a problem surely he can tell that I'm not at 100% right now just by looking at me.

"Hwip me pl-", My poor attempt at the speech was interrupted by that same damn feeling. This time however it was far more intense. The "knife" aimed at my throat was far more of a threat than the snake had been.

It was also way bigger this time. "FUCK," I yell out getting my first proper word out. I can't move goddamn it! shit, I have to get out of here. If I don't I'm going to die. Whatever the fuck this thing is it's going to kill everyone here including me if I don't leave immediately.

The other wolves looked at me confused. looks like they don't have this perk thing. well not like it matters. We need to leave!

Really it's too bad I can't move a muscle or talk and warn them in any manner that something is about to kill us. "hahaha, just fucking got here" I said in gibberish. Fuck, I-I don't want to die. I've got to get out of here!

Proficiency met, [Skill: Paralysis Resistance Lv:1] has leveled to [Skill: Paralysis Resistance Lv:2]

Huh! Could this be my chance? I tried to move and while it wasn't much I could indeed move, maybe a step or two. Although getting out of here was out of the question.

And finally, the knife that I had felt took form. And a really big form it was.

It was a bear. A really big bear. I suppose at the very least one of my guesses about what we would encounter was correct. But other than that I don't see any positives.

This thing triples the sizes of the grown wolfs at the cave and I'm about half of their size. despite the level up of that resistance skill, all I can really do Is sit myself up and move my head around.

The other two wolves were overtaken by fear and tried to flee. The bear decided it wasn't going to let that happen. It jumped toward the one closest to it. That one being the smaller wolf. Then it extended its right foreleg outward above the wolf. Then it slammed its foreleg downward onto the back of the wolf and from the noise, I just heard its spine smashed in the process.

With one of them out of the commission, it immediately went after the other one. This thing was fast despite its huge size and caught up to the other one quickly. instead of smashing the larger wolf's spine, it decided to slash the larger wolf's side with its right claws and throw it backward....at me.

I tried to dodge but because of my current standing, I couldn't get out of the way in time. The wolf collided with my body and we both went flying onto the side of a tree trunk. The larger wolf had landed on his leg in a bad position because legs are not supposed to be in that angle.

The bear walked over to the small wolf and sunk its teeth into its neck killing it if it wasn't already dead. after that, the bear started to walk towards us slowly, clearly, it wasn't in a hurry. Were all these fucking wolves and bears sadistic assholes! Haha, maybe it's a sign of intelligence.

The larger wolf started to growl. I knew it wasn't going to do anything but I couldn't help but join in.

"Grrrrrr!", Our combined growls seemed to not affect the bear at all as it kept coming without even batting an eye.

The bear finally arrived at its destination. I could see it a bit closer now a d noticed it had a reddish tint to its fur and decided my last act would be to analyze the thing to see if it said anything other than a bear.

Analyze Results:[Bear]

Guess not...

I gave up. This was it, no getting out of this. I was dead. It's over, after just three days of life it's already over. No more chances.

The larger wolf did not share my feelings. With whatever strength he could muster, with whatever determination he could gather, with everything he could come up with, he released it in one final bloody attack along with one ferocious growl.

The larger wolf mauled at the bear. Even with this final attack, I knew he wouldn't win...I glanced sideways defeated...and then I saw it. My salvation, my hope, my final chance. It was the decapitated head of the snake. But that's not what I wanted. I wanted the venom inside.

It was hard to move and I could already feel my legs giving out but I had to get that head!

"Grffff!", I grunted as I fell to the ground. No time to waste I used everything I had left and jumped towards the head. I felt like I had just run a marathon and someone just jump-kicked my gut. And this was just the first step. I bit the head and lifted it off the ground. then I stumbled back towards the large wolf and the bear.

The large wolf had done a number on the bear's face. Apparently, he caught him off guard. The bear was missing an eye, had scratch marks all over its face, and a part of its lip was torn open, and the large wolf was still going at it. The bear had had enough though and swung its claws rightward sending the large wolf flying into yet another tree.

"ROARRRRRR!" The bear yelled looking angry as hell and now possessing more than a few scars. It also had decided to get on 2 legs to do this roar and like a wolf howling its maw was facing the sky. This also happened to leave its neck open.

I bit down on the snake's head and crushed it apart. I could feel the venom covering my teeth. then I charged with my little remaining energy. I ran across the ground and it felt so...so natural. Like this is what my body was made to do. It was meant to hunt, to run, to kill.

Once I was close enough I jumped and lunged towards its neck. The bear must have seen me out of the corner of its eye or maybe it even has the Eye for Blood Lust because it started lower its head and extend its claws. either way, it didn't move fast enough. My teeth connected with its neck but its hide was tougher than I bargained for. Well, the snake helped me once let it help me again.

So I bit down. Hard.

"AARRGH!" It screamed in pain. I was just starting. Like the snake, I refused to let go. I could feel my body going limp, the paralysis must be kicking in.

Proficiency met, [Skill: Paralysis Resistance Lv:2] has leveled to [Skill: Paralysis Resistance Lv:3]

Yup, it's kicking in, but I can't let go if I do I can't guarantee enough poison will get into its system. The bear tries to shake me off but to no avail. I'm not letting go. The bear lifts its claws and pulls me out with great strength tearing into my skin and dropping me.

I fall to the ground unable to move. I can feel my wounds spraying blood like their a damn hose. I look to the side and puke out of nausea. I really hope bleeding resistance is putting in work right now.

Proficiency met, [Skill: Hemotoxin Resistance Lv:1] has leveled to [Skill: Hemotoxin Resistance Lv:2]

Oh yeah, the poison, almost forgot about that. The bear looks to be coming at me...before it collapses. Perfect. I have to kill it. I slowly lift my body up. At this point, I can't even take a step without feeling a sharp pain run throughout my body. I collapse on top of the bear and slowly pull myself towards its neck with bare teeth. I can feel its body shaking beneath mine. It's scared for its life. I open my mouth and viciously tear into its throat. I'm not feeling very sympathetic right now.

Its fur is annoyingly tough but that won't stop me. At this point, nothing will.

The bear gasps for its last breath of air before it finally dies.

"Serves you right you piece of shit!", I yell at its corpse in nothing but blind anger. I look at the corpse. I killed it. I won....I won! Haha, that piece of shit is dead and I'm alive! I killed that fucking bear! I feel...I feel...good. Really good.

Proficiency met, [Eyulf(species): Lv1] has leveled to [Eyulf(species): Lv2]

Proficiency met, [Eyulf: Lv2] has leveled to [Eyulf: Lv3]

[All Stats Have Been Increased], [Body Physique Has Been Both Strengthened and Improved], and [Stamina, Mana, and Health Capacity has been Increased]

Proficiency met, [Skill: Hemotoxin Resistance Lv:2] has leveled to [Skill: HemotoxinResistance Lv:3]

Proficiency met, [Skill: Paralysis Resistance Lv:3] has leveled to [Skill: Paralysis Resistance Lv:4]

Proficiency met, [Skill: Slash Resistance Lv:1] has leveled to [Skill: Slash Resistance Lv:2]

Proficiency met, [Skill: Pain Resistance Lv:1] has leveled to [Skill: Pain Resistance Lv:2]

Proficiency met, [Skill: Pain Resistance Lv:2] has leveled to [Skill: Pain Resistance Lv:3]

Special Requirements to gain [Mutation: Venomous] have been met, gained [Mutation: Venomous]

Proficiency met, [Skill: Hemotoxin Resistance Lv:3] has leveled to [Skill: Hemotoxin Resistance Lv:4]

Proficiency met, [Skill: Hemotoxin Resistance Lv:4] has leveled to [Skill: Hemotoxin Resistance Lv:5]

Proficiency met, [Skill: Hemotoxin Resistance Lv:5] has leveled to [Skill: Hemotoxin Resistance Lv:6]

[Level up report concluded]

And I thought I couldn't feel any better.

chapter 5: End