
Reincarnated as a Companion Wolf

Vorbuk was once human... One day he opened his eyes in a new world as a companion beast and found himself struggling to adapt to a new world. Not wanting to become a companion to another he set off only to find himself becoming friends with the crown prince, Leo, and others. Can he protect those important to him from the threats that await him on this continent? He must grow fast if he wants to take on the evil god that's lurking with intent to destroy the continent. Traversing the 12 kingdoms they meet all sorts of beings such as elves, demons, gods, werewolves, vampires, and many more beings. I also have a webtoon version of this series being worked on. You can read it at webtoon.

VonirComics · Fantasy
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358 Chs

Chapter 297

Prince Leo and Queen Sylica stood in the road in front of the carriage. The two of them had came out to find her but clearly she was interested in finding the wolf for her own reasons.

What does she want from Vorbuk? Prince Leo thought to himself while listening to her demand him to bring the beast out of the carriage.

"Bring him out." Queen Sylica demanded once again to Prince Leo as she glared intently at him.

Prince Leo could feel blood lust coming from the dragon queen in front of him, it was clear to him that she was not acting rationally, pressing him to ask her instead of turning towards the carriage for the wolf beast, "What do want from him, your majesty?"

"I have watched him for a while now," Queen Sylica's voice shook as she spoke to him, "I must speak with him. I have no ill intention."

"Your having no problem with us seems believable while releasing such blood lust?" Prince Leo released a feint laugh at her words.

Knowing the prince in front of her was not listening she smiled. Walking up to Prince Leo as she could see from a glance that he tensed up more with each step she took.

Her finger lifting to point directly at the center of the prince's chest as she spoke, "I have watched you as well, Crown Prince Leo."

"Anyone who knows about my brother has information about my situation. Do not judge me by my brother's lies he used to steal the throne from my father." Prince Leo did not know what the queen thought she knew about him. Though he knew that anyone who listened to the rumors and the news about his brother, Curtis, could claim to know everything about him. He knew about the rumors that his brother had spread about him. They had spread throughout the twelve kingdoms since Curtis released them.

Queen Sylica slowly lowered her hand as she replied with a slight tilt to her head as she said, "I was not talking about your brother. I have no interest in that traitor."

Prince Leo's eyes seemed to flicker slightly at those words, "What could you possibly know about me?"

She seemed to hesitate for a moment before stepping closer. The prince tensed up as she leaned in close to him. His eyes looking to the side at her as the prince felt her breath softly brushing against his neck as she started to speak softly beside his ear. Horns tilted carefully so that they would not scratch him with the sharp pointed tips.

"I know that you are loyal to a shadow beast that managed to become a king among this dying continent." Queen Sylica stated.

"A dying continent? You seem to have little faith in the future." Vorbuk's voice called out from the side of the carriage.

The Queen of Axania and Prince Leo both turned their gazes to look at Vorbuk. Noticing the wolf had stepped out of the carriage while they were arguing. The wolf slowly walked up beside the prince and stood with its tail high. It was a way of displaying his own dominance and pride. A way to show the dragon that he was not scared of her.

"You seem to be mistaken, your majesty, King of Theapan, Vorbuk." Queen Sylica was a dragon and therefore able to understand the shadow wolf beast just as the dragon, Bredret, was capable of doing so. The wolf had no reason to use his human form in front of her just as he had no need to for Prince Leo. It made communication easy between the three of them.

The wolf flicked its ears back as it asked, "Am I wrong?"

"Yes," Queen Sylica replied, "Because at this rate I have no faith. However I will not die without trying to live. If anyone has a chance at surviving the death of this world it would be Theapan where the both of you reside."

"Would you like to help us fight against the god-" Vorbuk was interrupted.

"No," Queen Sylica stepped back away from the both of them, "I am a dragon. I would be disregarding that fact by aiding in mortal affairs. I shall not break my vow as a dragon."

Then for what reason could she... Vorbuk felt confused by why the queen had reached out to her. He was already on his way to meet her regardless. It was the queen who stopped them in their tracks.

"That is right. I knew you were coming to find me." She spoke with a polite smile, "I've been watching you as I have said already."

"Then why would you?" Vorbuk asked.

"I wonder." Queen Sylica could not explain her curiosity about the beast. She had known about shadow beasts throughout her life. Once she had even met one. It was a kind female panther who's fate had not been one so kind. There was something different about the shadow wolf in front of her.

Looking down at her own hands she thought back on the moment her kingdom fell to the hands of Chynir before her very own eyes, tears filling her eyes as her blue eyes slit to that of a dragon's, a soft rumbling resounding in the air around her, "I watched my own kingdom fall before my own eyes. Many dragons died, fled in a state of rage, and those who did not do either were taken away by that god! Of course I have thought of taking revenge!"

Many of those dragons the queen had cared deeply for as if they were her own family. Dragons did not come in large numbers like the average mortals on the continent. They were one of the races who had few offspring. It was possible for dragons to know almost every other dragon that resided on this continent. To see them slaughtered before her own eyes and watch her kingdom be destroyed. It felt as if she had been watching her own race slowly become extinct in front of her.

"I was suppose to protect them all." Sylica wanted to cry, as a queen she held it in as best as she could.

I was their Queen. I was the one responsible for their lives. She scolded herself internally for what happened to them. The fact that she lived while so many of them were lost.

Prince Leo saw the troubled look in her teary eyes. They were both able to see the pain that the queen was feeling over the loss of her kingdom. It was not a fate that any king wanted to see for his kingdom. Most kings would rather fall with the kingdom then see it destroyed and retain their life.

A king having their kingdom stripped from them was a fate similar to tying up the wings of a bird. No matter how much they are bound to the ground they will always dream of flying. It could even haunt them until they died while mourning what they so deeply dreamed to obtain.

Prince Leo asked her carefully, "Your majesty, if you do not want to be involved in the war why are you meeting with us like this? You knew we were coming so you could have just avoided us."

"I was simply curious and trying to survive. I can not break my vow as a dragon!" Sylica said once again that she would not break her vow to fight in the mortal war. How could she give up on the last part of her that was true to who she was as a dragon? She no longer had a kingdom, a home, a family, all she had left was the fact that she had not broken her vow to aid in the war between the mortal races.