
Reincarnated as a Companion Wolf

Vorbuk was once human... One day he opened his eyes in a new world as a companion beast and found himself struggling to adapt to a new world. Not wanting to become a companion to another he set off only to find himself becoming friends with the crown prince, Leo, and others. Can he protect those important to him from the threats that await him on this continent? He must grow fast if he wants to take on the evil god that's lurking with intent to destroy the continent. Traversing the 12 kingdoms they meet all sorts of beings such as elves, demons, gods, werewolves, vampires, and many more beings. I also have a webtoon version of this series being worked on. You can read it at webtoon.

VonirComics · Fantasy
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358 Chs

Chapter 348

Daryl walked around the palace receiving worried comments from everyone about his injuries. He was moving around much sooner then others wanted him to. Others had already nagged at him about working while his body was in a bad condition. He could not heal as quickly as others who could use their mana.

That fact resulted in him learning about Aoki's suggestion from Zoe. The moment he woke up she had been red eyed from crying. Thinking about whether or not she should have spoke to him about it. It was something that made Daryl feel his heart drop over.

They wanted to give Daryl time to consider the options carefully. He was not meant to go back to work right away. Time to heal was something that Daryl required for his wounds to properly heal. It was something everyone knew about.

Daryl could feel the eyes of everyone in the palace on him as he moved around. If he remain in bed while receiving visits from Zoe there was no telling how long he could remain calm. Every time she came to visit him, Zoe would find the time to try her best with light mana to try to heal him. No matter how much she learned from the priestess, Mai, about using her light mana she was still not on par with the priestess herself.

Daryl felt like he had been healed so many times he had soaked in a lake of bleach.

At this rate I might fully regain my childhood purity.. Daryl thought as he felt his stomach drop at the thought of receiving more heals from them.

The heals from the priestess and Zoe did not mean he was allowed to move around freely to work. A few days of rest were required for Daryl because of how dangerous his injuries had been when Bredret brought him back to the palace. He had lost a lot of blood and that was not something the priestess could help him with. She could heal his wounds but she could not restore the blood loss he'd had nor could she resolve any mental trauma he'd suffered. Physical damage was the only thing she could restore back to perfection.

Naturally someone like the priestess would know that the first heal was all she could do for Daryl. Repeatedly healing would not benefit his condition any further. One could not heal physical damage that was not there. However Zoe could not control her emotions and continued to try every time she'd visited him. Though she was still being trained from the priestess and had much to learn ahead of her.

"Daryl!" Zoe's voice suddenly called out to him from behind.

Daryl flinched at the sound of her voice, after many visits from her while he was bedridden he'd grown tired of the idea of being healed again by light mana, turning around he responded politely to hide how uncomfortable and worried he was that she might try to heal him again, "Zoe."

"You aren't suppose to be moving around right now. Why are you walking around the palace right now?" Zoe's tone was scolding him.

Why do I find her cute even when she's angry? Daryl couldn't help but smile as he thought about it.

Even if he found her adorable there was no way he could completely let go of the idea he'd been given by Aoki. He did not want to lose his humanity. Yet he did not feel that bad about the thought of more time with Zoe. Her lifespan exceeded that of his since she was a demi human from the cat race.

Can I really leave her behind for my humanity? He thought to himself in a debate over the decision.

Daryl replied to her in a gentle tone as he reached out to pat her on top of her head, "If I do not get some air once in a while I fear I may lose my mind."

Zoe froze in place at the feel of Daryl's fingertips rubbing against her cat ears, her face flushing deeply at his gentle touch, "What are you doing?"

"Zoe," Daryl started to speak in a soft tone, "I..."

Zoe listened as he stopped in the middle of talking. It looked like he was struggling hard to say something to her. Unsure of what he was finding so difficult to say she stepped forward. Wrapping her arms around him in a warm hug.

As someone from the demi cat race her body naturally was warm blooded. He could feel her warmth radiating from her embrace. She was trying to comfort him however she was naturally a girl of few words. That silence did not bother Daryl as he found comfort in her simply being near.

Daryl asked her, "Would it be so wrong if I accept the suggestion made by Aoki?"

"What?!" Zoe was startled at those words, "Are you really considering what he said?"

Daryl thought long and carefully about what he'd been told, "I know it seems like something I should not consider..."

"You're right about that." Zoe mumbled to herself.

Daryl sighed and explained to her, "If I consider it there are reasons to do it."

"What reasons could you possibly have to want to become a different race?" Zoe asked him bluntly. She could not understand what would drive Daryl to throw away his human race to become something else entirely. There were risks to becoming either one of the options that Aoki had suggested.

The vampires were blood thirsty while the werewolves were usually known for being cruel beasts. It made her worry to consider the thought of Daryl becoming something he would regret later. If he joined one of the two races it meant he could never return to his human race again. He would be throwing it away forever.

Daryl swallowed hard as he slowly leaned in and whispered in her ear softly, "I can not allow myself to die before you. If it means I can be there to protect you in the future I am willing to forgo everything else about myself."

Zoe's face flushed red as she tried to pull back. She wanted to look up into his eyes. However she was met with Daryl's face leaning into her own. His lips gently pressing against her own in a sweet kiss.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Zoe's heart pounded hard in her chest as he face flushed a deep red. Her long tail twitched back and forth behind her as she got carried away into his gentle embrace. A tear rolled down her cheek as she could not believe Daryl had kissed her. She had dreamed of his love being returned to her for a long time. It felt like she was dreaming but the worry about him was still there deep in her heart.

Will he really be fine throwing it away like this..? Zoe thought to herself as she pulled away from the kiss to look up at him. Daryl's warm and gentle gaze down at her made her stomach feel butterflies. He was a warm and gentle man. It was impossible to imagine him accepting to join one of two hostile races known on the continent.