
Reincarnated as a Companion Wolf

Vorbuk was once human... One day he opened his eyes in a new world as a companion beast and found himself struggling to adapt to a new world. Not wanting to become a companion to another he set off only to find himself becoming friends with the crown prince, Leo, and others. Can he protect those important to him from the threats that await him on this continent? He must grow fast if he wants to take on the evil god that's lurking with intent to destroy the continent. Traversing the 12 kingdoms they meet all sorts of beings such as elves, demons, gods, werewolves, vampires, and many more beings. I also have a webtoon version of this series being worked on. You can read it at webtoon.

VonirComics · Fantasía
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358 Chs

Chapter 298

Vorbuk could tell that Queen Sylica was struggling with her situation. It was hard for her to let go of what control she felt like she had left over her own life. At this point she did not even know whether or not she could truly be called a queen anymore. Her throne had already been destroyed by that god, Chynir. She had nothing left to rule over which left her feeling lost and confused.

"We shouldn't discuss things here." Vorbuk stated to the Queen and Prince Leo. It was not the right place to have a discussion about the god, Chynir. They were still out in middle of the road.

After the three of them boarded the carriage they left together. The wolf lay on one side while watching Prince Leo and Queen Sylica sit side by side on the other side. Prince Leo's face was flushed slightly as he felt uncomfortable sitting so close to Sylica. Though she was an ancient dragon she looked around the same age as himself. It made him feel even more embarrassed to sit so close to her.

What is wrong with you? Prince Leo thought to himself as he tried to understand why he was feeling so flustered over Sylica being so close to him inside the carriage. Contrary to how flustered the prince felt the queen seemed to have no reaction to sitting beside him.

"Where are we going?" Queen Sylica asked causing the prince to jolt from his own thoughts.

The wolf had left the carriage driver to the prince to deal with so that he did not need to change forms during the ride in the carriage at all. She turned to glance at the prince who had spoken with the driver before they had left. It seemed as though he would be the one to ask the question.

Prince Leo glanced at her in the eyes as she looked at him, quickly averting his gaze from her as he felt slightly flustered by her gaze, "Vorbuk requested to have us return to the palace. We only left to find you. We can discuss things more safely in the bounds of the palace."

"Right," Sylica thought about it before saying, "You humans really do love to hide from things that scare you."

Prince Leo sat straight up as he asked, "Do you have any idea how rude you are being?"

"Ah," Sylica realized, "I upset you. I apologize. I just tend to forget out fragile you humans can be."

"Pfft!" The wolf tried not to laugh at the prince's flustered reaction.

The prince was speechless. He did not know how to react or what to say to Queen Sylica. It felt like he was arguing with a female version of Bredret. Except that she could better control her temper and instead would smile politely with her every word. Was she toying with him? Or was she really unaware of how rude she was being? The dragons were all full of pride and found other races beneath them. He could not understand her at all.

Meanwhile elsewhere at the bottom of the mountain that Brolan Kingdom rested deep within,

Daryl was sent to lead the knights towards Brolan Kingdom. By his side a stubborn dragon, Bredret, stood drinking from a bottle. They were growing close to the kingdom they were sent to take claim of. The knights behind them were werewolves mixed with a few other races that had joined the knights after Vorbuk took the throne of Theapan.

Not knowing how to use mana did not bother Daryl in the slightest. He worked hard over the months to earn the respect of the palace knights by his own merit and hard work. His skill was not lacking compared to other knights and to some of the werewolves it was even considered terrifying. He was proud of how hard he worked to get his own talent on par with others who could use mana.

"Be cautious of the surroundings! We are entering their territory now and we have no idea what we could be marching directly into!" Daryl called out to the others from atop his steed.

The dwarves were talented in their own aspect. He had met many dwarves over his time traveling and knew how crafty they could be. Daryl knew never to underestimate any race regardless of how weak they seemed on the outside. Even the most delicate of races on the continent could be considered a threat in battle.

Bredret sniffed the air slightly as his senses were on alert right now as they marched forward. The knights were all marching on foot with few leading on horseback. It was difficult to maneuver too many horses through the mountainside as they climbed. They could also become a hindrance while dealing with the dwarves on such delicate terrain.

Brolan mountain where the dwarves lived was filled with tunnels and caves that often had delicate conditions. The dwarves could understand how to traverse the terrain but if anyone else came clueless it could result in them being trapped in a tunnel collapse.


A feint sound resembling a growl could be heard momentarily by Bredret as he glanced around. He tried to listen for it again but the sound was gone. It felt as if they were being followed.

"I think we are being watched." Bredret stated bluntly to Daryl from the side on his own steed.

Daryl agreed with what Bredret said because he had felt hostility around them, "Yes, I have felt it too."


A sudden screeching roar came from the side of their group.

"B-Beast!" "Argh!" A few men shouted as one of the knights was taken out from the side by a large beast. It was a Kaze with its fangs dripping blood as it released the limp body of a werewolf that had been in its jaws.

The beast made a hauntingly terrifying hiss as it turned and sped off back into the surrounding trees and bush. A few knights started to take off after it causing Daryl to shout, "STOP!"

"They are trying to cause a panic. We must not separate here because of some scare tactics!" Daryl called out to them causing all his men to halt in their actions. They did not want to get in trouble with Daryl for disobeying his orders. It was a dangerous place they were in. If they got distracted and acted on their own accord it could easily get them killed.

"Hahah! Very smart," A deep voice called out from up front ahead of Daryl causing everyone to turn and look as a dwarf man rode his own Kaze out in front of Daryl without fear. The beast hissed and roared out under the dwarf man. As he gripped his spear weapon tightly in his hand from atop the Kaze the dwarf continued to speak, "However that wont save your men from their fate. You all shall fall to Brolan's Dwarf Riders!"

"If you are going to die by my hands you should at least know my name. You may call me Dimitri!" The Dwarf man declared loudly.

Daryl gripped his sword tight as he carefully sized up Dimitiri while responding, an attempt to display a lack of fear, a taunting smile on his face for the enemy, "And you may call me Daryl."