
Reincarnated as a Companion Wolf

Vorbuk was once human... One day he opened his eyes in a new world as a companion beast and found himself struggling to adapt to a new world. Not wanting to become a companion to another he set off only to find himself becoming friends with the crown prince, Leo, and others. Can he protect those important to him from the threats that await him on this continent? He must grow fast if he wants to take on the evil god that's lurking with intent to destroy the continent. Traversing the 12 kingdoms they meet all sorts of beings such as elves, demons, gods, werewolves, vampires, and many more beings. I also have a webtoon version of this series being worked on. You can read it at webtoon.

VonirComics · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
358 Chs

Chapter 349

Later that night Daryl sat on a chair in the palace's prison. He was in Aoki's office sitting across from him. After hours of trying to wrap his mind around his decision he had come to a conclusion and decided to meet with Aoki.

"If you are going to come here," Aoki sighed because he felt uncomfortable from the heavy silence that Daryl was causing in the room, "would you mind at least saying what you want from me?"

"I want to know more about it." Daryl said while expecting Aoki to understand what topic he was trying to bring up. There was only one real topic between them at the moment. Both of them had no real reason to communicate with each other outside of work. When he brought up wanting more information it was only natural that Aoki understood what he meant.

Aoki hesitated before asking him, "You want to know what it is like to change your race into mine?"

"Would I come to you for anything else?" Daryl asked because they both understood that Aoki did not get along with anyone outside of Prince Chase, "There is no reason it needs to be your race but I hope you will help me figure out a way."

"You-?!" Aoki flinched when he realized that Daryl was seriously considering the suggestion he had given him, "Are you really going to consider it?"

"Are there no other options you know of?" Daryl wanted to be clear about his choices. There were certain to be other races that a human could be converted into. Many races existed and it was impossible that only two of them could convert a human to their own kind.

Aoki knew what he wanted to say but only shook his head, "I know what you are thinking but there is no one else who we can easily get access to."

"There are other races that can convert a human," Daryl spoke up, "Aoki, if you can not even deny the fact, your rejection means you know of other races that can do the same thing for me."

"Of course I know of a few," Aoki twitched his brow as he explained, "but we have no access to them for help converting you right now."

"What are they?" Daryl asked him seriously without delay. He wanted to know more about his options. Even if they were small chances at a better change.

Aoki could feel the hope in Daryl's voice and gaze as they spoke about his chances, It left him with no choice but to respond with a strange pain in his chest, "There are rare scrolls that can be found. They were left behind by the gods as gifts for specific mortals in history. Each one can only be used once. It is nearly impossible to find one."

"You mean-?" Daryl was about to ask.

Aoki sighed and said, "Those scrolls were left behind as a means to offer the mortal a chance to become a higher ranked being. It is said that they can convert a mortal into a angel. You also have the god Chynir who has been known to create things better known as a fallen, or lich, which is similar to the angels that serve the gods."

"The fallen are simply closer to demons because they resemble those angels in a sense that they could have become angels but something had gone wrong and corrupted them. This corruption however is mostly due to Chynir's own will in creating his own creatures." Aoki explained further as he knew that Prince Leo's brother, Curtis, had become one of those fallen.

Am I feeling sorry for this human? Aoki thought to himself as he watched the light partially dim in Daryl's eyes.

Daryl slowly started to ask, "It is not impossible?"

"What?" Aoki asked.

"You said it was nearly impossible to find other methods besides the two races you suggested. Nearly impossible does not mean that it is completely hopeless." Daryl was determined to find a method to help himself. If he had no choice but to resort to Aoki's suggestion for one of the two races available within the palace then he would accept his options.

If there is a chance at a better option why would I give in and take the easy way out? There is such a heavy price if I rush into one of those two races. Daryl thought to himself as he understood how much he would need to give in order to become a werewolf or a vampire. He did not want to give up on every option available to him.

"Those scrolls are rare because they are known as gifts from the gods," Aoki thought back to his knowledge on the subject, on the outside he might have looked like a young man but that was not reality for the vampire, as his age was much older then he looked, "I heard the Drethia king once speak about them."

"The Drethia King spoke about them?" Daryl asked curiously.

"Yes," Aoki nodded and said, "They could instantly raise ones rank to be on par with a dragon. It angered him to know that the gods would select a rare few that they would gift such power to. He felt it was an insult for someone to gain power so easily."

"Why would the gods create such a method unless..." Daryl flinched as he thought about it.

"The gods gave the power in return for them to serve the god." Aoki could see that Daryl's mind had understood as he listened while the vampire explained, "Angels and the Fallen are a race which is bound by Servant's Mark to the god they serve."

"That means even if I find a scroll I am able to use..." Daryl lowered his head as he thought carefully about it.

Aoki finished his words for him to ensure that the human understood clearly, "You would become bound to one of the gods as their servant so that you could never betray your faith in the god that granted you the gift of entering the Angel or Fallen race."

The problem was not being bound to a god alone. If they went and bought the scroll somewhere it meant he would unaware of the god he became marked by. If he used the scroll he would be bound to someone unknown. How could he serve a god that he is unaware of? It would be no different then suicide.

No, could I even find a scroll to begin with? Daryl sighed deeply as he pondered everything carefully in his head.

"Perhaps I have no choice but to go with the other options after all..." Daryl mumbled to himself quietly while Aoki listened quietly with a complicated look on his face.

"Every god needs believers and loyal servants to take care of things for them. A person can not do everything alone. They were simply a race meant for those chosen by the gods." Aoki tried to explain, "Even gods can reach a point of exhaustion and even death."

There was no life that could not have moments of weakness. That fact was no different for the gods. Every god needed their angels just as every king needed their knights.