
Reincarnated As A Kaiju

He sometimes dreamed of becoming Godzilla, but those were only dreams. Now, he slowly regrets it. Also, why does he look like a moth? P.S It is sort of an AU Will add more information when necessary

AFKPlayer2204 · Película
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20 Chs

The Dream

"You're going?"

Dominic nodded his head.

"I'm not going to sit around with all this energy," He said, his eyes glowing, "It's...what I want to do,"

Mothra nodded.

"Farewell, my kin," She took a moment to say it, knowing this would be the last goodbye, "I hope you...enjoy it,"

"Oh, I will," When Dominic stared at her, Mothra could tell he was smiling, "thank you,"

As he took to the air, Mothra wondered why he thanked her. Didn't she just tell him of his death? Why was he not in despair?

Whatever the case, she'll never know.

Mothra could only watch as Dominic soared into the distance.

Slowly forming into a speck.

Then nothing.

Dominic kept his head high, his green eyes glued to the beautiful blue sky.

'I never knew...the sky could be so pleasing to see,' He felt a pang of relief, then the surge of colossal energy flowing in his withering body, 'for the first time, in a long time, I feel good,'

Despite the bubbling cinders building in the green cracks and the dreading end that he forced into the back of his mind, Dominic sighed in satisfaction.

His wings began to glow.

Like a thunderstorm, bolts of green pulverised the sea below, shooting water into the air.

'Not yet,' Dominic looked forward, increasing his speed, 'there's no ash yet, no mist,'

Travelling across the ocean, he continued to fire at the water with his antennae and wings. Each attack helped loosen the tightening pressure in his chest.

'What's this?'

His gaze lowered, and Dominic noticed how he left a light, but present trail of some type of green fog.

'...' He flew faster, 'I must find a kaiju. Now.'

Weirdly enough, it may have been his perception of time, or Dominic was flying way faster than he should be going, but he found himself heading to another shore.

'Where's the crocodiles when you need them?' He shook his head, and continued to the right, 'The hell's Minus One!?'


Dominic could feel his entire body rupture like an earthquake. He flew to the ground, trying to control his flight.

"Oh my word," After colliding with the earth, he took to the air right after.

With a trail of green tracing his irregular flying pattern, Dominic heard something.

It was faint but sudden.

The rumble of explosions, or footsteps? The ethereal call of a being.

Of two beings.

Dominic rushed once more.

He may have found his target.

In the far distance, in the middle of a desolate and empty plain of nothing, a gargantuan cloud of thick, grey smoke absorbed the air around it like a wildfire, growing in sheer space and intensity.

No more was there the cries of battle. 

All was quiet. For a moment.

Before Dominic saw a head, torn off from its body.

He could tell from the liquid surrounding it.


That same head belonged to a very familiar kaiju.

Dominic couldn't help but screech.

A couple of tremendous flaps later, he destroyed the cloud and found the menaces within. 


Creatures, all red and conglomerating on one spot.

There was no time wasted as Dominic unleashed every single attack he had in him.

Like an unstoppable inferno, the canisters of green incinerated into each and every one of their skins.

In turn, this fumed more dust.

Enough to guarantee time for their escape.

As Dominic floated in the air, he heard the many steps of each organism. He heard everyone come together.

He heard a singular roar.

The smoke cleared, revealing the mutilated body of Anguirus.

As well as the culprit.

The kaiju stood tall, protrusions everywhere on its bulky and colossal body. 

It let out a terrifying cry.

One that almost shook Dominic's exterior.


For a moment, he studied the corpse of his friend.

'I...don't care...' He screeched into the air once more, 'Time to...'


Dominic launched forward.

With him, came the bombardment of beams and lightning.

Destroyah roared, only able to shake and take the battering from its new foe.

It was rather easy to hit this massive kaiju, and so came the blood that poured from its many wounds.

'More...' Dominic felt his heartache as if his life was pulsing away, 'I'm not finished,'

With a few flaps, his wings glowed with the energy of the sun, as Dominic would compare it, the cinders of green baking around them.

As he did this, he saw Destroyah take off.

Right at him.

'Come on, you overgrown crab!' He thought, rushing the barreling kaiju head-on.

It was a magnificent sight. 

Two forces of green and red soared toward each other as if they were two planets on a course of collision.

All that changed when Dominic's chest squeezed. 

Green smoke puffed out of his cracks like a fog machine. Heck, one could see a few specks of blood.

Whatever the case, Dominic collided head-on with Destroyah.

Right into its massive, crabby claws.

The wings cleaved what they could put of Destroyah like a scissor through paper, but the punch aided by the kaiju's body weight, ran into Dominic's face like a sledgehammer through glass.

Two things fell.

One of Destroyah's arms and Dominic.

Both plummeted to the earth. Dominic uprooted rows of trees as he slid to a halt.

Pain stung the area around his right eye. 

'This...is want I wanted...' Struggling to move, Dominic turned to face his foe, 'I love this,'

As Destroyah roared, its footsteps shaking the very foundations of the earth's dirt and soil, Dominic came to a revelation.

He saw half of this kaiju.

For some reason, his sight felt off.

'Did it...get my eye?' Dominic felt the reminiscent blood stain his white fur, but a pain etched in his heart as it did so, 'No, that's not it,'

'It's starting,'

"Urgh," He felt it.

The overwhelming buildup of heat in his chest, the green fumes bursting from his cracks. A beam was incoming.

It came sooner than expected.

Dominic's body glowed as if charging up, and he opened his mandibles.

Out, came a beam. 

One filled with not only the pent-up energy within his melting body but with the desire and burn for action from Dominic's one dream.

The attack travelled across the land, splitting the ground into two. It sliced into Destroyah.

More blood spewed from the kaiju. Its response?


As his insides corroded, Dominic watched as the beam cut into Destroyah's many spikes and body parts, but the kaiju never flinched.

In fact, at some point, Dominic trailed the beam off entirely because of his eyesight.

Once the beam ended, and he heaved in pain, Destroyah blasted its own beam. There was not enough effort used as the Micro-Oxygen beam tore into Dominic's back. More green fluids, not only blood, spewed from the dying moth, but he shared something.

A look of dissatisfaction.

Even as the red kaiju clobbered Dominic with its tail, plus the glowing wound on his back, Dominic took to the air and struggled as he did.

'Awesome...' He thought, his body heating up, 'but...I don't see...any ash...'

He hovered in the air for so long, that Dominic even heard a voice.

"I don't understand,"

There was a pause, and he stared at Destroyah for a moment.

"You are still alive," The voice was so mixed, that Dominic didn't hear a distinct male or female tone, "I hate you-"

Like a jouster, he darted past, his pulsing wings gashing off Destroyah's other arm.

It roared in rage.

Dominic screeched as he blasted past once more, slicing off one of Destroyah's wings. Even though this was a considerable amount of damage, it truly did nothing in the long run to officially kill the kaiju.

He knew this, but he didn't care.

'Whatever,' Dominic thought as he flapped his wings, sending wave upon wave of rolling gusts of wind, 'Winning or losing is not my goal,'

'My dream is different. Very different.'

With his half-vision, he saw Destroyah tumble through the hurricane-like winds as if it were a light piece of paper fluttering in a breeze.

At that moment, something clicked.

Like the ground beneath your feet crumbling away and gravity pulling at your body. The very moment where if one sought safety, had that ripped away from them the very next second. 

As if it were a whispering voice in the back of his head, Dominic heard its plea.

'...' Beneath the celestial power he wielded. Under the molten heat and perpetual mist. Below the now crumbling corpse of a moth, Dominic knew.

The ashes fell.

He stopped thinking.

Finally, his wings lightened to an elegance unmatched.

To the now upright Destroyah, Dominic charged. Like a shooting star, he blazed across the air, his body brighter than the sun. The kaiju had only its eyesight to use. Even then it was no use.

Dominic didn't care about what he did. He didn't care if the mist he oozed incinerated the ground below. He was aloof to the melting pot he turned Destroyah into as it bubbled into nothingness.

He, stumbling through the air with one working eye, fluttered over the shore, and above the ocean.

There was one thing on his mind.

The dream.

His dream.

Dominic beamed, satisfied to the brim.

One could say he was happy, smiling even.

'Oh my word, this was amazing.'

What was left of his corpse had bursted into a cloud right then and there.

A cloud of not only mist and ash.

But one of a dream.

Dominic's dream.