
Reincarnated as a Demon, I shall now save demon kind! [Dropped!]

The novel is about a boy who likes demons he dies and reincarntes as a demon but in exchange of becoming a demon he was given a task by the demon king.. "if demons exist I would want to become one" was his last wish before everything went dark by the way it's the first book I have ever wrote and English isn't my first language there might be grammer mistakes please tell me if there are I would like more people to write me reviews sense I made these novel for gaining experience in writing and for my own fun If you don't like the first chapter please continue I didn't really like it myself, but I am really satsfied with the second and the third one. the cover image isn't mine

WolfOfTheBloodMoon · Fantasy
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13 Chs

How does Magic even work+Faithed Spirit Beast????

I followed the Mana Wires trying to find their source soo I can directly destory the thing that is Supplying them with Mana, they all stopped infront of a wall, I tried to see if I can just destroy the wall to get in but it turns out there is a Mana Barrier behind that wall.. I looked at how the Mana Wires work and... HUH? It's completly diffrent then the other Mana Wires I saw soo far!

Normally Mana Wires flow in one direction like forward and when you want to activate the thing it it will flow backwards, actualy... How do they even activate it without [Mana Essence Manipulation]? maybe there is something else...

Welp never mind that, in one Mana Wire half of the Mana flows Forward and the other half flows Backwards and for some reason they don't even hit eachother they dodge eachother perfectly fine like they are working together it's like they are alive but no that couldn't be possible.. wait I made made out of Mana.. well a lot of question started filling my head

Why does Mana stay close to eachother I know they have some attraction towards eachother like Magnates do, but when firing a Fire ball spell how can the Mana in it stay so close while moving soo fast and why does it even work like a Magnate or does it even work like a Magnate?, why do people have diffrent element efficiency?

I wanted to destory the Mana wires with my [Anti Holy Magic Slice++] but there was a Mana Wire directly below me that if I destroy the any of the Mana wires it will activate it, because when you destroy a Mana wire the Mana will flow Backwards and because it will flow Backwards it will activate the thing that the Mana Wire was connected to, but all Four of the Mana wires were connected to that bomb destorying one of them will get the Mana Bomb enough Mana to kill me at my state right now I can't survive this explosion

I tried to look closer and suddently I saw a little link between 2 Mana Essences, I couldn't see the whole Link but I knew it was there.. it was like looking at a Blue laser that there is only smoke on one side of it I knew it's connect because the side of the Link I did see between them pointed right towards the other Magic Essence I tried to look more and more... but I didn't get anything from it

Suddently I could see the Link but weird.. my [Magic Eyesgiht+++++] didn't Upgarde, could it be that I had the abilty to see it I just have to focus more on it, I guess it's like if you get a new body part you wouldn't know how to use it immediantly right?, that is what is happening right now I couldn't use my eyes to see the Link untill I tried it maybe there is more to see if I try to use my eyes more

I tried looking around the Mana Wire and found a Group of Mana Essence flowing Forward and another gorup of Mana Essence that flew Backwards came right at them but before it did one there was one Mana Essence that was connected to all of them he seems kinda like a leader but there was one wire that I couldn't see where it went and suddently gray Mana entred it and soon after it entered the other Mana Essences Links and they all dodged the Mana Essence that "was suposed to hit them"

What the.. wait I know that Gray Mana it's that Trap Magic Mana but I thought that this Mana wires are made out of Natrual Mana... wait what if it just gave a command to the Mana Essence with Mana how can Mana give a command.. maybe it's like coding?

I tried following the Mana Essence Link that the Gray Mana came from, what I saw was an Element Segniture with a lot of Links connected to it, some of the Links have Gray Mana currently flowing from them towards the Magic Essences direction, the Element Signature had some Mana Segnitures on it I guess this is how you get access to open it safely

I tried putting my own Mana Signature but when I did it got destroyed, an alarm started sounding from where I was

I MEST UP!, I should solve it qucikly!

I think if I destrory the Element Signature this I will be able to Manipulate the Mana Essence because if I tried it before it would have resisted me, but my Mind isn't in it's best state after doing what I did back there, maybe I can hack it?, like changes the code of the Element Segnitures.. no I think I need effincy for that Element to do that

Maybe I can replace it with my own Element Signature!

Foot steps could be heard runing down the stairs

I quickly doestroyed the Gray Element Signature and tried making my own, I tried using a Space Signature and it worked!, it's because I have High effincy with Space Magic I made it on my first try, and connected all of them to the previous Links with [Mana Essence Manipulation] but it didn't really take a lot out of me because it only took me a second to do 

I can hear them they just got on the floor!, I quickly tried to convey my Element Signature orders I tried really hard untill it.. actualy listend to me?


[Elemental Connection has been established, Host will now have way better Control over the Space Element, Host can now give simple commands to his own Space Element]

Deactivate the Mana Barrier and open the wall

Nothing happend

Deactivate the Mana Barrier

the Mana Barrier was deactivated

Open the wall

the wall opened

I can only make on command at a time but it's fine but the wall actauly opened I don't know how it knows to activate the Mana to open that specific thing I asked for but it did and it even deactivated the Mana in the barrier to

Activate the Mana Barrier the Barrier was activated... Close the wall the wall was closed

Don't let anybody put a Mana Seginature on you!

It just glowed a little like he was answering me

I looked at the wall once again I saw some people outside of the wall standing infront of it with a confused expression, well I think they had a confused expresion, I am seeing them like stickman I can see them only through the Mana flow in their bodies because Humans aren't made out of Mana I can't know what face they are currently making not like I really care

I went down the stairs it was really dark inside but I could see perfectly fine, I went down untill.. what I saw was Demons with slave colars on their necks their Mana is being taken from their bodies to the Core in the middle it looked like it had a huge amount of Mana inside of it.. but there wasn't only Demons there were what seems to be Spirit Beasts.. their Mana was being drained to

I looked around I saw a Spirit Beast with a long Black hair, Her Eyes were Yellow and her Puppels were like that of a Cat, she had two Cat ears on top of her head, when I looked at her I felt some sort of connection we locked eyes for a second untill

[Looks like this image]


[Host has found his "Faithed Spirit Beast"]

Wait wha..


The wall that had a barrier behing it was destoryed with the barrier I quickly ran to destroy the core, but insted of just destroying it I started taking a lot of it's Mana into my body, almost all of the Core's Mana entered my body and the rest of it was erased by my [Magic Erase] skill, I used it soo I won't die from having to much Mana in my body even though I can have a lot! of Mana inisde of my body, my body still has a limit

I was hit by a spear it went right through where my head was to the other side, leaving a hole in my head, but I didn't die, for some reason I didn't even need a brain to function and think I think I don't even have one anymore, maybe it has something to do with my [Star Core]

My [Star Core] Devoured all of the Mana and some of it went towards my wound and some towards my missing Mana

"WHAT HOW CAN YOU SURVIVE A HIT TO THE HEAD!" the one who I assumed threw the Spear at me said

The Aura that was getting out of his body was really strong I quickly sliced all of the chains and gave a look to my "Faither Spirit Beast" for some reason I feel like I know how she feels she is Happy, Sad, Angry all of those emotions were mixed together

Another Spear flew right towards me but this time I quickly grabbed onto my Sixth sense and dodged the Attack

I knew it was a losing battle fighting with him and how am I suppose to get everyone out of he.. suddently I dropped to my knees I felt throbing pain inside my [Star Core]

"Ughhhh!" I screamed to which who I assume to be a Knight responded with a laugh thinking I screamed because I was scared

My [Star Core] broke I was out of my body for a Second before my Soul was grabbed by the new [Star Core] I felt pain inside my Soul, and even pain Physically it was like my Heart was destroyed just to be Rebuilt and this is exactly the case but with [Star Core] instead

I huge surge of power powered my body, but I was still no match for this Guard but at least I can escape I tried tearing through space

He then proceeds to attack me but before he could do that a Tail warped around his Neck I used my [Tail Choke Hold+] abilty this abilty use Mana to make my grip on the targets Neck stronger he then sliced my black Tail with his Spear 

IT HURTS! "Ughh!" I couldn't open the portal even though I could control space really well but then my Purple Tail started glowing I felt like it tried to tell me to use him.. I channeled my Space Mana into it when I did everywhere the tip of the Tail touched space was torn a part by it

I then made a huge Space portal checking on my MP to see how far I can go with the portal

[MP: 217,000/350,000

My [Star Core] couldn't hold more then 217,000 Mana but my body that is resistant to Mana Poisoning could hold the rest soo I made the portal

"EVERYONE GET IT IN!" they all listned to me without a second though the Knight infront of me looked at me diffrently like I am now not just a toy but an Enemy

He quickly ran towards me and sttubed his spear towards me I dodged it but how was I supose to know that the tip of the Spear could just be shot out he litterly shot the tip of the Spear right at my Heart, because he knew it won't work to try to kill me with a Headshot

It hit me and my Mana went down [MP: 217,000/180,320 from maintaining the portal and healing while moving around with [Mana Body Reinforcement] it was all just too draining my Mana shot down by 169680 god and it have only been a Mintue

He then kicked my body, my body hit the wall and I was imoblized I couldn't move, he started walking towards my direction but a Cat's paw imbuned with Mana almost hit his neck but missed it, I saw the Spirit Beast that I felt a stange connection with she tried to move to me to pick me up soo we can escape but she was kicked and her body flew towards the wall where a *Crack* Sound sounded through her bones

When I heard that sound I was really mad, I don't know why but I couldn't help but be mad at seeing her get hurt I quickly used this Emotion to fuel my [Anti Magic Aura+] and a Huge Aura came from me his Spear suddently disapperd making me think it was made out of Mana, I quickly grabbed the Spirit Beast and started running abusing his state of shock

I couldn't use my portal anymore I feel like my Tail is really sour like I used a muscle to much and I can't use that muscle for now, I qucikly ran out of there with her in my hands she was shaking uncontrolably probably due to the pain I looked at her with a hurt look I felt like I could have Protected her and I should have protected her I never felt like this before like wanting to Protect someone at all cost it's a new Emotion to me which brought warmth to my Stone Heart but saddness because of her current misarble state

I ran as fast as I could avoiding all of the Guards with [Sneak] I feel his Aura getting closer to me but I started trying to Level my [Mana Body Reinforcement Level 7] by applying a Mana with an Element to my muscles I added my fire Element


[Host has Evolved [Mana Body Reinforcement Level 7] into [Elemntal Mana Essence Body Reinforcement Level 1] Host can now control Lone Mana Essence in his body to make them go to the Muscle (He couldn't use Lone Mana Essence that was in his body to power him up untill now Lone Mana Essence are Mana Essence that aren't linked to any other Mana Essence), and can now use Elements to empower his body for example Fire Element will give you the option to coat your hand with Flames it will boost the damage you deal with your fists it will also empower other things such as speed.. but it will do soo less than with using the Lightning Element that will give you 2X speed]

My Muscles started to burn, like litterly burn fire coated my legs it gave me a little boost to my legs just enough to be faster then that Knight chasing me I can sense a Spear flying towards me I used my the fire on my legs to lift me up a little in the air to dodge it and it flew towards some houst destroying the house

I looked down to see the Spirit Beast in my hands face inside my chest which I think it comforted her a little I was happy that I could at least help her with that...



We escaped from them but because of me killing a Guard Captain and stealing the Mana inside of that Core there are people at Knight Level and below searching for me, of course there are tracing skills that will help them find me but don't undermistmate [Sneak Level 10], I was still inside the Holy Kingdom I was litterly locked in here even if I use the cloack they will know it's me and call backup I will have to wait for my Mana to replenish soo I can make another potal

oh by the way the portal I made was straight into Master's house I hope she won't be to mad that I dropped some Spirt Beasts and Demons on her to take care of

I felt something grabbing my shirt when I looked behind I saw umm.. actualy I can't keep calling her "Spirit Beast" I will ask for her name

Like she knew what I was about to say she said "I don't have a name only Spirit Beasts that aren't bound by faith to another being can choose a name for themselves"

"Wait what do you mean by "bound by faith"" I asked I really didn't know what she meant

"Well in rare cases when a Spirit Beast is born it can get bounded to someone by faith which means that no matter what that person will find, it doesn't mean we will get to completly bound our fate together by making a contract but it does mean we will find eachother, but.." tears started filling her eyes

"Where were you?, I waited.. and waited.. and waited.. for 10 Years and you never came to me, I felt soo lost I was enslaved because a faithed Spirit Beasts have a phyiscal body unlike normal Spirit Beast which can only be summoned from the Spirtual Dimension, I thought you did see me but just ignored it even though you saw our connection.. I was soo scared *Hic*"

I was at a lose for words for 10 Years!, I wasn't even here in that time I was still on Earth, I knew I did nothing wrong but I couldn't help but blame myself I saw how hurt she was she must have gone through a lot alone by herself waiting for me for 10 years...

"I am sorry.." I said "you are right I should have found you before that" I said hugging her which caused her to calm down a little

"No.. it's not your fault.. Faithed Spirit Beast are rare and aren't really well known.. you must have not known about it I *Hic* am sorry" she said whiping her tears with her right hand she finnaly fell asleep from crying I carried her to the bed that was in the place we were currently hiding in, I then sat there waiting for my Mana to Regnerate soo we can leave here soon...