
Regnum Deorum

In a world created by a primordial being, four divine gods - Galadriel, Thokkra, Solariel, and Creatrix - are tasked with shaping the world and breathing life into it. However, their differing beliefs and visions lead to a millennium-long stalemate, resulting in a grand experiment: each god will create their own race, and the most advanced and superior race will inherit the world, while the others will face extinction. The stage is set for an epic war between the four races, with the fate of the world hanging in the balance.

Mahlatse_Phalane · Militar
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21 Chs

01 - Love and Conflict in Ledya

The story begins with a date, a date that would redefine our reality and understanding of magic.

 After gathering to courage to ask her out, Kael and Mickey's date was off to a fantastic start. They arrived at the trendy rooftop restaurant, and Mickey couldn't help but gasp at the breath-taking view of the city skyline. 

Kael, looking out over the cityscape; "Ledya has changed so much since we were kids, Mickey. Remember when we used to sneak into the old library and read forbidden tomes by candlelight?" Mickey smiled and replied. "How can I forget? You were always the one with wild ideas. 

Like that time, you convinced me to climb the bell tower just to see the sunrise. We were terrified, but it was magical." "Magic is still here, you know. In the way the cobblestones whisper secrets, and the stars above watch over us. Maybe it's not spells and potions, but it is something." 

He leaned closer. Her eyes shone like stars in night sky, their sparkle intensified by the reflection. The breeze caressed her face, rustling her silky hair, which she gently tucked aside. Kael smiled, feeling proud to have chosen such a great spot. 

 Mickey said softly, "Yeah, maybe it is fate. Bringing us back together after all these years. Kael, do you ever think what might have been if we stayed in touch?" 

 Kael traced patterns on the table, "I do. But maybe we needed this time apart. To grow, to find ourselves. And now, here we are – two old friends, sitting at the highest restaurant in Ledya, sharing stories and stolen glances. "It feels right, doesn't it? Like the universe conspired to bring us together. Maybe it's not the fate. Maybe it is just us, choosing each other." 

She reached for Kael's hand. Kael squeezed her hand. "Maybe. But let us not dwell on the past. Let's make new memories, right here, and right now." 

 As they waited for their food to arrive, they took a stroll around the rooftop, enjoying the music and sights. Kael held Mickey's hand, pointing out constellations in the sky. Mickey felt the warmth of Kael's hand and his hand was bigger than hers as hers fit perfectly into his. And in that moment, as the city lights danced with them, Kael and Micky found something more precious than any ancient tome –a second chance at love. 

 The restaurant enveloped Kael and Mickey in a warm embrace. Its walls, adorned with faded murals of Ledya's history, whispered tales of love and loss. The shadow of the sleeping sun filtered through the roof. The aroma of freshly ground coffee mingled with the soft notes of a violin, played by an old man in the corner. 

And as Kael and Mickey leaned closer, their laughter echoing, the roof held its secrets close, promising more than just cuisine –it offered a heaven for hearts seeking connection. The night was young, and the chemistry between them was palpable. 

They both knew this was a date to remember... As Kael and Mickey's laughter echoed through the rooftop restaurant, the stars above twinkling in harmony, the shadows in the city below hid secrets and dangers that would soon shatter the tranquility of their night.

In the centre of Tellus, in a heavenly guarded underground bunker, Supreme Commander Harold Enfer stood at the podium, addressing the room full of high-ranking officials. Tellus, the land of ancient wisdom. 

A land belonging to humans was at the brink of war. The respective leaders of this continent gathered and formed a single military power to defend themselves against any and all foes, domestic and foreign. 

The military is known throughout the land by three letters; A.N.T which means Allied Nations of Tellus. The A.N.T exist to fight on the human side during the upcoming war against other races of the world. 

With that said, there are humans who chose to stand against their kind in order to gain more power and rule. In Tellus, only the strongest were titled 'Commanders' and they are led by the Supreme Commander, he who is stronger than them all. 

Here, inheritance means nothing, only your strength is noticed and valued. The mischievous group that is giving the military problems is referred to as the 'Dark Saints'. The group is scattered around the continent, and they have spies and allies around the land. 

They practice in heinous methods in order to obtain power, from kidnapping to human experiments. Their actions caught the military's attention and before one takes on the world, they must first clean their own yard. 

 Supreme Commander Harold gestured to a map of the continent, pointing to key locations. "We have reasons to believe that the Dark Saints will be making their move from the city of Ledya. They have mobilized their troops, and they are preparing for a large-scale attack." 

 They have been an underground organization for years; we were lucky when we caught one. Why are they attacking now? 

 As he spoke, he commanded attention, the silence was deafening. 

 Kael and Mickey's date unfolded in Ledya, unaware of the danger lurking ahead. 

 "Additionally, the Intelligence Unit believe that the Dark Saints have infiltrated our army with spies. It merely adds to why they were able to hide for this long and remain a step ahead of us."

 Noelle V. Silverstone's brow furrowed. "How far-reaching is the corruption?" 

 Harold's face darkened. "We are not sure yet, but we need to root out these spies before it is too late, though their identities remain unknown. We are humanity's vanguard, destined to shape the future as the history books foretell. We cannot afford to have our plans compromised."

 Harold's presence was imposing, his broad shoulders squaring as he addressed the room. His voice resonated, a clear demonstration of his strength and authority. He then sat down on his high seat, inviting the commanders to propose strategies to tackle the spy threat and eradicate the Dark Saints. 

 As the weight of the Supreme Commander's words settled upon the room, the fate of Tellus hung in the balance. Amidst the tension and strategic discussions in the underground bunker, Kael and Mickey sat across from each other in Ledya. 

The restaurant's glasses framed a view of rain-slicked cobblestone streets, where lamplights flickered like distant stars. The soft glow illuminated Mickey's face, casting shadows that danced across her features.

Kael stirred his coffee absentmindedly, his gaze fixed on the stars tracing intricate patterns. 

 The sun wasn't completely down but the stars that were already out lured him in. 

 Mickey leaned forward, her eyes crinkling at the corners as she studied him. "You seem lost in thought," she said, her high-pitched voice that cut through the restaurant's hushed conversations. 

 Kael smiled, his fingers tracing trim the rim of his cup. "Just contemplating the chaos beyond these walls. Growing up we were taught that in ten years from today, a war shalt break out and we might be extinct. Yet here we are, sipping coffee as if it is an ordinary evening." 

 The alluring stars that caught Kael's eyes were quickly fading as the clouds approached from the direction of the resting sun, darkening the city even more. 

 Mickey chuckled. "Are you really going to bring up the army again? Last you did that; we fought and didn't speak to each other for years. I thought that tonight was about us. Those stories were lies, just like the people who told them." 

 Kael tilted his head, studying her. "Okay, after all these years, what do you find joy in, Mickey?"

 Her gaze held his, unwavering. "In the way your eyes light up when you talk about ancient texts," she confessed. "In the warmth of this restaurant, where time slows down and the storm above becomes a distant memory." 

 Kael's heart fluttered. He had always been guarded, but something about Mickey's presence made his walls crumble. 

 "And you?" she asked. "What brings you joy?" 

 He leaned even closer, his breath brushing against her cheek. "Moments like this," he murmured. "When the world fades away and it's just you and me." 

 Outside, thunder rumbled, but inside the restaurant, their laughter covered the room. They were two souls seeking refuge –a commander and a rebel, worlds apart yet drawn together by fate. It wasn't long before the heavens were completely covered by dark clouds, the storm had arrived. 

As the storm intensified, Kael wondered if Mickey held secrets of her own. Perhaps they were both spies in delicate dance, navigating treacherous waters. But for now, they clung to each other, finding solace in stolen moments and whispered promises. 

 And so, in the heart of Ledya, amidst the shadows and uncertainty, their love bloomed –a fragile flower sheltered from the tempest, its petals unfurling a defiance of fate. 

 The rooftop restaurant was covered by glass at on top of it, caging its people but allowing them to enjoy the view from above. The rain intensified, drumming against the restaurant's windowpane. 

Kael traced the rim of his coffee cup, lost in the warmth of Mickey's gaze. His golden-brown eyes held secrets –perhaps as many as the ancient texts he cherished. 

 "You know," Mickey said, leaning back in her chair, "there is something special about storms. They reveal hidden truths, don't you think?" 

 Kael raised an eyebrow. "Hidden truths? Like what?" 

 She grinned, mischief dancing in her eyes. "Well, for instance, the way your fingers tremble when you are passionate about something. Or how your laughter echoes like a forgotten melody."

He blushed, caught off-guard. "You are observant." "Only because you intrigue me," she replied. "Tell me, Kael, what keeps you awake at night? What secrets do you guard?" 

 He hesitated, then leaned closer. "The A.N.Ts", he confessed. "I was thinking of joining them, but I had to see you before making the biggest decision of my life. You are my reason to live after all."

 Mickey's expression shifted. "Is that so?" 

 Kael nodded. "Yes, for the last three years, you have been the only thing that was on my mind. My heart ached for you, and I don't know how many times I pictured this moment." 

 "Then stay here with me if that is the truth." Mickey's blue eyes became colder and colder by the second. This was normal for people who had ice magic. "You cannot tell me that you haven't seen how crazy I am about you." 

 Kael smiled. "I am glad that you feel the same way I do about you, and I am glad that we did this. My mind is free of doubt and ready to start afresh with you. I love you, Mickey Winther."

 Mickey has been waiting for Kael to say these three words, her ears rang and turned red as she blushed. 

"I would be happy to start a life with you, Kael." They leaned close to each other with their foreheads bumping and then they kissed. 

 At that exact moment, there was light in the sky as if fireworks were planned for this precise moment. The light reflected in the restaurant, grabbing everyone's attention. It took time for the couple to notice. 

"Would you look at that", said Kael. 

 Deafening silence was followed by an explosion... 

It took time but I did it, next chapter will be epic. I yarn to redefine our reality and understanding of the myths... Join me on this journey. Will love swallow the shadows? Will it?!

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