
Reincarnated as a Companion Wolf

Vorbuk was once human... One day he opened his eyes in a new world as a companion beast and found himself struggling to adapt to a new world. Not wanting to become a companion to another he set off only to find himself becoming friends with the crown prince, Leo, and others. Can he protect those important to him from the threats that await him on this continent? He must grow fast if he wants to take on the evil god that's lurking with intent to destroy the continent. Traversing the 12 kingdoms they meet all sorts of beings such as elves, demons, gods, werewolves, vampires, and many more beings. I also have a webtoon version of this series being worked on. You can read it at webtoon.

VonirComics · Fantasía
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358 Chs

Chapter 119

The crystal tiger roared out in a fury of pain and anger. The fur of the beast singed from the flames as it tried to evade Ashley's scythe. As the blade slashed downward leaving a gash on the shoulder of the beast.

Retaliating against Ashley the beast swiped its claws forward. Colliding against the blade of the scythe with a loud clang. The flames burned wildly as they struggled against the effects of the tiger crystalizing against the blade. Crackling sounds could be heard as crystals tried to form against the blade. As the crystals tried to blend into Ashley's blood weapon their color faded to black and shattered in the flames.

Vorbuk took the chance to rush the tiger from the side. However the beast could feel his approach. A wave of light broke out beneath its body as a small wall of crystals burst forth from the ground in a line of defense.

Leaping as hard as he could Vorbuk jumped over the crystalized wall. Landing on top of the tiger with a thud. Beneath his body he could feel the tiger trying to knock him off. He struggled to use his own mana to fight back against the tiger's. Crystals were trying to form their way up his paws from being too close to the beast. While struggling against the crystals trying to form on him he bit down on the back of the tiger's neck. His sharp fangs sinking their way into the beast from above.

While the beast struggled against the grasp Vorbuk had on it the others rushed forward. Daryl and Leo flanked the beast from the sides as Ashley used his scythe from the front. Any time the tiger would lash out a blast of crystal Bredret would jump forward in order to tank the attack to protect the others. It was almost beginning to feel natural for him to help protect the others.

[ WARNING! Mana is currently unstable! ]


The signs continued to play out in Vorbuk's mind as god's voice called out to him. The more his mana struggled to fight back against the crystals forming on his body he could feel that something was wrong. It was as if time had slowed down around him.

"Vorbuk?" Leo called out to him during the fight. The prince could not avoid taking notice that something seemed off about the way the wolf was acting. Regardless of how much Vorbuk forced himself to keep a tight grasp on the tiger there was still a hesitation in the wolf's reactions.


Vorbuk hit the ground hard on his side as he was thrown from the crystal tiger. Crystal was being tossed in all directions as the beast violently shook its body. Taking in the feeling of it no longer struggling to rid itself of Vorbuk's grasp. The sounds of crystal clanging against their weapons filled the air briefly.

There was not enough time for Vorbuk to react to the beast's approach. Before he had time to contemplate a move he could feel a chill throughout his body. Amongst the rain from above a soft black fog began to pour from Vorbuk's body. His mana was beginning to loose control of itself.

No matter how hard he struggled to keep control over his own mana, Vorbuk could not. It felt as if dozens of frozen needles were coursing throughout his body. A chill that he could not shake himself free of had taken hold of his body. His eyes glowed red as he tried to bear his way through the chilling pain.

The beast that was once approaching could sense something wrong in the wolf that it was closing in on. Feeling uncomfortable it began to slow its pace until it came to a halt. Remaining a bit of a distance from the wolf as it struggled to fend off the attacks from the others weapons.

"Vorbuk!" "Master!"

Vorbuk could hear the others calling out for him as they all caught sight of the situation.

His entire body began to shake as black shadows shot from his body one after another. Scattering and dissipating from sight the further away they got. A black fog hovered around Vorbuk as he growled out in pain. Everything ached from head to toe.

"Vorbuk!" Someone's voice could be heard calling out to him but everything felt hazy. Their voice could not reach him.

"Somethings wrong with the mutt!" Bredret shouted at Daryl who was busy blocking a swipe from the paw of the crystal tiger. "His mana is going hay wire, prepare yourself for impact!"

Being sensitive to mana Bredret could feel the change in Vorbuk. Pulling Daryl out of the way just in time before a stray blast of dark mana impacted the ground where Daryl had been standing mere seconds ago. There was no escaping the wave of imbalanced mana that was escaping from Vorbuk's body.

Vorbuk could feel his consciousness leaving as a wave of mana burst forth from his body. Colliding with the side of the mountain. His body falling downwards as the ground beneath him began to crumble and fall downwards.

"Vorbuk!" Leo called out at the sight of the wolf falling. Though his focus could only be a short moment as everyone struggled to keep their footing.

The ground was collapsing all around as everyone had no time to spare. They could not escape the fall as the side of the mountain they had been trailing up crumbled.

Pshhh! Pssh!

One after another they fell into the river below and fought their way to stay afloat for air.

The crown prince, Leo, gasped for air as he swam towards the wolf. Struggling to help Vorbuk remain afloat. In the distance he could hear the sounds of the crystal tiger but there was no time to waste thinking about the beast. It would probably chase after them but unless they got out of the river he was worried about what would become of them before that.

What had made the wolf's mana loose control? The prince wondered as he made his way towards land while trying to keep Vorbuk above the water with him. In the distance he could see the others doing their best to make it to land as well.

By the time he made it to shore his body was exhausted to the point he was shaking. Everyone was already making their way down towards him because he had been the last one to make it back on land.

"We should find somewhere to make a fire and dry ourselves before we go any further." Daryl suggested while watching Leo check Vorbuk's condition. He was worried about the wolf as well, but he knew they could not remain soaked in the cold water from the river. It would only cause their conditions to worsen.

"I will scout the area." Ashley was the first to declare himself to search the area. It was not because he wanted to take orders given from another. The only thing he could think of was making sure his master was properly taken care of. With his masters health in consideration he did not want to rely on others to do the job. With that in mind Ashley could only turn and scout the area personally.