
Reincarnated as a snake?

A typical reincarnation story about a dude who got reincarnated into a fantasy world as a snake inside a dungeon... but with some twists! So follow the tiny snake on his journey through the lands to become a bigger snake. --- Only writing it for fun and to pass some time. Chapters will be around 1500-2000 words long. Oh, and English is not my first language, but should be readable. The cover is not mine...

Man_of_culture · Fantasía
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93 Chs

The Last Stop

An: The resurrection spell worked! (Comment to one of my discord members)


As the unusual group of a demon lord, a wendigo, and an oversized winged snake sail away from the brutal war between the void creatures and endlessly mutating seagulls continue, Raas contemplated the absolute absurdity that conspired just a few minutes ago. He didn't even have the time to fully process that he has wings now, and then he was killing tens of thousands of monsters, which was interrupted by a giant rift in space where even more monsters came out and absolutely decimated the seagulls...

Letting out a huge sigh, Raas looked at his stat sheet, as he was often doing that, when he had free time. But before that, he had to mentally scroll away from the thousands of other notifications.

The majority of notifications where you killed this monster, you killed that monster, you gained exp, your skill leveled up, and so on. But after a few minutes of scrolling through, he noticed something.

[Choose evolution!]

[Expired! No evolution path was chosen! Storing energy!]

[Stored energy will be used for the next evolution!]

[Choose evolution!]

[Due to stored evolution you may choose up to 2 of the following evolutions!]

Looking through the options Raas was blasted by a wall of text.

[Regenerating Flexible Solar Scales] --> [Regenerating Adaptable Solar Scales]...

[Venomous Fangs] --> [Bruning Venomous Fangs], [Enlarged Venomous Fangs], [Sharp VenomousTough Regenerating Flexible Solar Scales], [ Fast Regenerating Flexible Solar Scales], [Durable Regenerating Flexible Solar Scales]... Fangs], [Crippling Venomous Fangs], [Hot Venomous Fangs]...

[Colorful Infrared Eyes] --> [Far Colorful Infrared Eyes], [Focused Colorful Infrared Eyes], [Damaging Colorful Infrared Eyes], [Piercing Colorful Infrared Eyes], [Wide Colorful Infrared Eyes], [Hardened Colorful Infrared Eyes], [Resistant Colorful Infrared Eyes],...

[Danger Smelling Tongue] --> [Long Danger Smelling Tongue], [Flexible Danger Smelling Tongue], [Accurate Danger Smelling Tongue], [Barbed Danger Smelling Tongue], [Sharp Danger Smelling Tongue]...

And those were only a few of the options he could choose from.

It took Raas a few minutes to even read through all of them, but with the help of Scorge and Wendy, he managed to choose two of the hundreds of options. He was crying as he read through some of them as there were too many good options. But in the end, he decided to evolve his healing gland and his newly formed wings.


Name: Raas

Species: Menacing bright youngling Serpent (Sun-Eater/???)

Level: 20 -->41

Strength: 160 -->366

Agility: 76 -->134

Intelligence: 110 --> 222

Mentality: 111 --> 310

Hp: 888/888 -->1771/1777

MP: 500/500 --> 0!/1648


1. Limit Breaker (Increases your stats gained from evolutions)

2. The Survivor (25% increased resistance to all kinds of debuffs!)

3. Royal guard (Gain 30% damage and damage resistance when protecting someone, but betrayals will give you the curse Betrayer leading to a permanent decrease of 10% from your max stats for each betrayal and death after 3 betrayals.)

4. Destroyer of Castles and More! (Damage against non-living things and monsters smaller and weaker than you is increased by 500%, some skills may change effects!)


[Physical Skills:]

Venom Fang lv 8, Slither lv 5, (Swimming lv 1) gone, Healing Fang lv 5, Crush lv 8, Intimidation lv 11, Hyper Feather Shot lv 1 --> 3

[Magical Skills:]

Sun Breath lv 3 -->5, Dust Bomb lv 1, Summon: Ember bird lv 1, Poison Nimbus lv1 --> 6

[Deffensive Skills:]

Pain Resistance lv 7, Poison Resistance lv 6, Harden lv 2, Fire Resistance lv 8, Corruption Resistance lv 4, Mental Fortitude lv 9, Blunt Damage Resistance lv1, Climate Resistance lv1


Healing Affinity lv 4, Poison Affinity lv 4 --> 7, Fire Affinity lv 5 -->7, Time Affinity lv 0

[Racial Skill: Grey Out lv 2, Stasis lv 0, Solstic Venom, Ash Field lv 1]

[Evolution Path:]

[Regenerating Flexible Solar Scales]

[Venomous Fangs]

[Colorful Infrared Eyes]

[Danger Smelling Tongue]

[Vibration Sensing Ears]

[Healing Gland] --> [Automated Healing Gland]

[Crystal Core Shield]

[Sol´s gem]

[Wings] + [Regenerating Feathers] --> [Mana Absorbing Wings] + [Mana regenerating Feathers]

The healing gland evolution was an absolute game changer, as it now will heal Raas automatically without him having to bite himself and injecting himself with the healing fluid. And the [Mana Absorbing Wings] + [Mana regenerating Feathers]] will passively increase his mana regeneration and allow his feathers to be regenerated by pouring mana into it. It may be still useless as his core is cracked, but when he regains them it is essentially allowing him to shoot out feathers endlessly or sling spells around like no tomorrow.

Scorge was screaming internally and externally as Raas choose what he recommended, as it further pushed him into his magnum opus, an unkillable, titanic, limitless, unstoppable, force of a fortress destroyer.

Calming his nerves Scorge coughed. "Now you only have to learn how to manipulate your size, you are slowly getting to a point where the benefits of size are outweighed by the drawbacks."

"And how would I learn that?"

"Hmmm, maybe I still have a skill book somewhere. It is quite rare, but I am essentially your sponsor and mentor, so I will probably give it to you in exchange for a little promise."

The grin unnerved Raas, and the idea of making a deal with a literal demon lord made Raas squirmish... to say the least.

"And what is that promise?"

"Not telling you, and this will be the only chance you get."

Wendy who wanted to intervene was silently pulled into Scorges shadow as black arms covered her mouth from speaking



"Aghhhhh!!!!!!!!! You damn demon, ok. I will agree with whatever that promise is." cried Raas, as he didn't want to stay so large forever, he still dreamed of a time when he could just curl up on top of Sahra's head and enjoy the rays of the sun while they walk around the world.

Scorge's could barely hold himself back as he stretched his hand out.

Raas shook his hand with his tail as he spoke. "So what is the promise?"

"You just have to promise me to destroy one city of my choosing."

"That's it?"

"Yes, only that."

"Heh, ok..."

Wendy who was now released after the deal was made cried out and shouted, "You tricked him! The skill book for size manipulation is as rare as common grass! Raas you, idiot! Why would you ever make a deal with a demon. "the demon always wins!" have you never heard about this saying?!!"

Raas slowly turned towards Scorge who was already high in the sky in his raven form and cackling maniacally. "You are still too green begin your wings Raas! But don't worry. I won't choose a too difficult target for you!"

As Scorge laughed and made fun of Raas he was suddenly pulled deep into the sea by a fleshy tentacle.

And with a "Whoops!" Scorge disappeared.

"Ah." Wendy exclaimed.

Raas only scoffed, "Heh."

After a few seconds, the ocean bubbled and a drenched and unamused Scorge flopped onto the deck of the ship.


Time flew quickly as they cruised through the sea.

The encounters they had were quickly dealt by Scorge and Wendy. And with each passing second Raas was closer to finally leaving this shit-invested hell dimension. No, even hell is more hospitable than this place.

Raas was idly sitting on the ship curled up and swatting away a corroded fish that jumped out of the water. Under them were thousands of small fish circling around the boat.

Scorge's barrier held on but the occasional one or two got in.

"It won't be long now, we can already see land. That means we will get out of here in a day or two."

Raas nodded and watched the land slowly getting closer and closer.


Docking the ship they got out and saw a completely different landscape. Instead of the blood and crimson-colored earth, it was green, but not the good kind.

The floor and trees glowed neon green and in the distance a beacon of rainbow colors could be seen, completely contrasting with the surroundings.

"That is our last stop, the black soul forge."

"So the black soul forge is rainbow colored?" asked Raas, mesmerized by the array of colors swirling around.

Scorge shrugged his shoulders and began to walk past him followed by Wendy. "When you see the real thing you won't question it."

Off the shore was a "lush forest", when you ignore the dozens of totems and tribal polls.

Raas easily slithered past the trees with his large frame and his tongue flickered ever so often trying to pick up something. He had a feeling of being watched, but asking Scorge or Wendy they both said that they don't feel any eyes on them.

"Maybe I am getting insane..." mumbled Raas as he could swear he saw a bush move just now.

Wendy gave him a side glance. "That is quite possibly the case, there are many who went into this dimension and got ape shit insane or their minds broken."

"Heh, good to know..."


An: Hey... just want to make sure you are still here, if not... why the hell are there still people waiting for me to continue this work! Agh, fine you got what you wanted. So starting today, you will get one chapter every week or so. But my primary focus is my second Novel "The Last Sand Golem", (We don't talk about Tales of Zenith).

Hope that will satisfy your needs. Anyway, Man_of_culture out!

Ps: check out my other novel and write a review if you are so kind...