
Reincarnated as a Demon, I shall now save demon kind! [Dropped!]

The novel is about a boy who likes demons he dies and reincarntes as a demon but in exchange of becoming a demon he was given a task by the demon king.. "if demons exist I would want to become one" was his last wish before everything went dark by the way it's the first book I have ever wrote and English isn't my first language there might be grammer mistakes please tell me if there are I would like more people to write me reviews sense I made these novel for gaining experience in writing and for my own fun If you don't like the first chapter please continue I didn't really like it myself, but I am really satsfied with the second and the third one. the cover image isn't mine

WolfOfTheBloodMoon · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Breaking into the Guards castle

I got inside the Holy Kingdom I used my [Sneak Level10] to Sneak past them even if I was infront of them and waved to them they wouldn't be able to see me, it was now 6 PM I will wait untill 12 PM to go to the castle soo I am sure the Guards Captian is asleep

I took out the money I got from my backpack and went to an inn I payed the lady there I actually don't really know if I got scammed sense I don't know this world's currency, well coins made out of Gold are just coins after all soo it's fine... my heart hurts for my poor coins

I went upstairs and oppened the door with the key the she gave me, and lo and Behold this place is dirty as Hell.. actually is Hell even dirty? I mean I was there it looked pretty clean to me..., it doesn't matter I will try and go to the castle to look around it a little

I sat on my bed thinking about how much my life has changed in this past year, I smiled at that, I was getting stronger just give me sometime and I will become the strongest and save Demon kind!




I am now near the castle looking around it, it is now 8 PM I didn't want to the Guards to see me because if they suspect me my mission could fail soo I used my [Sneak Level 10} and the night's darkness as my cover I look around the castle and I found something intresting..

There is a hole in the castle's wall here... no way in hell am I falling for that, it's a trap obviously, becaue of my [Magic Eyesgiht++++] being passive I can see the Mana wire in the walls, this trap will lock you in and use a large amount of Mana to poison the one who got inside of it, and it will Alert them but they did one mistake here!, the Alert Mana wire is on the outside soo I can block it's Mana's flow not allowing it to Alert them

Unforntantly the other Mana wires are still inside, soo I will have to get in but a green formed on my face as I exlaimed happly

"Lucky me!" I have [Total Mana Poisning Resistance] soo I can't get poisned, all I need to do is get inside of it redirect some Mana wires and then the wall infront of the trap will open

that wall will lead me inside the castle, why is there such a mechanism there? well maybe to collect the dead body far from the publics eye, a very reasonalbe reason

I went back to my Room Happly knowing that I have a plan in hand, well if I get found out I will just have to fight my way out of there and maybe I will even get to Harvest some Souls I said Licking my Lips




It's now 12 PM my time to Shine or soo I thought but all I did was sneaking inside the wall before getting inside of it I blocked the Mana wire connected to the Alart Mechanism making it completly useless now

I got inside the wall and as I thought Mana started washing my body but.. something felt weird I am feeling like I am getting Stronger for some reason... I can't grasps that feeling though

[It's due to Host's Skill [Star Core] when there is High density of Mana the Skill will try to absorve it and it will give you more Mana capicity and faster Mana

Regneration but for now it will try to Awaken itself fully soo it won't give Host more Mana Capicty or more Mana Regenration istead it will give Host the abilty to meditate to gather High amount of dense Mana soo it can grow stronger]

Wow, Soo Basicly like those Culctivation Techniques in those Chineese Novels I used to read it has like Infinte potential

[Yes, but Host the Mana that you get by "Meditating" won't upgrade [Star Core] without a prooper Technique, Meditating will only draw the a large amount of dense Mana around your body getting it inside and to the [Star Core] soo it can be upgraded is entirly on you, because the [Star Core] Haven't fully awakend it Instictvly Draws it inside to Awaken itself but when it's Awakend it's inteirly on the Host]

I guess that's fair I will have to take a look at my body when he is absorving Mana, but wow he just sucked it all in huh I looked aroudn to find now Mana

[The only reason it could consume soo much Mana is because of Host's [Total Mana Poisning Resistance], without it Host would have died due to excisive Mana entering Host's body, Alerting it's Mana to attack the invader automaticly and it will kill Host due to Mana explosion that will accure in Host's body]

Oh... phew Luckily I got this Resistance it's way better then I have expected it to be I am guessing it will even stenghing my Resistance againts Mana based attacks that use Mana to explode people from inside out

I then Reversed the Mana in one of the wires making it's Mana go backwards and into a wall the Mana then got injected into the Wall making it glow a little before the wall parted into two giving

I got inside of the Castle this place was actually bigger inside then it looked on the outside, I am guessing this is the doing of Space Magic which is rarely even seen because if you don't have Space Magic as your Unqie Magic even if you have effincy to Space it will be really hard learning how to increase the Space of something like a room a bag...

I saw some Guards here and there but they couldn't even notice me since my [Sneak Level 10] made me almost impossible to see for weak people but I couldn't use it passively when I stop thinking about Sneaking it will stop working automaticly soo I had to put a little focus in my mind to not mess it up

I wen't upstairs, floor after floor after floor, and Finnaly I got there infront of me was a Huge door Green Emeralds imbuned into it's top, it had some decorations on it made out of True Gold which is way diffrent then the Gold in the Gold Coins, the Door itself is made out of what seems to be some type of rare Marble

(The Door Looks Like this but with a Green Emerald on top IMAGE]

I looked at the Golden decorations, and saw one Mana Essence flying away from it... what the..

(Auther note Important please read it until the end: by the way the differences when I am calling it Mana and when I am calling it Mana Essence, is because Mana is a group of Mana that have attraction towards eachother (I am saying that I call it like that when there is a group of Mana I call it Mana, and when it's Mana Essence it's not phyiscal because there isn't a lot of Mana Essence gathered soo you can't use it for a phyiscal spell and can hardly sense it) everybodys Mana is diffrnet soo Mana of two diffrent people won't attract one another, "Soo how will his [Star Core] Observe the Mana in the air and upgrade itself isn't the Mana in the air diffrent from his Mana?" good quetion!, it's because there is also Natrual Mana!, this is the type of Mana that is in the Air this is the only type of Mana that his [Star Core] can use to convert it into his own Mana by the way he doesn't have his "Mana Sack" or whatever I called that thing in his body that stores Mana, his body doesn't need it and it now heavily relies on [Star Core]) End of the Note

I looked at it a little more to see another Magic Particle fly away from it I try to look at it Harder and now I can see a little bit of Magic Particles inside of the True Gold moving inside of it


[Host Got The Racial Skill [Magic Eyesgiht++++], Upgrade to [Magic Eyesgiht+++++] and can now see hidden Mana weither it is in someones body and they are trying to conceal it or if it's hidden Magic Wiers host can now see lone Magic Particles those type of Magic Particles usualy can't be seen or Sensed thus, why a lot of People try getting their Hands on Traps with Single Magic Particles inside them that aren't rejecting one another causing for the Trap to explode and Kill almost everyone close to it from Mana poisning and from the explosion itself that is less of a threat then the poison]

A smile crepped it's way to my Face, I can Manipulate Them to get closer to eachother And when the get close enough because of the force of the rejection they will both lunch eachother away from one another making them hit another Magic Essence that rejects them and causing a Chain effect

I used my [Mana Manpulation Level 10] to try and move the Mana Essences but to no avail I tried harder sweat started forming down my face the Harder I tried the more mentaly exhausted I was but I still tried Harder my clothes were drenched out in bluey sweat (He sweated Mana to cool himself of Demons don't sweat Mana but he is no entirly Demom (: )


[Mana Manpulation Level 10] has evolved into [Mana Essence Manpulation Level 1]

I was really tired not Phyiscly but Mentaly Mana Essence Manipulation is to Mind Straining soo I leaned on the Wall a little, and it took me 15 mintues to get back up, when I did I started using [Mana Essence Manipulation] to Make 2 Mana Essence that reject eachother get closer

"Ughhh" I gritted my teeth out of pain, and my pain cry didn't go unnoticed from the "Sleeping Princess" inside of the room, I should have bit my tongue dam it!

He opened the Door quicly with a Sword in his hand he quickly went to where I was... but I couldn't move my Mind was to Strained to control any of my Body parts his blade Peirced through where my "Heart" part was supose to be well guess what Demons don't have Hearts sucker!

I thought that, but I wanted to scream from the Pain soo badly it hurts dam it!, I used all of my Mentality to move this dam Mana Essence closer to eachother


[Host have acquired [Mind Strain Resistance+] it will give host -20% less Mind Strain when using Mind Straining Skills/Magics]

That Boost was all I need for me to get the Magic Essence close enough and then a *Boom* sound, sounded within the castle some Screams of Panic and the sound of footsteps running up stairs could be heard


[Host has Harvested a {Strong Soul} +30,000 EXP Added]

Their Caprian sure is tough he somehow survived the explosion and only died due to to th.. *Cough* I caughed, Blue Blood came out of my mouth what the heck why do I have blood?… does it have something to do with my other bloodline but when I got pierced in the chest there wasn't any blood flowing out of it

[Answer: It's due to Host hurting his [Star Core] during the explosion, the [Star Core] is an important part of your race without it you will die but with this weakness disappera the weakness of Demons to fall into a Slumber when you run out of Mana]

System are you sure that guy was at {Strong Soul} Level aren't they the strongest of the strongest?

[Due to him not being able to Class up he was weaker then his strengh should have been, but if he did Class up he would have surely get the [Holy Knight] class end you undermistmate the power of Mana poisning to much]

The sounds of footsteps got closer to me I was stil Mentaly exhausted I leaned on the walls while running sometimes my Head hit the wall because I couldn't walk properly, I eventunatly found a hidden exit I didn't have the Mental energy to use [Mana Essence Manipulation] soo I decided to get out my Scythe and use [Anti Holy Magic Slice++] to Slice the Wire of Mana instantly

The reason I didn't use it until now was because if I did it would have left the Door open and

that will leave Evidance of me getting in but I didn't care about that now in this hidden Exit were a lot of stairs I climbed down the stairs all the way to the fist floor and then when I sliced the Mana Wire to open the Exit to outside of this Castle

It opened but Behind it was a Barrier of Mana I tried using [Erase Magic] skill one it but that Barrier had to much Mana, in it I couldn't Erase the Barrier

Connected to the Barrier were at least 400 Mana wires and they all went to the same place below me…

(Mc's current status window)

[Status Window]:

[Name: Lucas Flameborn

[Demonic Rank: Prince

[Titles: [Demon King 1st son] ,[Divine Soul], [The Son Of The Stars], [First Of His Race], [A Star] , [Demon Hero] 

Soul Level: Divine

[Level: 17/50

[EXP: 622/27679 {+100% EXP Boost} (Authors note: the EXP needed after a Lvel up wil be multipled by 2 once and then in the next level up it will be multiplied by 1.5 twice and so on if you think it will get to high it's because Levels reset after evolution soo after evolution is a free Level farm means a lot of Mana)

[MP: 117,000/50,000 (he sweated freaking 67,000 Mana 0_0)

[Luck: 500

[Race: Demonic Star Hero

[Class: Empty (Class requirement reached)

[Weapon Mastery: [Sycthe Mastery Level 3] Skills: [Anti Holy Magic Slice++] {Cost: 1000 Mana per slice}, [Behead++] {Cost: 1500 Mana}, [Tail Mastery Level 3] Skills: [Twin Tail Swipe++]{Cost: 200 Mana}, [Tail Choke Hold+]{Cost: 50 Mana persecond},[Tail Extention+]{Cost: Depends on length}

[Skills: {Cost: nothing}, [Mana Essence Manpulation Level 1] { +50% Mind Strain} (-45% Mind Strain Boost), [Sneak Level 10] {Cost: nothing}, [Mana Body Reinforcement Level 7]{Cost: -200 Mana persecond},[Magic Erase]{Cost: Depends on the Magic},[Anti Magic Aura+]{Cost: Emotions}

[Ultimate Skills: [Hell Sun](+150% Boost){Cost: -300,000 Mana}

[Unqie magic: [Anti Holy Magic Level 3], [???] 

[Racial skills (+100% Boost): [Fast Regenration++++]{+50% Boost}, [Stars Body MAX LEVEL]{+1000% Defense}(Unawakend), [Black Hell Fire](+50% Boost){Cost: Souls the more used the stronger it gets}, [Demonic Battle Senses+++](Cost: nothing)(Upgradeable),[Magic Eyesgiht+++++](Upgradeable), [Soul Contract MAX LEVEL]{+100%}, [Star Core] {+150% Boost} (Half awakend), [Future Sight] (Unawakend)

[Blessings: [Demon King: EXP Boost]{+25% EXP}, [Demon King: Better Evolution Options]{When evolutions are shown it will get a better version of each evolution}, [Demon King: Demonic System], [Demon King: Loved By Fire Spirits]{It will be a lot more easier to contract fire spirits, and if a fire spirit finds out that Host is in danger she/he will immediantly come to help Host}, [The Sun: +50% Boost To all Fire related Magics]

[Resistances: [Holy Magic Resistance+]{+60%}(System note: upgrades with [Anti Holy Magic]), [Total Fire Resistance]{+100%} ,[Total Fear Resistance]{-25% Mind Strains} (System note: Including Fear Skills. It will lessen the strains that skills but on the mind), [Basic Elements Resistance+]{+10%}, [Total Soul attack Resistance] (System note: gianed through the Titel [Divine Soul], [Total Mana Poisning Resistance]{+100% Poison/ Mana Poison Resistance}, [Mind Strain Resistance+]{-20% Mind Strain}

[Souls collected: 1 (Strong Soul) 


It took me like 3 hours to write it because I had to switch to writing on a computer to an ipad mid writing, anyways I really enjoyed making this chapter Thanks for those of you that support me and give me motivation to continue!

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